Miracle furnace on diesel: instructions for use
The problem of organizing temporary heating in a non-residential premises, of course, is solved by each owner individually. For heating the garage, for example, some of them acquire an electric heater or a heat gun, while others prefer to use a miracle-oven on diesel. This oven is a compact heating device designed for seasonal heating of non-residential premises with minimal fuel consumption. In the article we will tell how the miracle oven on diesel works, we will give instructions for use.
Design and principle of operation
The structure of the furnace on diesel fuel should include the following mandatory elements:
- removable fuel filling tank (diesel);
- a unit with a replaceable wick, called a wick bowl;
- torch with the adjusting screw;
- special reflector;
- lattice body.
An obligatory element of the furnace is a burner placed in the center of its design, into the wick bowl of which the fuel flows by gravity from the fuel tank attached to the rear wall of the fuel tank. In the wick bowl after ignition, diesel fuel turns into a gaseous mixture, which then burns in the working chamber, ensuring efficient fuel consumption. Due to the dosing of the amount of liquid entering the burner, carried out with the help of a special adjustment screw, you can get the required temperature of the heating of the working room.
The metal reflector of the furnace is fixed on the body treated with a special powder type dye, since it is this part of the heating device that ensures the uniform distribution of heat through the heated room.
The above description applies only to the general principle of operation of the furnace on diesel and does not convey all the subtleties and features of the operation of specific structures manufactured independently. But all of them are united by the following requirements for the performance of devices of this class:
- The material for the manufacture of furnaces should be heat-resistant steel.
- The weight of a self-made structure should not exceed 10 kg, which allows it to move freely around the object being serviced or moved to another room.
- Recommended for self-manufacturing dimensions of the device can be:
- height - from 3.5 to 6 m;
- depth and width - from 2.5 to 4 m.
Ignition procedure
Studies on the materials for the independent production of a mobile furnace on diesel fuel allowed us to conclude that the feedback on its work is the most favorable. It is especially noted that the most crucial moment in working with such a furnace is its ignition.
The order of ignition of the device described by us is as follows:
- first, a removable fuel tank is installed in its place, and then fuel is poured into it;
- after this, the barrier grille is removed along with the burner and a replaceable wick is inserted into the unit;
- after it is fixed, the previously removed elements are reassembled;
- upon completion of the preparatory operations, it will be possible to slightly unscrew the adjusting screw and wait some time (no more than half a minute), which will allow the wick to be saturated with diesel fuel;
- and only after that it will be possible to proceed to the direct ignition of the burner, using for this the lighted twisting of the paper;
- with the beginning of intensive burning of the fuel, the adjusting screw should be turned up to the stop and, having waited when the flame dies out a little, turn it out again, having set the required intensity.
Suspension of the miracle-oven is done by tightening the screw to adjust the fuel supply to the stop; at the same time it is necessary to make sure that the fuel remains in the wick are completely burned out, and the fire itself is completely extinguished.
The average fuel consumption in such a furnace, the value of which may vary depending on the design, is approximately 150? 400 ml / hour.
Precautions for use

The safe handling of the miracle oven implies the following conditions:
- it is strictly prohibited to locate it in the immediate vicinity of flammable substances and objects (fuels and lubricants and furniture);
- fuel brands other than the recommended one are not allowed;
- the heated room should be well ventilated.
In addition, the possibility of any liquids (including water) entering the kiln being operated should be excluded.
We especially note the fact that the miracle-oven is allowed to be operated only in rooms equipped with high-quality ventilation.
Since a lot of smoke is emitted when the heater is ignited, it is most convenient to ignite it outside, after which the stove can be brought back into the room.
In this video, the author will tell about the 2.5 kilowatt solar stove of 2.5 kW, acquired by him more than three years ago: