Radiator in the floor: the main advantages of this option,


In modern conditions, traditional batteries on the walls can fit into the interior is not always, and if you want to make the room freer and save it from the presence of any pipes, then built-in floor heating radiators will be an excellent solution. This option has a whole lot of advantages over conventional systems, we will consider them in the framework of this article, and also tell you about the design features of communications.

In the photo: here is the system in section.

The main advantages of this option

Since many people encounter such solutions for the first time, it will not be superfluous to first of all tell about the most important advantages that floor heating radiators have:

High performance A wide range of modifications allows you to choose the option that will provide full heating of the premises of any area. Of course, if the room is large, it is better to put several small structures than one, so you will provide a more uniform heating of the space.
Easy installation If you do the work yourself, you can manage the installation of the built-in batteries, as they are connected to the heating system at home, the heating costs will be small, and you will get not only original, but also an economical design
Lack of pipes and other communications in the room This is very important for those who create an original interior, which takes into account every detail. Often, in such cases, there is an acute question of choosing batteries, but if you use the option that is embedded in the floor, then you will only need to select the color and configuration of the grille, and the whole structure will be hidden under it
Providing a comfortable temperature The system works by convection, it allows you to very accurately adjust the temperature in the room, while the cost of heating will be much lower, because the air will not overheat

Note! It should be noted that the whole area of ​​the room is used as efficiently as possible, now there are no protruding radiators, and pipes along the walls do not interfere with moving the furniture close.

Some designers have designs in boxes along the windows; this is also an interesting solution.

Features and installation recommendations

Radiators built into the floor differ in their design from traditional ones; however, the system is quite simple, which ensures its reliability and unpretentiousness of operation. It is important to choose the optimal solution for certain conditions.

Product design

The floor heating radiator has the following design:

  • Heating is provided by a ribbed structure, inside of which there are cavities for the circulation of the coolant, this simple system provides high indicators of equipment efficiency and is notable for reliability. Most often the knot is made of high-quality galvanized steel, this option is distinguished by a low price with a very high work efficiency.
  • More expensive options may have a heat exchanger made of aluminum or copper, the operating and installation instructions are no different, just such systems have improved heat output, although many experts are inclined to think that paying huge money for these models is not worth it, the difference with steel is not so great.
Some modifications may have two radiators to increase power.

Note! Due to the fact that structures made of steel and aluminum work at low pressures, they are not recommended to be installed in city apartments, this option is more suitable for the private sector. Only copper can be used in high-rise buildings, since it can function without any problems at system pressures of 10–15 bar.

  • To increase the efficiency, some modifications are equipped with a fan, it increases the flow of cold air, which allows it to heat up faster. This option heats the room very quickly, and the fan turns on only as needed, which is very convenient.
The fan pumps cold air into the heat exchanger, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of the system.
  • The simplest and most budgetary option is sex radiators without a casing, but this economy adds to your worries, because, firstly, you need to heat the base properly, and secondly, it is important to fix all the elements in order for the design to be reliable.
  • Structures in the case are easier to install, because they just need to be placed in a prepared cavity in the floor and attached to the supply communications. The size of the box can be different, the length usually varies in the range from 900 to 3000 mm, which allows you to choose the optimal solution in almost any room.
Chassis configurations may vary.
  • The grille can be both flexible and rigid, its design can also differ, as well as coloring. Since this is the only element that is visible from the outside, consider in advance which color and which appearance is best for your room.


This process is not particularly difficult, if the preparation was done correctly, you should carry out the following work:

  • First, make a project, in which all important factors will be indicated - the location of the structure, its dimensions and performance (it is calculated based on the size of the room, in more detail described in one of the reviews on our portal)
  • Further purchased the necessary equipment, This is necessary so that you can see its size, and it may turn out that you will prepare a cavity of the same size, and you will not be able to find floor-mounted radiators. Therefore, the work will have to be redone.
It is important that the structure is entered in depth, otherwise it will later act
  • Do not forget even at the stage of pouring the coupler to lay the pipe under the flow of coolant. If you make such an option in a ready-made room, then you will have to make pens in which the feed pipe and return pipe will be laid.
  • Then you can put a radiator, it is important that the design is level with the floor, do not forget to take into account the thickness of the finish coating, so that as a result you get a flat surface.
  • Then the pipes are attached to the appropriate connections and securely fixed.. The connection must be of high quality, in order to test it, a trial run of the system is performed.
  • Lastly, the external grille is laid., if around the structure the floor is damaged, they can be sealed with a mortar so that the topcoat is laid on a level surface.
The result of the work will please you with functionality and attractive appearance - radiators built into the floor look very stylish


This option is not very widespread in our homes and apartments, but its reliability and efficiency is beyond doubt, so if you build a house, you can initially put such a heating system into the project. The video in this article will talk about some of the important nuances in more detail.