How to install the thermostat on the battery
Modern achievements in the field of rational use of thermal energy make it possible to make the indoor temperature comfortable and at the same time save the family budget. One of these devices is a thermostat, which is installed on the heating radiator. In this article we will explain how to install the thermostat on the battery.
What is a thermostat
The name itself - the thermostat - says that it is a device for temperature control. It is mechanical and does not work from electricity or other fuels, but due to physical laws.
Due to the expansion during heating and compression during cooling, there is a movement of the rod, which is connected to the overlapping element. And the working medium (liquid or gas), enclosed in a certain capacity, expands or contracts and moves the rod. Thanks to the special design, all parts of the thermostat interact, as a result of which the amount of coolant entering the battery increases and decreases depending on the air temperature in the room. In this way, the flow of coolant and the battery are regulated.How and where to mount the device
Since the operation of the thermostat depends on temperature fluctuations, it is most reasonable to install such a device next to the heating battery. It is screwed directly into the radiator nipple or very close. If the heating system is two-pipe, then simply remove the valve on the supply and instead install a thermostat. In the case of a one-pipe heating system, the device is also installed in the supply, but it is necessary to connect the supply and return with a jumper (bypass), install a valve on the bypass and the outlet from the battery. There are thermostats designed for a specific heating system: two-pipe or one-pipe.
How to install the thermostat on the battery depends on the efficiency of its work. Therefore, we consider in detail the procedure for its installation on the example of a two-pipe heating system:
- Shut off the flow of coolant and drain it from the system.
- Cut the pipe section in front of the battery. If there is a valve, then remove it.
- Depending on the material of the pipe, either we cut threads (metal) or we solder a coupling with an external thread (metal-plastic).
- Screw the device into the radiator nipple. For convenience, all the connections of the thermostat with the pipes are best done with the flare nuts. This allows in case of breakage of the device to remove it without cutting the heating pipes.
- Connect the thermostat with the heating system.
- If there is no valve at the outlet of the battery, then for convenience of its maintenance we mount it in the lower radiator cap.
The procedure for installing the thermostat in a single-pipe heating system is the same, except for the need to install a bypass line.
Instrument setup
Just installing a thermostat on a heating radiator is not enough for it to start saving your money and create a comfortable temperature. You need to know how to properly configure it to get the maximum effect. You should perform several simple manipulations:
- Close all doors and windows in the room. To eliminate all heat leaks as much as possible - plug gaps.
- Unscrew the thermostat head to the full, i.e. completely. This will allow you to know the maximum heat transfer of the battery.
- Install a thermometer six to eight meters from the radiator or in the middle of the room. The installation height of the thermometer is equal to half the height of the room.
- When according to the thermometer readings in the room warmer at 5-7 ° C, the thermostat is completely closed.
- Waiting until the thermometer shows the desired air temperature in the room, we begin to slowly open the thermostat. It lasts until the sound of water in the regulator. This means that the thermostat is configured.
- If there is no special scale on the thermostat, then the desired position can be fixed by drawing a dash with a marker. Now you can always adjust the thermostat effortlessly if the setting is lost. Most modern models are equipped with a special scale to adjust the temperature.
It is most advantageous to put savings devices on each battery and in private homes, since the heating system is small in length, clogged to a minimum. Adjustment of such heating will give the maximum effect, and it is easier to redo it if necessary. Such interventions will not disturb the heat balance and the operation of the entire system. In multi-storey buildings, especially those built a few decades ago, rework is fraught with the fact that there will be problems with heating among neighbors. In addition, a high degree of clogging of risers and radiators will not give the expected effect from the operation of the thermostat. Even if everything is changed in the apartment, in the rest of the house everything will remain the same.
In spite of the seeming simplicity of actions, it is better to invite the master to install thermostats. Not a single instruction, even very detailed, will replace the experience and skills of a specialist.
Watch the animated video, which clearly shows the principle of operation of the radiator thermostat:
This video describes the installation of Living Eco electronic thermostats: