How to choose an infrared heater
A few years ago, few people knew about infrared heaters in our country. Now they are widely used not only for heating industrial premises (workshops, shops, offices), but also in everyday life. Mobile models are very helpful for those entrepreneurs who rent offices without heating and do not want to spend money on it. In the article we will talk about how to choose an infrared heater to give, what to look for.
Principle of operation

According to the principle of heating, appliances are divided into direct and indirect heaters. The first heat objects inside the premises (objects, walls, floor, ceiling, living beings). From the heated objects warms the air in the room. The second warms the air, which gives warmth to all around. Most heaters work on the second option, only infrared heaters implement the first principle of heating.
Infrared heaters point-heat those objects or living beings (people), which are directed by infrared radiation. Therefore, immediately after switching on the device, the person feels the invigorating warmth.
Design features

Trading networks offer the consumer a wide variety of infrared heaters. In order not to get lost and choose a high-quality, durable device you should know how to choose an infrared heater correctly. To do this, consider its design. The main components of any device are the radiator (heating element) and the reflector, which directs the wave flow.
Emitters are divided into:
- by the type of heating element - halogen, carbon, ceramic and tubular;
- wavelength - long, medium and short wavelengths;
- energy source - electricity, diesel fuel, gas;
- in the form of execution - stationary, which are mounted in the right place and portable, installed in any place.
From these parameters depends on their heating temperature, scope, effects on the human body.
Halogen emitter

It is a halogen lamp that produces infrared radiation using an incandescent filament of tungsten or carbon fiber inside it. Because of this, it emits a golden light. It can sometimes irritate the eyes. Short waves that are emitted in this case, according to scientists, have a harmful effect on humans. This lamp has a small power. Due to the harmful effects, it is highly undesirable to purchase such heaters. And if bought, then they should be used for a very short time.
Carbon emitter

It is a quartz tube with a carbon spiral mounted inside and surrounded by a vacuum. Due to this design, rapid heating occurs and the beneficial effect increases (when compared with the heating of a metal plate). The main disadvantage of such a radiator is its fragility (service life of up to two years), energy consumption, consumes about 2 kW, and a reddish glow, which is not good for the eyes. There are restrictions on use for people with allergies and asthma. Devices with such a radiator are recommended for short-term use.
Ceramic emitter

It is called so because the spiral is protected by ceramics. It has no luminescence, is durable (it lasts more than three years), it is economical (the range of electricity consumption is from 50 to 2000 W), the heating and cooling time is long. The main disadvantage is the high price. Heaters with this element can be used for a long time.
Tubular radiator

Another name is the mikutermic element. Structurally, it is similar to ceramic. Costs more. Designed for long-term use, including in everyday life. At cost the most expensive of all types of emitters. Due to the difference in thermal expansion of the metal spiral and the aluminum reflector, it may crackle a little. The reflector is made, as a rule, from aluminum. The body is made of metal.
The dependence of the wavelength on the temperature output and the scope can be summarized in the table:

How to choose

Like any heating device, an infrared heater is selected based on the heating area. According to the existing standards, 1 kW heats 10 m2. But it should take into account the height of the ceilings and do not forget that there is heat loss. Therefore, for well-insulated premises and with ceilings up to 3 m, you can use this ratio. In other conditions, this rate should be increased by 20%. For accuracy, it is better to do the calculation.
If you have decided on the type of radiator, you know for which room you are buying a heater, then your chosen model should be meticulously inspected. First of all, the design should inspire confidence, in appearance it should be powerful, not fragile. You can try to look into possible gaps to make sure there is no rust. Special attention should be paid to the insulator, which protects the case from overheating. Ideal option when material of an insulator is allowed for use in the food industry.
If you decide to heat your home with an infrared heater, then a wall or ceiling modification will be suitable for your home. In the presence of children in the family, it is wiser to buy a heater model that is mounted on the ceiling. If you choose a wall heater, then it should be fixed at a height inaccessible to children.
A portable model is more suitable for an apartment, as there is already centralized heating and the appliance will be used as additional heating.
The remaining principles of choosing an infrared heater depend on its characteristics, which are described above.
Additional factors

Say about these devices, which is definitely not better. Each modification has its advantages and disadvantages. An additional guarantee may be the fame of the manufacturer, the country of manufacture, the cost of the device, the thickness of the cable, the thickness of the emitter foil (standard 120 units), the thickness of the anodizing layer (25 microns are allowed). If the heater is supposed to be used in a room with high humidity, then inquire about its degree of protection against moisture.
It is better to give preference to a model that has a remote control panel and that turns off when dropped (portable units), protected from overheating and has a thermostat.
In favor of infrared heaters and says that they are environmentally friendly, do not burn oxygen, do not dust, do not stink. They are easy to install, versatile, save energy. When used reasonably, they are safe for health.
Video: which infrared heater is better
From this video you can find out what the difference between different heaters is, and what are their advantages and disadvantages: