Installation of heating radiators: how to fix the battery


Installing batteries in the arrangement of the heating system of an apartment or a private house is a rather expensive undertaking, since the price of the services of hired construction crews is quite high. Therefore, many perform the installation of radiators with their own hands.

There is nothing complicated about it. The entire sequence of actions is described in detail below.

Self-installing radiators will save money

Selection of docking with pipelines

Before you install a heating radiator in an apartment or a private house, you need to decide how hot water will be supplied to it and the heat carrier that has already given off heat will be discharged. The installation scheme of heating radiators depends on the method of arrangement of the heating network (one-pipe or two-pipe), the design of the batteries themselves and the number of sections in them.

Consider the main options:

  1. One-way connection to the side nozzles. This method of supplying the coolant is the most popular. In this case, the inlet pipe is connected to the top of the battery, the discharge pipe - to the bottom. The advantage of the solution is that in this way the maximum efficiency of the device is achieved.

The inlet pipe can be connected to the bottom of the heating panel, but the heat output is reduced by more than 5%.

In the photo - a diagram of a one-way connection of a heating radiator

Tip! When docking batteries with many sections, the last of them can warm up poorly due to insufficient water supply. In this case, it is recommended to additionally equip the heat exchanger duct extension.

  1. Bottom connection. It is used in case the main pipelines were hidden under the floor covering or plinth. Its advantage is maximum aesthetics - pipes will not spoil the look of the room. Their short stretches come out of the floor and immediately join in with the incoming nozzles of the batteries.
Bottom connection of the battery: the pipes are completely invisible
  1. Diagonal installation of a heating radiator do it yourself. This method is used only if a large battery is installed (the number of sections exceeds 12). The inlet piping joins the upper nozzle on one side of the battery, and exits through the bottom opening on the opposite side edge.
Diagonal Battery Connection Diagram

In addition, there are two ways to transfer the coolant:

  • consistent - in this case, the heated water flows from the heater and back, passing through each radiator installed in the apartment or house;
  • parallel - during the installation of the heating network, the main pipeline is laid, where the heating batteries are slammed through fittings.

The first method is more economical, since it consumes fewer materials. However, if it becomes necessary to repair the radiators, it will be necessary to disconnect the entire network and drain the coolant from it, which is impossible during the cold season.

Consecutive connection of radiators

Another disadvantage of this scheme is the uneven distribution of heat. Batteries that are mounted closer to the boiler (or on the upper floors of the house) will warm up more. Installing a different number of sections will help to cope with this situation (the farther from the heater, the more).

The second method requires the use of large pipes, valves and fittings. But the parallel heating system can be divided into several autonomous fragments.

Repair of the radiator does not require turning off the heating. It is enough with the help of cranes to block access of the heat carrier to this particular section of the network.

Parallel connection of radiators in one-pipe and two-pipe heating systems

Here, too, was not without flaws. If the pressure of the fluid in the pipes is low, a smaller amount of heated water will flow to the radiator, which will also reduce the heating efficiency. To avoid this, bypasses (overflow pipes) between the inlet and outlet pipe should be made of a smaller diameter and equipped with shut-off valves.

Connecting radiators

General requirements

There are certain rules for installing radiators that must be followed without fail, regardless of the materials you install.

In particular, we are talking about the distance between the various structural elements of the building and the heating panel itself:

  1. There should be at least 10 cm of free space between the upper edge of the heating radiator and the window sill.
  2. There should be a gap of more than 12 cm wide between the floor covering and the bottom surface of the heating panel.
  3. The gap between the heating panel and the wall on which it is fixed should be 2 to 5 cm. Remember that if the vertical surface behind the radiator is covered with a layer of heat-reflecting material, the length of the mounting brackets included in the kit may not be enough, and therefore will have to buy other accessories.
Recommended distance to walls and floor when connecting batteries

Note! The requirements described above make it possible to organize natural convection of air, that is, mixing of cold and warm air masses in the room. Due to this, the room heats up more quickly and evenly. Their non-observance leads to the appearance of local zones of cold and warm air, fogging of glasses and other troubles.

The order of work

Installation of cast iron radiators, as well as their aluminum or steel counterparts, is as follows:

  • dismantled old heating equipment;
  • the marking is made, according to which the brackets holding the new battery will be fixed;
  • fixing hardware is installed (for this you will need dowels or anchor bolts);
Battery mounting brackets
  • the heating panel is being assembled (the necessary number of sections are being assembled, Mayevsky taps, stop valves, thermostats, etc.) are installed;
  • the finished battery is hung on the hooks (if the layout and drilling were done correctly, the heating panel should easily “lie down” at the place provided for it);
  • docking with the pipeline is made (for this purpose, special threaded couplings are used - shifts).
The place of the junction of the battery with the pipe must be carefully sealed and equipped with valves

Note! Sealing joints should be given increased attention. It is here that leaks occur most often, which, among other things, can lead to airing of the system.


Installing a heating battery is a fairly simple process, but all its steps must be carried out carefully and efficiently. Only then the mounted climate network will provide comfort and coziness in the house.

You can learn more about the design of space heating systems in the video below.