Efficient equipment for sewer cleaning
Sooner or later, each of us is faced with the problem of clogged sewers. As a rule, the first thing a person tries to do is to remove the blockage with the help of various chemical agents, but this does not always work. In this case, the case comes in "heavy artillery" in the form of special mechanisms for cleaning sewers.

Methods of mechanical cleaning of sewage
If chemistry did not help, then the problem can be solved only by mechanical action directly on the cork itself from the garbage in the pipe.
It is possible to influence the sewer blockage in several ways:
- using ordinary plunger (low efficiency);
- using plumbing cable, if cleaning is done with your own hands, then this can be considered almost the most efficient and cheap way;
- using a hydrodynamic cleaning machine. Depending on the scale of the task, this can be either a device based on a car or a small mechanism in which, for example, a car wash is used as a pressure source;
- using ilosos. This method is used for heavy silting of pipes for external sewage, and also sludge can be used to clean pools and small ponds. High-quality cleaning with ilosos is possible only by a company specializing in this.
Read more about cleaning methods.
Each of these methods has a different efficiency. For example, a plunger is ineffective and can help unless it is slightly clogged sewers in the house. Other ways are more effective and will help to cope with the blockage of any complexity.
Cleaning the plunger
Such a device for cleaning sewer pipes as a plunger is known to all. Externally, it looks like a rubber cuff on the handle.
Working with a plunger should adhere to the following recommendations:
- before using water in the sink, the water level should cover the rubber part;
- jerk up and down to try to push the garbage through the pipe further;

- if, after energetic actions, nothing has changed and the water level in the sink does not decrease, then we can proceed to other methods of removing blockages.
Note! To improve the efficiency of the plunger, you can pre-pour the gel to soften the debris in the pipe.
Use of sanitary cable
Cable is an effective device for cleaning sewer pipes, its end is equipped with a special nozzle that allows it to effectively break the blockage. The cable itself is very flexible and thin, thanks to which it can easily go through all the turns of the sewer pipe.

For convenience of work with it, cables are often sold with a special handle that allows you to rotate it when inserted into the pipeline.
Instructions for cleaning the pipe looks like this:
- the cable is inserted into the drain hole and moves further along the pipes;
- at the same time you need to rotate it slightly at the same time. If there is no handle, then it is very inconvenient to do;
- when there is resistance to movement, you need to slightly back and try to push it forward.
Note! The cable could just cling to the bell, if it was not possible to move forward, then you need to rotate the handle to deepen the cable nozzle into the blockage and back and forth to break it.

It is possible to purchase a device in which a plumbing cable also acts as a working body, but the design of the device facilitates its use. Externally, this machine for cleaning sewer pipes is a bit like a drill - there is a cable in the drum, and the handle is equipped with a trigger that regulates the rotation speed.

Thanks to this design, the device can be operated even with one hand. The only thing you need is a power source.
Hydrodynamic method
Such a machine for cleaning sewer pipes cleans sewers with a jet of water under high pressure. Due to this, not only clearing the site of the blockage occurs, but also the removal of deposits from the inner surface of the walls.

This device consists of several elements:
- pump forcing water into the hose under high pressure;
- hose with a metal nozzle. Several holes are made in the nozzle in such a way that the flow of water is redirected in different directions.

If specialists do the hydrodynamic cleaning, then it is desirable to combine it with vacuum pumping from the sewer system. First, the tool for cleaning sewer pipes destroys a layer of dirt and debris, that is, it is in a state of suspension.

This mixture is transported by gravity into the pit and from there, until the particles of garbage have settled to the bottom, it is pumped out. Installation for vacuum cleaning includes a vacuum pump, hose and tank on the basis of the car. Thanks to a combination of hydrodynamic and vacuum cleaning, the sewage system becomes perfectly clean.

If the cost of calling specialists to clean the sewers in this way seems excessive, then you can try to do it yourself. There are compact hydrodynamic cleaning units on sale, but their cost is quite high.
A way out of this situation could be to use, for example, a compact car wash as a source of pressure. True, it should be borne in mind that not every wash is suitable, the manufacturer usually indicates in the passport data the possibility of using the device in this capacity.

Sewage cleaning with ilosos
Sewage pipe cleaning with an elimination pump consists of sucking sludge from the sewer system and separating it from water. This method of cleaning can be performed exclusively by specialized companies and guarantees the cleaning of sewage. In addition, the ilosos is completely environmentally friendly.

Ilososy collected on the basis of trucks and include items such as:
- large tank, it is pumped into the mixture from the sewer system and sludge gets off. This capacity is installed on the frame of the car and is equipped with sensors that indicate the level of occupancy;
- Vacuum pump;
- boom - when cleaning, plunges into the sewer
Depending on the version, the listed elements can be covered with a protective shed or not. It all depends on the operating conditions.
This device for cleaning sewer pipes works according to the following scheme:
- Sewage cleaning is carried out through wells. The lid is removed from it and the suction pipe is introduced into the pipe, the vacuum pump is turned on;
- after that, it remains only to wait until all the sludge is absorbed and sent to the tank, where it is separated from the liquid;

- after cleaning the pipeline, the car is transported waste to the place of processing, discharged sludge either by the dumping method, or by pressing the lever.
Given the cost of the work, cleaning the sewage system with ilosos can be recommended as a preventive measure. This method is perfect for country houses.
In conclusion
Chemicals can not always cope with sewage blockage. In such a situation, the methods of cleaning the drainage system that are listed in this article will be useful. Not all of them are suitable for independent use, but everyone will be able to choose a cleaning method that matches the complexity of clogging.
The video in this article shows an example of the operation of the mechanism for cleaning the sewer system.