How to drain water from a termeks water heater
A modern man, no matter where he lives in a village or city, wants to surround himself with amenities. One of the indicators of comfort living - the presence of hot water. Its centralized supply is not possible everywhere, so electric water heaters are very popular. For their work requires the availability of electricity and cold water supply. Termeks water heaters are widely distributed and often found on sale. Such devices of a cylindrical and flat form are produced. In this article we will look at how to drain the water from the Termeks water heater, since such a need sometimes arises.
Electric heater design
In terms of their design, boilers of this brand are almost the same as other devices. They consist of a storage tank, which is located in a heat-insulated casing. Inside the tank at a small height "comes in" cold water supply. From the tank goes tube supplying heated water. It is much longer than the supply pipe and carries the fence at the top of the tank. Since cold water enters the tank automatically and in the same amount as consumed hot water, such an arrangement of pipes allows you to use the most hot water and at the same time have time to heat it again. Heating is carried out by heating elements.
The design of the water heating system includes an anode. To maintain the desired water temperature, automatic control is used. Flat water heaters can be equipped with a third pipe, which is used to drain water from the boiler (mostly horizontal models).
Situations in which water is required to drain
Long and trouble-free operation of the device depends largely on the correctness of its operation. Recall that the boiler must always be filled with water, since the material from which the tank is made is metal. In contact with air, it will rust. Water hinders this process. But there are situations when it is simply necessary to drain. According to the instructions on the use of such a device, it is periodically necessary to do a routine inspection and cleaning of accumulated dirt. Water heaters are often installed in the country or in other areas that may freeze. In these cases, the owner has to drain the water from the appliance. Due to cost savings, more and more people prefer to perform this procedure on their own.
How to do it right
The procedure for draining water is simple. In the presence of a wrench and a pair of open-end wrenches, it is possible to accomplish this task without outside help.
The water from the boiler will not flow out until air enters it, therefore it is necessary to ensure its access inside the device. The sequence of actions varies depending on the wiring diagram. Some owners of water heaters save on valves (valves). This does not affect the operation of the device, but creates difficulties when draining water. In this case, you can act as follows:
- De-energize the device - unplug the power cord.
- Shut off the cold water supply to the apartment / house.
- To discharge hot water from the system, you need to open any such faucet. After the water flows through the tap, air will flow into the boiler.
- Since there is only a waste valve, then through it we will empty the water. If it is with a “flag” (a small lever on the side of the valve), then after connecting it to the “reset” tube, the tube is lifted and the water begins to drain.
The tube is taken, as a rule, of such length that it reaches the bathroom or toilet (if the boiler is installed in the bathroom), sink (if it is hanging in the kitchen). In other cases, poured into some kind of container. You can stop the discharge of water by lowering the "flag". In the absence of it, the valve is simply pressed out with hard wire or a drill of a suitable diameter and poured into a container prepared in advance. When the container is filled, the wire is removed, the flow of water stops. To increase air leaks and speed up the drainage process, use the keys to unscrew the union nut on the hot water pipe. The harder to unscrew, the water will flow faster.
After you finish draining the water, do not rush to remove the bowls. All the water still does not merge and when the boiler is depressurized, its remains along with the mud will flow out. This is where the basin will come in handy.
After completion of the work with the boiler, everything must be restored: screw the heating element, tighten the union nut, close the “dump house” and the mixer, open the cold water supply valve to the apartment / house.
If the boiler is installed correctly and there are shut-off, air intake and drain valves, then it is necessary to shut off the cold water supply. After draining the hot water through the mixer, the water from the boiler is drained using an open air intake and a drain valve to which we attach the hose. Water is drained either into the central sewage system or into the tank. Watch the video that will help to do everything right.
The water in the boiler may be hot, so either let it cool to room temperature, or before it is turned off after turning off the heat, open the hot tap and wait until warm water comes out of it.
If you have any questions on the topic or you yourself can give some more practical advice to readers, be sure to write comments to the article. The site consultant will answer the questions, and your experience may be useful for people who have no experience in this matter.
Watching the video, you can not only drain the water from the water heater, but also repair it: