Pipe ram - a practical tool for creating reliable


Threaded connections are the most popular solution in this environment. For this reason, a die for cutting threads on pipes is a topical product on the modern market. We will tell you about it in detail below.

This metal product will allow you to seriously facilitate your life.

general information

To have a complete idea of ​​a particular instrument, you need to know all its nuances. We understand this, so we will provide you with a full range of information.

Why not use polypropylene

Today, the palm in pipe laying is beginning to intercept polypropylene. Indeed, why not take advantage of such material, because it is quite easy to weld?

But still plastic products have two very serious drawbacks:

  1. Fear of heat (maximum - 90 degrees). Therefore, they cannot be used to lay heating lines. At the same time, about 85% of the housing stock of our country is heated with the help of water heating. (See also the article Pipe Loop: Features.)
Plastic at any time can burst if it exert a load
  1. Weak mechanical strength. If there is a need for laying communications under load conditions, then plastic products are clearly losing. The instruction prohibits the use of them in such industries, because it will inevitably lead to destruction.

As you can see, the need for good old metal is still enormous.


If you decide to purchase a set of dies for cutting pipes, then you should find out what they are.

There are the following varieties:

  • Round - fixed with special cartridges (or locking screws). On one of the cylinders of the die there are special grooves and grooves that ensure a secure fit. At the same time it is possible to adjust the diameter with a grinding wheel.
  • Solid - have the highest rigidity that gives the best thread quality. However, it has one serious drawback - poor wear resistance.
If you stock up with at least a small set (for example, as in this photo), you can easily connect any household pipes
  • Sliding - fixed in the flies, which are designed for this guide. It is the most common option today, as it has the perfect combination of price - quality.

Tip: buy a screw die and a die at the same time, because there is a chance that they will not work.

  • Split - have an unpleasant property - sometimes spring when used. As a result, the diameter can change to tenths of a millimeter. Thus, the quality of the resulting product goes scarce.

Some of the most recognized designs.

We now turn to the specifics. If you need to use the tool described by us, then you probably want to know what they are. Their sizes are strictly controlled, so they will be the same for any manufacturer. (See also the article Pipe holder: features.)

In fact, there are a lot of them, but we will present you those that are used in everyday life.

Estimated thread diameter (inch) Hole radius (mm) Estimated thread diameter (inch) Hole radius (mm)
1/4 6.15 1 3/4 26.13
3/8 7.9 2 29,065
1/2 9.9 2 1/4 32,115
5/8 5.425 2 1/2 36.85
34 12,635 2 3/4 40,025
7/8 14,515 3 43.2
one 15.885 3 1/2 49,425
1 1/8 18,205 four 55,775
1 1/4 20,165 five 68,475
1 3/8 21.42 6 81,175
1 1 2 23,16

It is worth noting that you can hardly get such accuracy manually. Therefore, these data can be easily rounded.

How to use it

Remember that the more equipment you have, the more complex tasks you will be able to solve. Therefore, we recommend you to get a complete set

If you have never used such a tool before, you probably don’t know how it works. In fact, everything is quite simple, and any person can cope with this; the main thing is to have a stock of physical strength (if it comes to hand-cuts).

So, if you need, for example, to make a thread 12 inches, then this procedure will be carried out as follows:

  • In a vertical position, a metal billet is clamped on a strong vice (in our case it is a pipe). Its diameter must be the same as the intended external thread -1/2.
  • Then, at its end, chamfer it with a file. This procedure is necessary for the tool to be able to enter.
  • After that, the workpiece must be carefully lubricated with engine oil. This will greatly facilitate the cutting process.
  • Having chosen a suitable die, it should be installed in a special wrench. You need to wear smoothly and without sudden movements. It is important to avoid even the slightest distortions.
Perhaps the most important thing in such an operation is to ensure reliable fixation. Therefore, armed with improvised means, take care of this.

Tip: to ensure accuracy, control the inversion - take measurements every turn.

  • Every one and a half turn will need to turn the tool in the opposite direction on the floor turn.
  • As a result, the thread will cover the entire length.

That's all. Of course, the manual method is impossible to achieve maximum accuracy. However, for domestic needs, the resulting quality is quite enough.

Remember a few simple tips that will greatly facilitate the work:

  • If you accidentally crushed part, you can restore it, having banished the tool again.
  • To avoid corrosion in the future, lubricate the workpiece with petroleum jelly.
  • If there is a misaligned thread, then you have to break off a piece of the workpiece and perform the procedure again. It is impossible to correct such a defect.
If you do it right, you will get a reliable connection.


That ended our story, but we made sure that you get the most complete store of knowledge. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic. His viewing will allow to understand all the nuances.