Removing air from the heating system


The air in the heating system can cause great trouble to the owner of a private house. Removing air from the heating system must be done periodically, even if it was designed and installed by experts. The formation of air plugs will lead to undesirable consequences, such as insufficient temperature of radiators and corrosion of metal parts.

Where does the air get into the heating system

Where does the air get into the heating system

There are several causes of air traffic jams:

  1. Air is always present in the chemical composition of water. When heated, it is released to the surface. As a result of movement of the coolant, the air flows into the upper parts of the pipeline.
  2. Air can enter the heating system during the repair process.
  3. During installation, the rules for filling the system could be violated. Water should flow slowly. During filling it is necessary to remove the air entering the distributors and radiators. The longer the pipeline, the slower the water should flow.
  4. The system may experience poor leak tightness. When installing it is difficult to detect small flaws, for example, loose connections at the joints. Through the holes the air will enter the heaters.

How to delete

How to delete

Removing the air from the heating system of a private house is the main condition for its efficient operation, since it does not allow the circulation pump to properly regulate the movement of the coolant. An air plug in the pump could damage it. The heating system must necessarily be equipped with devices that allow to carry out the airlock in automatic mode. The most effective is considered a multistage system. When using it, air vent is located in various places. Air is removed in each group separately.

Automatic air vent

If the installation of the system was done correctly, they will automatically handle if there are air traffic jams. In this case, it is necessary to control the pressure of the coolant.

Air vent scheme

The cause of the pressure drop in the system is, as a rule, its depressurization. The uneven temperature in its various parts is an indicator of the presence of air.

There are two types of air vent:

  • Hand held Installation is made on the end parts of the radiators. They are characterized by small size. Adjustment and maintenance can be done with a conventional screwdriver and wrench. These devices have poor performance.
  • Automatic. Work does not require human intervention. They can be installed in a vertical or horizontal position. These devices have sufficient performance, but are very sensitive to various contaminants.

In the presence of air in the heaters, you can hear extraneous sounds. Until the air is completely removed from the system, the coolant will circulate incorrectly. If there is a large amount of air in the structure, you need to find the places where air plugs have formed. This can be done with a hammer. If a slight sound is heard when the pipes and heating devices are tapped lightly, this indicates the presence of air. Traffic jams are more often formed in heating appliances located on higher floors.

Heating system diagram

In order to deflate the air, you need to open the thermostat as much as possible. Then using a special key should open the valve to bleed air. The presence of a slight hiss indicates the exit of air from the system. When the hissing stops, the tap must be closed, waiting for the moment when water begins to flow.

It happens that even after the procedure, the radiator continues to heat up badly. In this case, the radiator should be blown through. If this action did not lead to the desired result, it is necessary to check the heating system itself.

Sometimes, in autonomous heating systems, it is necessary to lower the water, using the expansion tank, and to start air through it. After draining you need to make a short pause. After about half an hour, open the valve of the expansion tank. When the temperature of the coolant increases, the air must go out by itself. If this does not happen, you need to bring the coolant to a boil (in new boilers there is protection against overheating and it is almost impossible to boil it). This should cause air to escape.

Excessive bending of the pipeline can also cause air infiltration. Therefore, during installation it is necessary to pay attention to the wiring of the heating system.

Proper installation and maintenance of the heating system will avoid unpleasant moments associated with the occurrence of emergency situations.


From this video you will learn about the principle of the automatic air vent:

In the following video, you will learn how to bleed air using a manual air vent: