Installation of radiators: purpose and device, types and
Installing radiators of the new model significantly increases the energy efficiency of heating and the temperature in the house. Materials with high thermal conductivity, and a well-thought form of the body increase heat transfer and convection of the device. We will tell you how to install a radiator in your home.

Installation of a heating radiator
Purpose and device

To begin, consider the heating radiator itself.
This is a device that should perform the following functions:
- generate, convert or receive thermal energy;
- heat your own case or screen for heat transfer;
- to distribute thermal energy to the surrounding space.

In modern life use two types of heaters: liquid and electric. The first are connected to a centralized or autonomous coolant supply system, the second - convert electrical energy into heat.
Also use gas and gasoline heaters, but more often they are used in construction and production. We do not consider wood-burning stoves.

Liquid convectors are a system of channels through which coolant circulates and gives off energy to the body of the product. These can be batteries, registers, panels or convectors.
Electric models come in many different forms, they often imitate water devices, but no less often they have an original design. There are also differences in the basic design of these devices. Installation of electrical devices, as a rule, does not cause difficulties, and therefore we will focus on the installation of liquid models.

Note! Do-it-yourself installation of an electric battery usually does not cause problems, so we will focus on water radiators.
Varieties and materials

So, we have already found out that there are batteries:
- liquid;
- electrical;
- gas or petrol;
- wood (this is from another "opera", but still).
In addition, they may differ in design.
There are such varieties:
- Tubular. A system of two or three (sometimes more) horizontal pipes is connected by side collectors into a single vessel through which coolant circulates. They are called registers.
- Sectional. The system of vertical channels is connected to the upper and lower headers in a single vessel, which is filled with coolant. The body is designed to emit the maximum amount of heat.
- Panel. Steel panels are welded flat sides, which have profiling in the form of channels. Fluid flows through these channels and heats the panel.

In terms of their efficiency, batteries from sections and tubular models with plate finning turned out to be the most efficient. Moreover, the latter are distinguished not only by increased efficiency and active convection, but also by an acceptable response to automatic adjustment using a thermostatic head. The low capacity and low weight of the case make such radiators the market leaders.
However, not only the device and model features of the case play a role in the efficiency of the device. The material of which it consists is also important.

Consider the main ones:
Material | Qualities and features |
Cast iron | Durability, reliability, relatively low thermal conductivity, brittleness, poor maintainability, large mass |
Steel | Durability, fear of corrosion, relatively low thermal conductivity, large mass, fear of water hammer |
Aluminum | High thermal conductivity and heat transfer, the fear of acidity, high requirements for the coolant, good response to the adjustment, high efficiency |
Copper | The highest thermal conductivity, strength, not afraid of corrosion, good response to the adjustment, high efficiency, high price |
Bimetal | The copper or steel core in the aluminum case is possible. High strength, good heat dissipation and efficiency, good response to the adjustment, the average cost. Compromise option for those who know how to count money |

Note! For installation in houses with centralized coolant supply, it is recommended to put cast iron or bimetal, and aluminum will perfectly fit into the autonomous system.
Assembly work

Strapping is the procedure for connecting the supply and selection pipes of the coolant. From this order slightly depends on the efficiency of the heating system.
There are four types:
- lateral;
- diagonal;
- lower;
- dotted.
Most often practiced lateral or diagonal connection. The diagonal is considered the most correct, but with a small number of sections the side does not lag behind.

The bottom connection is less rational from a technical point of view, however, it is quite justified when laying the heating pipes inside or inside the plinth.
It should also be remembered that with a single-pipe supply system, a bypass should be used, and in the case of thermostatic adjustment it is absolutely necessary.

Note! The flow of coolant should always be made from the top, and the selection - from the bottom, if no other scheme is provided.

To begin with, we will shut off the water in the system, unscrew the plugs and drain the coolant from the device. Let's collect sections of the new battery. Then the instruction involves dismantling the old convector.
Liquid supply pipes can be trimmed with a grinder so that it is convenient to install a new device. Old fasteners should also be removed.

We hang the new device with the help of the brackets, which go in the mounting kit. The brackets are usually fixed in the wall with dowels. We follow the horizontal position with a level.

Twist the thermostatic control valve into the supply pipe, and the return shank into the battery hole. In the opposite hole of the heater we twist Mayevsky's crane.

Screw the shank into the bottom hole of the battery, which we connect to the ball valve of the return pipe. Adjustment in this segment of the system is not useful.

The remaining hole is closed tightly with a special plug, which is supplied in the kit in the product. At the end of the work we check the horizontal position again.

Note! Threaded connections are sealed with tow, jute fiber or FUM tape with a special high temperature sealant.
The installation of radiators is a crucial task, and the comfort of your home will depend on the correctness of the solution. Watch the video in this article and learn new nuances on the topic.