Heat dissipation of aluminum radiators: calculation by area,


When replacing elements of the heating system, as well as when installing new communications, there is a question of choosing a specific option and carrying out competent design work so that the room temperature is maintained at a comfortable temperature in any weather conditions outside.

In this article we will look at one of the most effective options today - aluminum radiators, which have a number of advantages and are highly efficient.

In the photo: aluminum is great for the manufacture of radiators and allows you to create various designs

Main advantages and disadvantages of aluminum products

First of all, you should consider the main features of the type of structures under consideration, so that you yourself will be convinced of its reliability and efficiency. The main advantages can be considered the following factors:

High power Heat output of one section of aluminum radiator is much higher than that of cast iron or steel due to the fact that the power of aluminum products (that is, their ability to transfer a certain amount of heat per unit of time) is very high
Large surface elements The larger the area of ​​the heat transmitting structure, the more efficiently it functions and the more efficiently the energy is consumed. Every year, manufacturers are developing new, more and more efficient designs, which makes it possible to further increase efficiency.
Wide range of sizes You will be able to choose the optimal solution for almost any room; a wide variety of options are available, each of which has its own characteristics.
Low thermal inertia Due to this feature, radiators begin to transfer heat to the room very quickly, which reduces energy costs, because you do not need to warm up the metal for a long time to reach its normal operating performance.
Attractive appearance Modern aluminum radiators are not only highly efficient, but also look great, you can choose the best solution for any interior.
Easy installation If there is a minimum set of tools, you can install radiators with your own hands, the instructions for carrying out the work are no different from other options, and the low weight only simplifies installation

Note! Another big plus can be considered the factor that the elements are sold in a completely finished form and do not need to be painted. The coating is usually very durable and maintains reliability and integrity for decades.

Products made by Italian manufacturers are especially attractive.

Overview of some calculation options

There are many ways with which you can make calculation work, we will consider those that can be done without special education and professional calculation programs.

The simplest option

This solution will suit you, if you have a floor plan, the works are quite simple:

  • According to the drawings, determine the area of ​​each of the premises and mark in a list.
  • Next, you need to divide the numbers by a factor of 1.8. The result will be the required number of sections. Of course, this option is far from ideal and does not differ in accuracy, but indicative data can be calculated.
This method is not very good for aluminum radiators, as they differ in their performance depending on the size.

By area

The easiest and widespread option, which can say the following:

The larger the room, the more radiator sections are needed to heat it.
  • The method is only suitable for rooms with a standard height, which can vary in the range from 240 to 280 cm, for higher rooms you need to choose another version of the calculations, since this system will not provide accurate data.
  • First of all, it is necessary to measure the width and length of the room, after which it will not be difficult to calculate its area.
  • According to building standards, one watt of square meters should be 100 watts of the power of the heating element, that is, for heating 10 meters2 1 kW of heat energy is required.
The heat output of the aluminum radiator section may vary depending on the size and configuration, this table will simplify the calculation

By volume

This method allows for more accurate calculations, its implementation is also not very difficult:

  • In addition to parameters such as length and width, you will need another value - height, you need to multiply all three numbers, and you will receive the volume of the room in cubic meters.
  • According to the norms of SNiP for one cubic meter of air in the room should be 0, 41 watts of thermal energy. That is, you need to multiply the volume by 0.41 - the result will be a more accurate reflection of the actual need of the room for heating.
  • This option is suitable for premises with the correct configuration, if there are protrusions and niches, then their volume must be calculated separately and added to the volume of the main area.
High ceilings not only add space, but also significantly increase the required number of sections in the radiator

Use of tables

Each manufacturer has a table of heat transfer from aluminum radiators for heating, according to which one can easily determine the power of a particular model. And in the norms of SNiP there are special tables by which it is possible to calculate the number of elements depending on their power. This is a very convenient way to carry out work that allows you to get fairly accurate and correct results.

The heat transfer table of aluminum radiators shows their characteristics at a certain temperature of the coolant, if the figures are lower, then the values ​​will change down

It is especially convenient to use ready-made information in rooms with high ceilings, since there the numbers of heat losses noticeably increase, the table below shows how many sections of a certain power will be required for a certain height of the ceilings in the room.

This table is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the SNiP and will help to easily carry out the calculation for high rooms.

Additional factors to consider

The results do not take into account all the features of the room.

Therefore, correction factors should be used, here are the most important and significant ones:

  • When using PVC windows, the result does not need to be increased., moreover, it can be reduced by 10%.
  • If the walls are insulated qualitatively, then you do not need to edit the result., but if this is not done very well, then the amendment may be from 10 to 40%.
  • Each window opening requires adding 5% to the required power of the heating system..
  • If the room has two external walls, then its heating will take much more heat energy., therefore, a factor of 1.3 should be used.
  • The location of the radiator is of paramount importance., since its heat transfer depends on it, the diagram below clearly shows how the heating efficiency varies depending on the installation option.
This diagram will tell you how to change the results depending on how the radiators are located.

Tip! We recommend not to save on weatherization and installation of high-quality window and door blocks, this will significantly reduce heat loss.

Remember that high-quality radiators are always worth a lot, the price of a good aluminum product is quite high.


The use of aluminum elements reduces the number of sections in the room, since their heat transfer is much higher than that of cast iron and steel. The video in this article will tell about some important features of the issue under consideration and will help to understand the topic more thoroughly.