Water heating of a private house: installation and start-up


The problem of heating is in the foreground after the construction of a new structure, this is especially important for regions where the temperature does not exceed zero for a long time. To provide heat, you can arrange water heating in a private house with your own hands, to save an impressive amount of money. However, for independent construction of the system, certain knowledge must be obtained.

The photo shows a system with forced circulation.

Positive sides

This type of heating involves the use of ordinary water as a coolant. Heat transfer in this case is carried out by means of convectors, registers or radiators.

Unlike steam heating, the internal environment has a lower temperature, so the level of security is quite high.

  • The system is closed, therefore during operation it is required to add liquid to it only in rare cases.
  • The heating network of this type is capable of functioning both forcibly and without additional devices.
  • The tying of the boiler can be done independently, thereby saving financial resources.
  • The price of the elements used is not very high, which makes it possible to construct systems for a wide range of individual developers.
  • The efficiency of providing heat is at the proper level, so even in winter in residential buildings reigns a comfortable atmosphere.
  • Water heating is distinguished by reliability and a long period of operation.
Schematic representation of the boiler strapping.

Addition! Heating devices can be closed with decorative structures to enhance the aesthetic parameters of the room. For this purpose, special boxes or special screens are installed.

Main components

Before you learn how to make autonomous water heating in your home, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic elements that allow you to create highly efficient systems. Each component of the network must function properly, otherwise it will not work to provide a residential structure with heat.

The most important device is the boiler, which can work on one of the common types of fuel. The most commonly used for heating the coolant are: firewood, coal, diesel fuel, natural gas, compressed plant fibers, and electricity.

The structure of the gas boiler with two circuits.

Conductive elements are pipes made of ordinary or stainless steel, copper, polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene and other polymeric materials. Their diameter must be chosen consciously so that the circulation of the coolant is optimal. In addition, with increasing cross-section increases the cost of products.

As the devices transferring heat to the room, radiators, convectors or registers usually act. These elements differ not only in design, but also in the way of heat transfer. However, registers and radiators for heating buildings have a similar principle of operation.

Additional accessories include various sensors, measuring devices, pumps and valves. With their help, it is possible to expand the capabilities of the heating system of any object.

Circulation pump with valves and filter.

Assembly process

It's time to understand how to make water heating in a private house without the involvement of professionals. Mounting technology involves a number of complex issues, which will be discussed below. With the proposed information is recommended to read more carefully.

Installation of boilers

Gas appliances are most often installed, as they are economical in terms of operation and need to comply with the minimum number of requirements. The area of ​​the boiler room should not be less than 4 square meters. m. From the walls of non-combustible materials during installation should retreat at least 10 cm.

More serious requirements are imposed on solid fuel boilers. The quadrature of the boiler room should be more than 7 square meters. m. It is mandatory to provide ventilation. From the side surfaces of the room must be at least 50 cm.

Additional nuances when installing a gas boiler.

The most minimal requirements are imposed on electrical appliances for heating the coolant. However, they must be grounded and the conductive terminals must be well insulated.

Pipeline installation

Arranging water heating in a country house or a residential building, in any case will have to join the conductive elements to ensure the closure of the system. Depending on the material of manufacture, variations in pipe joints may vary.

However, usually the components are combined in the following ways.

  • When welding, steel products are usually joined.. With this option, it is possible to achieve high tightness.
  • The glue method combines some types of polymer analogues, thus eliminating the need for additional equipment.
  • With use of a fitting both metal, and plastic pipes can be mounted.
  • Soldering is most relevant for polypropylene products.. In this case, a rather tight joint is also formed.
Pipe fittings made of polypropylene are demonstrated.

Note! Adhesive composition for joining elements contains polyvinyl chloride, which is capable of dissolving in some substances. As the compound solidifies, they volatilize, and the polymer chains intertwine successfully.

Installation of instruments

When water heating systems are installed in a private house, components for heat transfer are installed in almost all the rooms. Most often it is radiators that have several sections. The number of components depends on the volume of the room.

The devices are usually installed using special brackets attached to the side surface. When making water heating of a country house or any other brick building, it is necessary to purchase dowels in order to fix radiators or convectors.

During work between the lower part of the elements and the lower plane, it is mandatory to leave a distance of 10 to 12 cm. The device should be about 20-50 mm away from the wall. As for the indent from the window sill, then you need to leave a gap of more than 10 cm.

If during the installation all distances are maintained, the heater will function at full power.

As a conclusion

In conclusion, we note that water floor heating can be additionally created in a private house or country house, so that the cold would not be so bad. In this case, the conductive elements are placed directly on the screed or between the lags of the wooden flooring.

The efficiency of heating with this option increases significantly. Visual instruction on the design of a system with a liquid coolant is shown in the video.