Than wash the radiator. hydraulic, hydropneumatic and dry


Over time, radiators lose their effectiveness, due to the accumulation of sediment and other pollutants in them. However, this is not a reason to buy new radiators, since they can be washed out and thus return the original efficiency.

Below we take a look at the main nuances and methods of cleaning them.

Heating radiator flushing

When do I need to wash the batteries

The following signs indicate the need for flushing radiators:

  • Uneven heating, for example, the bottom of the heating device may be hot, and the top cold or vice versa.
  • The radiator began to heat up more slowly than before.
  • Significantly increased energy consumption.

Most often, the need for cleaning arises from batteries that are connected to centralized heating systems. This is due to their length, a large number of connected equipment.

As a result, radiators accumulate:

  • Rust;
  • Sand;
  • Scale.

Moreover, cast-iron radiators are most often clogged, since, unlike aluminum bimetallic radiators, they have much more irregularities inside. True, the process of cleaning both the same and the same. However, looking ahead, note that bimetallic heating devices are best washed with a chemical method.

Tip! To avoid frequent blockages in the autonomous heating system, use softened filtered water as the heat transfer medium. In this case, even after several years of operation, the batteries will remain clean.

The scheme of accumulation of pollution in radiators

Washing options

Cleaning batteries can be done in several ways:

  • Hydraulic;
  • Hydropneumatic;
  • Chemical.

The choice of the type of cleaning depends on the degree of contamination of the heating appliance. Below we take a closer look at how to flush the heating radiator in the apartment in each of these ways.

In the photo - flushing the battery

Hydraulic flushing

The advantage of cleaning in this way is that it can be carried out even in the heating season, since it does not require the dismantling of batteries. The point is to rinse the device with running water.

This procedure is performed as follows:

  • Before rinsing clogged radiator combs from the inside, a hose must be connected to the drain valve and brought to the sewage system.
  • Then you need to open the make-up valve system. As a result, the bulk of the pollution comes from the flow of water.
  • When pure water flows from the hose, the procedure can be considered complete.
Drain coolant drain

Tip! If the system is not connected to the water supply, you can use a pump or a pump to supply water to the radiators.

This method is gentle and at the same time quite effective, especially if the cleaning of radiators is performed regularly. However, if a large amount of precipitation has gathered inside, then you will have to use more efficient methods.

Air wash circuit

Hydropneumatic cleaning

This method of washing resembles the above method, however, air is also added to the water. To do this, you can use the car compressor.

The main nuance of such a cleaning is that the air is fed into the system intermittently. As a result, a pulsation is created that can break even persistent deposits.

The only drawback of this method is that during the washing process, water hammer is generated, which can damage the weakest parts of the system. But, on the other hand, it is better to find such areas before the onset of the heating season and promptly eliminate them with your own hands.

Note! Often the cause of uneven heating devices heating are air plugs. As a rule, to get rid of them, it is enough to open the drain valve and drain part of the coolant that comes out with air.

Means for flushing heating batteries


It is easy to guess that the chemical method involves the use of various means. It should be noted that there are special liquids for flushing heating systems.

However, you can use and folk remedies, such as:

  • Vinegar;
  • Milk serum;
  • Phosphoric or phosphoric acid;
  • Caustic soda.

In addition, you can wash the radiator with citric acid. As a rule, the process of dry cleaning involves the dismantling of the battery.

Tip! If the harness has a bypass, the battery can be dismantled even during the heating season.

Below, as an example, consider how to wash the cast iron radiator by chemical means:

  • First of all, you need to wash the device several times with running water according to the scheme described above. It is advisable to rinse with hot water.
  • Then it is necessary to shut off the water supply and drain it from the battery.
  • After that it is necessary to dismantle the radiator.
Acetic Essence
  • Then liquid is poured into the battery with the addition of chemicals. Acetic essence is most often used, since the price for it is not high, while it copes with the task qualitatively. In this case, one bottle of 70 percent solution should be used for one battery.

The filled battery needs to be plugged and left for several hours. During this time, all scale and rust will lag behind on the inside.

  • Next, the battery should be well shaken or even knock on it with a hammer, after which you can drain the chemical agent.
  • Then the device should be rinsed several times with water. This should be done carefully, as the remaining acid can cause the formation of rust.
  • Threaded connections need to wipe with a cloth.
  • After that, install the radiator in place, sealing the threaded connections with a fum-tape.
  • Final rinsing can be performed after installation of the instrument.

Tip! As a means for washing, you can use the "Mole" or other means that are used to clean the pipelines.

If you need to rinse bimetallic or aluminum devices that are slightly contaminated, they do not have to be dismantled.

In this case, the entire heating system is flushed, which is carried out in the following order:

  • Before rinsing the aluminum radiator, drain the old water from the system, rinse the batteries with running water as described above, and then add chemicals to the water.
  • Then for several days every three to four hours, you must turn on the pump for 15 minutes.
  • After that, the liquid must be drained and several times wash the system with clean water.

That's actually all the instructions for chemical washing. It should be noted that according to the requirements of SNiP, it can be carried out no more than once every six to seven years.

But it is desirable to perform hydraulic and hydropneumatic cleaning every year. True, modern bimetallic and aluminum heating devices are less likely to need cleaning.

Tip! It is necessary to take care of the batteries not only from the inside, but also from the outside - clean the rust that has appeared and cover with paints and varnishes.


Flushing is a necessary procedure to ensure efficient radiator performance. As we found out, it is easy to clean yourself. And if the batteries are not very clogged, they can not even be dismantled.

Get more useful information on this topic from the video in this article.