The device radiator heating: the main designs, cast iron,
During operation, sometimes there is a need for preventive maintenance and repair work, and if you want to fix the problem yourself, then you need to know the radiator device. In this review, we will look at the main versions of structures and tell you about the features of their operation in more detail, this will allow you to independently identify the main faults and eliminate them.

Basic designs
To begin, let us tell you what types of products are and help you deal with the heating elements in your home:
Cast Iron Radiators | The classic version, which is a massive ribbed structure, the appearance of which leaves much to be desired. The only exception may be artistic options that are made in the old style. |
Steel batteries | This group of products is most often manufactured in the form of panels, which are equipped with convection grids for the greatest efficiency and heat transfer, but can be produced without them (this option is recommended for medical institutions and other places where it is important to maintain perfect cleanliness) |
Aluminum products | This option consists of sections, the number of which in the radiator can be almost anything, although experts do not recommend using structures with a width of more than 16 elements, it is better to divide them into two smaller batteries, and the equipment load will be less and efficiency will increase |
Bimetallic options | In many respects they resemble aluminum constructions, but, unlike them, they have an internal frame made of steel or stainless steel pipes, due to which this variant transfers loads and is much more resistant to corrosion processes. The only disadvantage of this product group is the high price. |
Note! There are other product options, for example, steel tubular radiators, convectors, design constructions, but they are more difficult to maintain, and it is not recommended to make them yourself, it is better to invite experts.

Types of products and information on them
Now we will tell about the main problems that may arise and how to solve them, having analyzed the structure of each of the options.
Cast iron batteries

This type of product is very simple and consists of ribs interconnected by nipples, paronitic gaskets are installed between the sections, which should prevent leakage of the coolant.
As for problems, the most frequent are the following:
- Surface damage - cast iron material is very fragile, and with strong blows a small piece can simply fall off, then you have to figure out how to seal a hole in the radiator. As a temporary measure, cold welding, super-tape or bandage, which is wrapped around the structure and carefully painted with oil paint, may be appropriate. But the most reasonable option is to replace the damaged section.
- Another frequent question is why does foam appear in the radiator, especially when starting heating equipment, when extraneous noise is heard in the batteries?. Everything is quite simple here: it is necessary to bleed the air out of the system; for this purpose, a Mayevsky valve must be installed on each battery.
- If there is a leakage at the junction of the ribs, the gasket needs to be replaced., for this, the radiator must be removed and using a special key to unscrew the connecting nipples in the right place, then clean the end surfaces and, putting a new sealing ring, assemble the structure.

- Sometimes cavities get clogged up from long life., in this case flushing is required, this process is described in detail in one of the reviews on this site. How to determine whether the radiator is clogged? It's simple: the design will heat up unevenly, another sign is that the pipes are hotter than the battery.
Steel products

The device is very simple - from two sheets of steel, by pressing, blanks are pressed out, which are interconnected and welded; inside, a system of channels is obtained through which the coolant circulates. To improve heat transfer and enhance convection, many models have an U-shaped grill on the inside, and the side and top ends are closed with decorative elements.
As for faults, then you can tell the following:
- Often in centralized systems when pressure testing of radiators is made before the heating season, they burst at the seams, as this option is not designed for high pressures. In this case, radiators can be welded, because steel is well boiled.
- Internal channels may get clogged., then the system needs to be flushed, the process is simple, but most often requires removal of the structure.
- Sometimes the design is assembled using continuous nipples, connecting plastic and steel elements. If a fitting has broken off on the radiator, then it is better to remove it and make a classic connection with a futorka, since this option is much safer and more durable.
- To remove air bubbles in the radiator, they should be dispensed at least once a season..
Note! If the paintwork is damaged, it is necessary to clean the surface with sandpaper, degrease it and apply a special radiator paint.

Aluminum products
This type of radiator is a construction of sections that have a special shape to provide the best heat transfer and convection. Inside are horizontal and vertical cavities, through which the coolant circulates.

As for problems, the most frequent are the following:
- Very often, the structure is damaged when the radiator is crimped before the heating season., as public utilities may apply too high pressure, and aluminum is not designed for such operating conditions. The nature of the work depends on how the heating radiator burst, if the damage is significant, only replacement will help, and minor defects can be repaired by argon welding.

- If the construction is clogged, it is necessary to do the cleaning either with the help of special equipment., either by removing the structure and washing it independently with solutions, or by delivery to specialists who clean the cavities on special devices.
Bimetallic radiators

By design, this option resembles aluminum - the same shape of the ribs for maximum efficiency, but to reinforce the structure there is a steel core inside, thanks to which reliability increases significantly.
As for the problems, the following can be noted:
- Leak between sections, in this case it is necessary to remove the battery, using the radiator key, unscrew the nipples and replace the sealing element.
- When sections are damaged the only solution is to replace the defective part.
- With blockages work is carried out, similar to the above options, if the chemical composition is used, the instructions for its use are required to study.
As you can see, the device of radiators is very simple, and if you know how this or that model is made, then there will be no problems with its repair. The video in this article will help to understand the topic even better.