Pipe deflector - what it is and why it is needed


Far from everyone knows what a deflector is, but everyone noticed hoods in the shape of an umbrella over the chimneys of some houses. This design is called the “deflector”, which means “reflector”. Next, we take a closer look at this element of the chimney, its purpose and consider how to make such a device yourself.

Tapered deflector for chimney

Why do you need a deflector

The design of the deflector is quite simple - most often it consists of a short pipe-shell with an umbrella, which is put on the chimney pipe. The deflector is also called a wind vane or smoke box (find out here how the sewage pipes are being replaced).

Note! The haze not only has a practical function, but is also an old architectural element. Some variants of his performance to this day remain a true work of art.

As for its practical purpose, the chimney is intended primarily to enhance the thrust, by deflecting the air flow. Hence its name is “reflector”. As the wind is reflected, a low pressure zone appears in front of the chimney, resulting in increased thrust.

Studies have shown that using even the simplest chimney increases the efficiency of any chimney by 20 percent, and its efficiency does not depend on wind direction and other conditions.

However, this is not its only function, it makes sense to install deflectors on chimneys for other reasons:

  • Protects the chimney from precipitation.
  • Prevents debris from entering the pipe.
  • Prevents the penetration of living creatures.
  • Protects roofing material from flying sparks.
On the photo is a hip chimney

Types of deflectors

Dominic recently come in all kinds.

They may differ:

  • Cap shape;
  • Construction;
  • Materials of which are made, etc.

Therefore, in the following we take a closer look at their species.

The form

Now caps of the following forms enjoy the greatest popularity:

  • With a flat cap;
  • Hip;
  • With a semicircular cap;
  • Conical;
  • Hip.

Tip! The choice of the deflector depends largely on the architecture of the building, for example, copper deflectors with a flat cap are usually used on houses made in the modern style. On modern buildings, caps with a semicircular cap look better.

Forged smoke


As for materials for chimneys, most often they are made of galvanized iron. True, recently there are products covered with enamel or even a layer of plastic.

Rarely found copper vane. As the decoration of the roof is usually used forged products, which may have a variety of forms. Of course, the price of designer flyuharok can be very high.


The designs of these devices, there are quite a few, the most popular recently are the following:

  • TsAGI;
  • Deflector Grigorovich;
  • "Smoke tooth";
  • Open Astato;
  • Spherical with rotation;
  • Round "Voller";
  • Star "Shenard."
Smoke box TsAGI

The most common vent deflector is a TsAGI chimney, therefore, as an example, consider its structure.

So, this design consists of the following elements:

  • Inlet;
  • Deflector housing;
  • Diffuser;
  • Brackets;
  • Umbrella.
Diagram of the device TsAGI

Manufacturing flyugarki

It should be noted that you can make a deflector on the chimney with your own hands, and, in this there is nothing complicated. It is only necessary to prepare a sheet of metal and complete the drawing, after which cut the parts and assemble them.

Reversing the conical hood of the chimney

For example, do-it-yourself deflector for a round pipe is as follows:

  • First you need to draw a circle on the sheet. Its radius should be greater than the radius of the chimney.
  • Then, through the center of the circle, perpendicular center lines should be drawn.. Next, at the intersection point O1, you must put the leg of a compass and perform a notch B, the radius of the notch should be equal to the radius of the circle. The intersection point of the serif must be connected with a line to the center of the circle.
  • Then you need to cut a circle and cut a segment of AOB in it, which will allow you to get a cone. It is necessary to leave the edges for the fold.
  • Next, the finished part must be rolled up into a cone and pick up the edges.
  • Then you need to rivet the four racks to the cone and install the product on the pipesy To fix it, it is possible to make holes in racks and a chimney and fix the structure with bolts or screws.
Drawing of the deflector on the chimney pipe - arched design

The deflector of a square or rectangular chimney with their own hands is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to cut a rectangle of steel in such a size that it can overlap the opening of the pipe when bent.
  • In order to decorate a chimney, from its two sides it is necessary to make identical oblique cuts, which are located at the same distance, which will make it possible to obtain trapezoidal segments.
  • Then you need to make four racks of steel and fasten them with rivets to the corners of the rectangle.
  • The ends of the uprights are bent as shown in the diagram and a hole is made in them.
  • The rectangle must be bent arch and inserted into the chimney. To fix the structure, in the chimney you need to drill holes and insert nails or pins that should go into the holes of the chimney struts.

This work is over. We have considered the most simple designs of flyugarok. If desired, you can perform more complex deflectors and even decorate them with a weather vane.


The deflector is an important element of the chimney, as it not only increases cravings, but also prevents a number of problems associated with its clogging. In addition, he can play an important role in the design of the house, emphasizing his belonging to a particular style. Moreover, such a device can even be made independently (see also the article Types of sewage pipes and connections: selection criteria).

From the video in this article, you can get more information on this topic.