Low radiators - views and installation
The heating system of a private house or apartment is not complete without such an element as a radiator. It is the main heat exchanger between the coolant moving in the system and the air in the room. Today we will talk about what are low heating radiators for panoramic windows.
Types of low heat exchangers
The use of radiators of low height, which does not exceed 40 cm, is due to a number of architectural and interior solutions of the premises:
- The most common reason for choosing such heat exchangers - installing them directly under the large windows, which occupy almost the entire wall space (panoramic windows).
- In addition, a low heating radiator can easily replace traditional standard-size products, significantly reducing the internal space used for this.
- This option is suitable in the case of heating the attic when the batteries are located along low walls or under the end window openings.
The main materials used for production
Currently, the main criterion that separates all models of low radiators on the market is the material from which they are made. Along with the traditional, used in the last century, there are new species with better performance properties.
Cast iron radiators
The longest history of use are the elements made of cast iron. They are distinguished by high heat transfer, long-term cooling and heating, a large mass and their low resistance to shock loads.
The increased roughness of the inner surface of the cast sections of the cast-iron battery contributes to the accumulation of dirt and rust deposits on its walls, which over time significantly reduces heat transfer.
Note! Despite the fluidity of the cast iron, the manufacturer manufactures heat exchangers having a height of at least 390 mm. This is due to the above disadvantages. There are batteries, made at a sufficient artistic level, which allows you to decorate the interior rooms.
Steel heat exchangers
Products from this iron-carbon alloy may be smaller than cast iron. They represent a lamellar structure, which is based on metal pipelines. This aspect significantly reduces the required amount of coolant in the system and, as a result, increases its efficiency.
Heat exchangers made of steel have a number of positive and negative aspects. Their mass is much lower than that of cast iron, they are more compact and have a large heat transfer. The disadvantages include susceptibility to corrosion and poor resistance to hydraulic shocks.
Steel radiators of low height have poor maintainability. If a cast iron battery is damaged by one of the sections, it is easy to replace or remove.
The steel product will have to be replaced entirely, which will lead to additional costs. The price of such units is one of the most significant in the segment.
Aluminum radiators
Low aluminum radiators have a complex of advantages over their competitors.
They have:
- the minimum mass of all similar products;
- good heat dissipation;
- and the plasticity of the metal allows to obtain products of elegant forms.
Note! Aluminum does not have high strength characteristics, which can lead to the formation of leaks due to water hammer in the system, formed during its filling or draining. The average service life of such products does not exceed 12-15 years. The cost of radiators made of aluminum is low.
Bimetallic batteries
One of the latest types of heaters, recommended for use in individual heating systems of private houses, are the so-called bimetallic batteries. They are made on the basis of steel or copper pipelines equipped with aluminum plates.
Their advantages include the following:
- sufficient corrosion resistance;
- significant (up to 100 atm.) working pressure that they can withstand;
- low heat carrier required for heating.
There are similar structures and disadvantages:
- lower heat transfer compared with aluminum products;
- maximum among all low radiator cost.
Panel heating systems
In the event that you decide to get the heating system of your house completely devoid of visible elements, panel heaters can come to the rescue. These are really low horizontal radiators. Their height from the floor does not exceed 20 cm with a thickness of 30 mm.
Such products are located along the walls and are covered with decorative plates (panels). Using a similar option, you can get a heating system with a height of 100 mm, working as standard with high batteries. Significant disadvantages of this variant of heating is the high cost and complete unsuitability for repair.
Install the battery in the system
Choosing one or another type of low radiator, it is necessary to determine its parameters, based on the size of the window and the required heat transfer. The length of the heat exchanger must be equal to the width of the opening or exceed it by 200-300 mm.
Having the skill of owning the necessary tool, it is not difficult to connect the radiator to the system with your own hands.
The proposed instruction will help in this:
- determine the type of system - one or two-pipe;
- Determine the most optimal connection scheme - diagonal, one-sided or lower;
- Next, we install taps to the inlet and outlet nozzles, which allow shutting off the coolant supply in case of emergency;
- screw the Mayevsky faucet (above) and the cap (below) into the remaining holes.
- pre-assembly can be done dry, the final connection is carried out using flax and sanitary paste;
- Batteries made of various metals can be connected to heating systems made of metal, metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes.
Let's sum up what was said
Radiators of small height are produced by the manufacturer in sufficient quantities and are widely used in various heating systems. More about this video will tell in this article.