How to paint the heating batteries yourself
Heating battery is an integral part of the interior of any dwelling. Sooner or later, it is inevitable that you have to decide how to paint them yourself, if you don’t want to pay specialists for services.
Coloring the radiator is the most acceptable option for a family that has decided to make repairs, while having a modest budget. Thanks to a simple neat painting of a cast-iron radiator, you can successfully complete the interior decoration. And if you “spice up” this process with skill and imagination, then the old battery will turn into a beautiful decorative ornament.
The procedure for preparing a cast iron battery for painting

If you paint an untreated surface, it will very quickly look unattractive (a freshly painted layer will not be able to hide irregularities and cracks for a long time), so it is imperative to carry out the preparatory work.

Determination of the volume and sequence of work, the degree of contamination and the solution of which paint is better to paint the battery, The amount of material needed and the purchase of tools are what you need to do at the very beginning.
Now you can proceed to remove the old coating. To do this, you will need a metal brush and chemical solvents.
If you purchase a special nozzle on the drill and fix a brush on it, then you can remove the old coating much faster.
Another good solution is a special cleaning agent that will not only destroy the layer of old paint, but also preserve the metal coating. When using a solvent, do not forget about safety!
You must first apply the washing fluid with a brush, and then cover the battery with a film. After an hour you can remove the paint.
When the preparatory work is completed, you should proceed to the degreasing of the battery area with white spirit or soda, as well as to the surface coating with an anti-corrosive primer.
If a new battery requires staining, it is still necessary to carry out the preparatory work. You must do the following:
- remove dirt and dust from the surface;
- sanding it with sandpaper;
- process with solvent.
Choosing paint

Means for painting radiators should provide reliable protection against corrosion, meet the requirements of heat resistance, do not flake off and retain the original shade for a long time. Thanks to the recommendations in this article you will learn how to properly implement the choice of paint.
If the painting had to be during the heating season and there is no possibility to turn off the heating, then you need to find a paint that can be applied on a hot surface. Otherwise, fast drying can cause unevenness and loss of color.
Types of paints:
- acrylic enamel has a beautiful gloss, but it is not peculiar to such quality as durability, and it also has a rather sharp smell;
- alkyd paint is distinguished by high strength, in addition, it evenly covers the surface to be painted, but it also has a peculiar odor, which often remains even after complete drying;
- water-dispersion emulsion is able to dry very quickly, but when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the type of metal being painted.
Choosing a color

As the most traditional color for the radiator, you can select white, but nothing prevents you from departing from the traditions and decorating the heater with the help of a beautiful and original shade. This may also require the appropriate range of colors used for interior decoration.
In pursuit of beauty, some seek to decorate the surface with the help of small drawings: leaves, flowers, Christmas trees, etc.
An old cast iron radiator can be painted in bronze or silver, and then polished. The result will be a vintage effect.
Children's room involves the design in the colors of the rainbow or in the form of a paling, on which there are butterflies, flowers or dragonflies.
Some useful tips:
- It is most convenient to paint the radiator with a paint brush and a small roller made of foam rubber. The brush will need to use when painting inaccessible places, and you can cover the facade with a roller. The reverse side of the battery may require a brush with a curved handle.
- In the beginning it is better to paint all hard-to-reach places, and then carry out a full coloring of the battery.
- More even staining can be achieved by applying two layers of paint.
- To avoid stains on painted areas, you need to paint the surface from top to bottom.

So, to paint the batteries, it is important to determine the desired color. In addition, it is important to observe safety precautions - work in gloves and air the room. If you adhere to the basic recommendations, you will be able to cope with painting the batteries yourself.
You do not have the ability or desire to replace the cast iron batteries? The appearance of old batteries leaves much to be desired? We offer you an alternative and fast solution to the restoration of the cast iron battery in the video: