Installation of radiators: general rules and process details


Sooner or later, the heating system becomes unusable and needs partial or complete replacement. The process is serious, you have to deal with hot water, and the principle of the system is not familiar to everyone. Those who are not frightened by the installation of radiators with their own hands will not interfere with familiarizing themselves with the elementary rules and sequence of actions.

Heating radiators can be installed independently.

Five main rules

All necessary elements of the device.

So that you don’t have to call or run for emergency help in the housing and communal services, after a series of mistakes, decide if you can take all the points.

Before installing radiators, make sure of the following.

  1. You have free time. And this time should not coincide with the rest of the neighbors, because the work is associated with noise, knocks and interruptions in water supply.
  2. It is important to know the basic methods of connecting radiators. Your heating circuit installation, which does not coincide with the total, will lead to the violation of the functions of the entire riser. Problems in this case can not be avoided, and with neighbors, and with utilities.
  3. Obligatory work of exact measurements and calculations will relieve of excess expenses and will reduce time. The unprepared unfortunate plumber risks the contents of the wallet.
  4. Elementary rules of connection and their strict observance. Even one mistake in the course of installation, and installing a radiator with your own hands can be considered a bad experience.
  5. All the necessary tools should be available and at hand. You should not hope for a thrifty neighbor, at the most crucial moment he may not have the key or part you need.


All the necessary tools.

Here is the basic list of all necessary.

Since some things are quite high price, something can be borrowed from friends, but it is advisable to do so in advance.

  1. Drill with several functions (screwdriver and impact).
  2. A set of keys of different sizes (in extreme cases, the adjustable wrench will do).
  3. Wrench.
  4. Pliers, screwdriver.
  5. Construction level (water or laser).
  6. Roulette, pencil.
  7. Some dry rags.
  8. Tow or assembly winding.

Note! Additionally purchased sgony and nuts, suitable in size. Drives (threaded pipe sections) are desired in various lengths. So it will be easier to dock eyeliner with the device without welding.

Basic options for wiring devices

The photo shows the main options for connecting batteries.

The task of how to properly install radiators can become intractable even for a professional.

True, if he does not know, according to what scheme the whole system in your house is mounted.

  1. Unilateral lateral. The most popular and frequently encountered method. Here the supply pipe is connected to the upper futorka, and the return pipe - from the bottom. Heat transfer in this case is expected to be maximum. Connecting the opposite, you risk losing up to 10% of heat. If the sections in the device warm up badly and there are many of them, it is advisable to install an extension of the water duct.
  2. Diagonal way. This installation of central heating batteries is usually used for the installation of multi-section radiators. Here the supply pipe is connected to the upper futork on one side of the battery, and the return pipe to the lower futork on the other side. When connected in series, the water moves due to the pressure in the system.
Crane Mayevsky.

Note! To remove air, plumbing, in practice, knowing how to install the heating battery correctly, it is recommended to install Mayevsky taps. Also, when replacing the device, be sure to turn off the entire system.

  1. Parallel method. To the pipeline, embedded in the supply riser, connect the heater. Before you install the heating battery, you need to install valves in front of the radiator and after it. This will make it easier to repair the battery, giving you the option of not turning off the overall system.
  2. Bottom type of wiring. It is used if the heating device is located under the baseboard or built into the floor. In this case, to install a heating battery in this way is most appropriate for aesthetic reasons. Supply and return connections are installed at the bottom. They are directed to the floor vertically. (See also Pipe Layout: Features.)

How to connect devices

The correct distances from the device to the surfaces of the room.

No matter what type of device you intend to install, the rules for installing radiators are the same for everyone. Whether it is aluminum, cast iron or bimetal blocks of radiators.

Competently performed work will ensure maximum heat transfer and good circulation of warm air.

  1. From the upper border of the radiator to the window sill maintain a distance of about 10 cm, and not less than 5 cm.
  2. The same (about 10 cm) is the gap between the bottom of the battery and the floor.
  3. The gap between the wall and the device is at least two and no more than five centimeters.
  4. If you intend to put reflective heat insulation on your own, do not use standard mounting brackets. Longer mounts will be required.

Count the number of sections

Of course, if you wish, you can buy a device that is larger, with a margin, so to speak. To create a comfortable temperature, options with a regulator are provided, which is very convenient.

But this pleasure will cost more, and there will be more trouble with more compartments.

  1. The simplest thing is to consult the store, which sizes are suitable for your room. It is clear that the area of ​​the room by then you should know.
  2. Independently calculate the approximate number of sections for an apartment is extremely simple. With a standard ceiling height (2.7 m), one section is enough for 2 m2 of area. For example, a 10-section radiator is enough for 20 m2.


Not so bad installation, as it represents the majority. After studying the theory of practice does not seem difficult and incomprehensible. Preparing, you put the battery without spending a lot of strength and nerves. Visually, the whole process represents the video in this article.