How to choose a radiator


Construction of a house or its overhaul provides for the mandatory installation of modern radiators. Since their heat output depends on the heat in the room, it is important to know how to choose radiators.

Factors that may affect the choice

Factors that may affect the choice

Very often, the initial opinion about a particular type of battery is formed depending on its appearance. And this is not surprising, because the radiator is not only a heating but also a decorative piece of furniture. However, several other selection criteria are more important:

  • Pressure parameters in the heating system at home. This is a very important indicator that you need to consider when you buy batteries, because the slightest discrepancy between the parameters can lead to undesirable consequences.
  • The temperature of the energy source in the system.
  • The material from which the device is made.

Each type of battery has its advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you can easily decide which batteries are best to buy.

Types of radiators

Types of radiators

  1. Cast iron sectional radiators. In the recent past - the most common type of battery. To date, they still firmly occupy their niche among the variety of heating devices. Pig-iron radiators perfectly approach to any kinds of energy carriers. The term of operation is very long. Cast iron radiators heat the room well and evenly, no matter what heat carrier is used. However, for all, it would seem, the pros should not forget about the shortcomings. Pig-iron radiators weigh a lot, and their installation is a very laborious exercise, requiring not only knowledge, but also physical strength, as well as specially reinforced fasteners. These batteries need to be painted periodically. Another disadvantage is the often accumulated air in the radiator sections. This leads to uneven heating of the battery, which creates some inconvenience in use.
  2. Aluminum radiators. Compared with a cast iron battery, the weight of the aluminum radiator is much lower. They are easier to install, and the design of aluminum appliances is more modern, so they can be an excellent complement to the style of the room. Aluminum radiators have good heat dissipation and thermal conductivity. However, there are also drawbacks to such batteries. The main disadvantage is high sensitivity to sudden pressure surges in the system and chemical composition of the energy carrier. With an increased content of acidic components in water, aluminum radiators quickly fail.
  3. Bimetallic radiators. They are characterized by modern design, but the main feature of such radiators is a special type of internal coating that provides increased strength and durability. Bimetallic radiators well maintain high rates of pressure in the system. Due to the unique production technology, bimetallic structures withstand the heating temperature of the coolant up to 110 ° C. The inner coating of steel prevents the rapid development of corrosive processes, which significantly increases the service life of the product. The main disadvantage of bimetallic radiators, many consider their price. But this is a controversial opinion. After all, the high price justifies itself by excellent indicators of quality, strength and durability. And if we take into account that the costs of repair, replacement of less durable radiators are minimized, then savings and benefits become obvious.

As a rule, bimetallic, cast iron and aluminum radiators are best suited for an apartment, in the heating system of which there is a high working pressure and not very good water quality.

Metal radiator

Choosing radiators for heating a private house is better to pay attention to the steel panel radiators. They are vertical elements of steel, combined into a single system horizontal manifold. Radiators are highly resistant to corrosion. Some manufacturers in order to improve the quality of the battery cover with special heat-resistant enamel. This type of radiator is designed for relatively low pressure in the heating system. The temperature of the energy carrier can reach 125 ° C.

The advantage of the steel radiator is that it heats the room faster. Even a slight heating of the battery provides high heat dissipation and minimal heating costs.


When choosing a radiator, regardless of where it will be installed - in a private house or apartment - it is important to correctly determine the power of the heater. Power performance may be affected by:

  • materials of which the house is built (wood, blocks, brick);
  • the number of floors of the building;
  • the number of external exits (doors, windows).

As practice shows, to warm 1m? premises to a comfortable temperature requires a radiator with a power of at least 100-120 watts.

Maybe you will be interested to learn more information:

  • Features of bimetallic radiators
  • Features of the steel radiator
  • Features aluminum radiator


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A photo

From the provided photos, you can get acquainted with unique and design radiators of heating:

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Long radiator

Overall batteries

Horizontal Tubular Battery

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Stainless steel radiator

Radiator picture

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