Modern heating with wood - equipment and features


Despite the fact that the yard has long been the 21st century, heating with wood is still one of the most common ways to heat country houses. Of course, technology does not stand still, and heating equipment has become much more advanced and efficient than it was a few decades ago. In this article we will take a closer look at such equipment and consider the main features of wood heating.

Wood Boiler

General information

Nowadays, many people prefer wood heating for the following reasons:

  • In many localities there is no centralized gas supply.
  • Wood heating is used as a backup heating source.
  • Used in order to save, as firewood is often the cheapest type of fuel.

Thus, it can be said that heating the house with wood is not only relevant, but will remain so for a long time. Moreover, at present it is being implemented in several ways, which are given below.

Wood heating equipment

Wood boilers for water heating

As a rule, people who did not encounter modern wood-fired boilers, imagine machines in which, like in old country stoves, you have to constantly throw armfuls of firewood in order to at least maintain a comfortable temperature in the house.

Wood burning fireplace

However, in reality, these devices are quite compact devices with high efficiency. Many models are capable of working on one tab for up to 12 hours, while maintaining a constant temperature. In addition, it is possible to increase heating efficiency and reduce fuel consumption with the help of additional devices, such as a heat accumulator, which makes this method of heating even more attractive.

Note! As a rule, firewood boilers are made of cast iron or steel. The latter are more durable, however, non-resistant to corrosion.

In modern models, high efficiency is achieved not so much due to the combustion of fuel, but rather from hot gases emitted during the combustion process; therefore, such domestic heating boilers are also called gas-generating or long-burning boilers.

Often, such devices are equipped with electronics, which is responsible for the basic processes of work. True, in this case, the wood heating of a country house or cottage turns out to be volatile.

Electric and wood boiler

Combined boilers

Recently, among the owners of country and country houses are widely used combined heating boilers, which can work on both wood and electric fuel. Moreover, some of these models can also work on gas.

Despite the fact that the price of such devices is higher than that of ordinary boilers, they are a profitable acquisition. In this case, wood heating can be used as an additional, for example, in order to save.

As a rule, the combined devices are designed for heating houses up to 200 square meters. In use, they are quite simple and convenient, for example, the choice of mode of operation is carried out by a switch located on the case.

In the photo - gas generator Buleryan

Gas generators

These devices differ from coppers in lack of a water contour. Heating is carried out primarily by convection due to the air nozzles that pass through the furnace.

Cold air from the bottom enters the nozzles and, passing through them, heats up strongly. As a result, at the exit the temperature of the air flow can reach 100-150 degrees.

The most common types of furnaces are Buleryan and Termofor. Despite the fact that these devices do not have a water circuit, they are able to provide heating for large enough rooms in a short time, because the efficiency of gas generators reaches 80-85 percent.

Furnace device Buleryan

High efficiency is achieved, firstly, due to the afterburning of gases emitted by wood, and secondly, due to the heating of the space using all the methods available today:

  • Heat transfer;
  • By convection;
  • Heat exchange.

As well as gas convection boilers, these devices can work 8-12 hours on one tab. This possibility is achieved through the operation of furnaces in two modes:

Fast heating It is carried out when the furnace is kindled. In this case, the first tab quickly burns through, with the result that the furnace is heated to the required temperature. In addition, the room heats up quickly.
Gasification The main mode in which the fuel slowly smolders, emitting gas, which is burned in the second (upper) furnace. At the same time the room temperature is kept constant.

Such devices can be used for heating cottages, and garages or other premises. Therefore, they are no less popular than boilers for water heating.

Boiler with automatic feeding of wood into the furnace

Features of heating wood


Heating a country house with wood has many advantages, among which are the following points:

  • Efficiency;
  • Simple instruction manual;
  • Most wood heating appliances operate autonomously;
  • Durability;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • As mentioned above, firewood is often the cheapest type of fuel.
It is necessary to allocate a place near the boiler for storing firewood.


Like any other methods of heating, wood heating is not without some of its drawbacks, which are listed below:

  • The need for high-quality chimney for removal of combustion products. Moreover, the chimney must be periodically cleaned, since soot accumulates on its inner walls, which can eventually lead to a fire.
  • From time to time it is necessary to throw firewood into the firebox with your own hands, otherwise the fuel will burn and the coolant in the system will cool down. This deficiency is deprived of only boilers with a tank for firewood, in which the loading is carried out automatically.
  • The need for firewood and their storage in large quantities. To do this, you need a separate shed or carport. This is due to the fact that the wood for heating must be dry.

Tip! To clean the chimney from soot, you should burn aspen logs or special preparations that can be purchased in specialized stores.

Here, perhaps, all the main features of modern wood heating.


The equipment for heating with wood has recently been significantly improved, making this type of heating more convenient and efficient. Moreover, the market presents various types of heaters that can satisfy the most diverse needs of consumers, ranging from heating the garage and ending with a full heating of a large house.

From the video in this article you can learn some additional information on this topic.