Technical characteristics of heating radiators: the main


Modern manufacturers offer buyers a huge number of options, and to find the best, you will have to understand all the nuances. Characteristics of radiators can vary quite strongly, so it is important to choose exactly what is most suitable for your room. In this review, we consider the most important criteria that have the maximum impact on the efficiency of the system.

In the photo: among the variety of options, it is important to choose the one that suits you best

Overview of the main features of radiators

So that you can see all the information in the most vivid form, you are presented with a table - a comparison of heating radiators is presented in it on a scale of one to four advantages, depending on how this or that feature is inherent in a particular variant.

Cast iron batteries Aluminum options Bimetallic batteries Steel panel products Steel tubular elements Convectors
Light weight + +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Corrosion Resistance +++ + +++ + ++ +++
Heat transfer performance + +++ +++ +++ ++ ++++
Resistance to pressure +++ ++ +++ + ++ +++
Attractive appearance + +++ +++ ++ ++++ +++
Thermal inertia +++ + + + + +
Ease of care ++ ++ ++ +++ +++ +
Cost of +++ ++ + ++++ + ++

Based on these data, you can see the strengths and weaknesses of one or another option, the table shows that there is no ideal option, each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so the choice depends on you.

Note! If you chose a specific solution, it is important to purchase quality products, so choose products of brands that have long been on the market and have proven themselves among buyers.

It is important to find the best solution from a particular group of radiators.

Main features of products

We will consider several important criteria and compare the main options; this will allow a good understanding of the issue even to those who have no experience in this field.

Heat dissipation of radiators

This is the main criterion that is of great importance, because the more efficiently energy is used, the lower the cost of heating.

Regarding this factor, you can report the following:

  • Cast iron has the highest thermal inertia., therefore, it is hardest to heat it, but it also cools longer, this factor can be both a minus when using gas equipment, and a plus for solid-fuel heat generators.
  • As for steel, aluminum and bimetal, these options heat up and cool down quickly., moreover, if we consider the performance indicators, they will differ slightly from each other.
  • If you want to ensure the best system performance, you should be guided by the recommendations for installation and connection and, if possible, do not close the design with screens and heavy curtains..
The dimensions of PVC grilles of heating radiators can be different, but should not be used without extreme necessity, since they reduce the heat transfer of batteries

Below is a table of the efficiency of heating radiators per one section with a center distance of 500 mm, since this is the most popular and common option. Only panel radiators from steel will not be presented in it, since they have a different design, but their indicators will be about 20% lower than aluminum, take this factor into account.

Thermal power at a coolant temperature of 70 degrees, Watt
Steel tubular elements 85
Bimetallic structures 200
Aluminum radiators 175-200
Anodized products 215
Cast iron options 110

Based on this, it is possible to compare all the options, so the radiators of heating of 250 mm will have twice as many indicators, etc.

Life time

Another important factor, because the more this indicator, the less often you need to replace the system and the less you will incur costs, because the price of even the most inexpensive options is quite noticeable.

As for the service life, then you can note the following:

  • Steel products are the least durable, on average they serve from 10 to 15 years, which is the smallest indicator. And this is on condition that the coolant does not merge for the summer period, since this will significantly increase the corrosion processes in the system.
Technical characteristics of metal radiators are high, but they serve not for long
  • Aluminum products serve from 15 to 20 years on condition of using quality options. In doing so, the installation instructions must be followed very carefully; Since the connection with copper elements leads to accelerated corrosion at the joints, it is also impossible to use a copper with a copper coolant.
  • As for cast iron, this option should serve about 30 years, but in practice it is not uncommon for such radiators to last 50 years. This is due to the fact that this material is not affected by corrosion.
  • According to the documentation, bimetallic radiators can be operated from 30 to 40 years, as their design is made of durable materials. The most reliable option - the use of bimetallic products with a core of copper or stainless steel, they can be used even longer.
High properties of bimetal products due to their design
  • Anodized products are the most durable, they serve 50 years or more, but due to the fact that their cost is very high, this option is not very widespread, but if strength is important to you, then we advise you to consider it.

Size range of products

The dimensions of heating radiators are also very important, since very often it is necessary to select an option for certain parameters:

  • Do not forget that the actual dimensions of radiators are different from the center distance, this factor is especially important if you do your own hands. Most often, the difference is from 7 to 10 centimeters, but you will find more detailed and accurate information in the technical documentation, which should always be included with the products.
  • When selecting a radiator for size, do not forget that the minimum distance from the battery to the floor is 70 mm, the gap from the upper end to the window sill is 80 mm, and the distance from the wall must be at least 30 mm.
Proper installation is very important for maximum heat dissipation of batteries.
  • As for the width, the size of the radiator depends on the number of sections, so it is important to make the correct thermal calculation. Some options, for example, steel panel structures are made in a solid case, so they are selected for a specific capacity.

Tip! If the required number of sections does not fit into the free space, then the structure can be divided into two or more parts, the main thing is that their total capacity corresponds to the calculated value.

You can put any number of sections.
  • The center distance can be different - 200, 300, 350, 500, 700 mm and so on. If desired, you can find products up to 180 cm high, so you can assemble a radiator of 120 by 120 cm, although this option is quite rare.

It should be noted that only the correct assembly of the system ensures compliance with the actual parameters stated, therefore, it is necessary to purchase not only high-quality batteries, but also good-quality components.

If the length of the radiator heating circuit is large, then a circulation pump should be installed, since this will significantly increase the efficiency of the system due to the constant movement of the coolant.

High radiators suitable for narrow spaces.


The choice of products with optimal parameters will not only save money, but also ensure high system efficiency. The video in this article will help you even better understand some of the important parameters of the system and make the right choice.