200 mm radiators - destination


Indeed, why such a small radiator is needed? It falls under the definition - low, but it will not affect the quality of heating provided that the number of radiators is correctly calculated. It is applied, as a rule, in special rooms or conditions.

Manufacturers do not calm down in the invention of new products, and today to the standard three or four types of materials added a few more. There were modifications. In this we have to understand, we begin.

Compact designs for full heating.

The main purpose

The small size of the radiators were originally designed for low sills, or the lack of them, hence the mission:

  • Heated passages, halls, office space, studios with high windows;
  • Heating of winter gardens, greenhouses and other similar closed structures, in which there is no need to create a temperature of comfort, but it is necessary to maintain a positive temperature for the wintering of thermophilic and exotic plants;
  • The following purpose causes many justified disputes among specialists and is indicated by us solely for the purpose of informing: for warming cold exterior and weeping walls.

Note! Low batteries are therefore little demanded because they have low heat emission. The price of these products is quite high + installation of all equipment, hiding pipes and other events will cost a lot of money.

When calculating, it turns out that external insulation of such a wall can be cheaper than installing equipment, periodically replacing fittings, the batteries themselves, and paying for heat. The only justification for being in demand is to be placed in a house where outdoor insulation is prohibited - the house is an architectural monument.

Products, of course, can be hidden in a niche, but this is not desirable.

To talk about the types.

Heating radiators with a height of 200 mm can be:

  • Aluminum;
  • Bimetallic;
  • Cast iron;
  • Steel - tubular and panel;
  • Copper-aluminum.


Photo of an aluminum radiator.

The aluminum radiator of 200 mm possesses a set of qualities which will allow to allocate it among relatives

pros Minuses
  • Light metal;
  • Small volume of circulating heater;
  • The rapid heating of the element, the rapid release of heat;
  • Excellent "gets along" with zinc.
  • Too soft and chemically active;
  • Oxygen and salts can cause significant damage to the material;
  • He does not like bronze, brass, copper (the market abounds with such fittings).

  Note! These heaters are not recommended to be installed in homes, especially if the boiler is solid, where the heating temperature of the coolant is very difficult to regulate.

Bimetals - a sign of solidity

Even outwardly you can not distinguish the material of products.

As well as any radiator of heating - 200 mm - the analog made on such technology is considered reliable and checked by time. It also has a number of features worth mentioning.

pros disadvantages
  • Compatible with all metals and alloys;
  • Heats up quickly and gives off heat quickly;
  • Withstands high pressure, the design does not break;
  • Applicable in combination with temperature sensors, which allows you to create a selected temperature in the room and maintain it;
  • The bimetallic radiator of 200 mm at cost will be higher than many analogs;
  • Narrow collectors, which provide significant strength to the whole structure, are often clogged with salts and suspensions, this requires additional cleaning.

Our help! Although it is believed that these radiators were designed for systems in high-rise buildings, they also showed themselves perfectly in private houses.

Cast iron is a product of history

Low heating radiators 200 mm in height resemble the very “accordion”, but it is difficult to “unfurl the fur” in small sizes, therefore they are made in design variants.

The new-old product has a number of features that have features in some cases with a plus sign, in others with a minus:

  • The thick-walled cast iron therefore heats up and cools down slowly. You want to heat the room quickly, nothing will work out for you, but it will also smooth out the temperature surges at the expense of the heat release rate;
  • Such radiators - tanks with liquid, in order to pump it, powerful pumps are required, but if there is a natural circulation of water, there is nothing bad here.

Attention! You can safely use these batteries anywhere: at home, in country cottages, etc. The main thing is to carry out timely cleaning, and the products will work for a long time.

Steel in heating

Steel products.

These radiators are perfectly adapted to private cottages and small houses. In terms of price-quality ratio, they are the best today for small closed heating systems.

And although the advantages and compatibility have become known to everyone, let's talk about the disadvantages:

  • Heating radiator 200 mm of steel is prone to corrosion, which, although it will visit him in 20 years, but what to be, can not be avoided;
  • The circulation system of the heater must be exclusively closed.

Copper and aluminum in one

Combinations of materials are also found.

Although it is believed that these materials are not very compatible with each other, the developers have undertaken a workaround by building hybrids from a copper tube and aluminum plates. At the same time, copper takes on the aggression of hot water, pressure, and aluminum quickly heats up and quickly gives off heat.

But here there are some nuances.

Radiators with a height of 200 mm, of course, will work and have the stated advantages, but:

  • Although copper can withstand more household pressure, this material is soft and vulnerable before being suspended in water; it is erased;
  • Solder, which are connected to copper and aluminum, does not tolerate sharp increases in temperature, leaks are possible;
  • Copper refers to materials that perfectly convey sounds. If you are a “happy” owner of a domestic hybrid, be prepared for the peculiar rustles and sounds in the radiators, this is normal.

Note! These radiators feel great with pipes made of metal polymers and boilers, where automatic regulation of the heating parameters takes place.


All radiators belonging to the category of low - light, easy to mount with their own hands. A typical installation instruction is no different from a similar installation for radiators of other sizes. The video in this article is ready to show you these products in a working setting.