Sewer audit: installation features


For the normal functioning of the sewer system, it is necessary to properly design and build it. In addition to the basic elements - pipes - a lot of auxiliary parts are used. One of them is sewer inspection. Despite the seeming insignificance, it plays perhaps the most important and responsible role.

Important and necessary shaped element

The need to install an audit

Sewerage is a rather complicated engineering network that can cause many different problems during operation. Most often, troubles arise when the sewage system for collecting used water is not properly assembled (especially if inexperienced craftsmen assemble it with their own hands). Also, mistakes are often made in operation, the price of which corrected reaches the cost of a new system.

The main problem in most cases are blockages, that is, obstruction of sewage pipes due to the accumulation of various debris. It is easy to remove it, the question is how to get to the desired segment inside the drain system, because in most cases it has an extensive system and considerable length.

Without revision, proper operation of the sewage system is not guaranteed.

To solve the problems listed above, an audit on a sewer pipe is applied.

Design features

Appearance details

The sewer revision is a special shaped part, made in the form of a tee, in which the side branch is closed with a special lid.

Previously, when the main material for the manufacture of sewage pipes was cast iron, this part had a more complex shape:

  1. The rectangular opening in the pipe was closed with a special cast-iron lid, which was fixed in place with four massive bolts.
  2. Tightness is ensured by a rubber gasket covering the entire outlet..
  3. The cap bolts are tightened after inspecting the pipes or removing the sewer blockage in a special way - crosswise. Otherwise, to achieve the desired degree of tightness was problematic.
Photo audit from cast iron

Note! Currently, cast iron pipes are almost out of use, giving way to PVC products, which have many advantages. Accordingly, the design of the used audit has changed.

Features of modern shaped details:

  • plastic is used in contrast to cast iron;
  • changed form.

Currently, the hole has become round due to the characteristics of the casting product. In addition, the cover is not fastened with bolts, but with the help of ordinary thread. This simplifies maintenance of the sewer system and ensures an adequate level of tightness.

Types of construction

For the installation of internal sewage used polypropylene revision, painted in a characteristic gray color. Parts for outdoor installation are brown in color. However, in the latter case (for servicing main sewage channels) special viewing wells are equipped.

To monitor the state of the external sewage, a manhole is used.

Therefore, the item has only two types:

  • diameter 110 mm;
  • with a diameter of 50 mm.

For especially meticulous we give all the technical characteristics.

Diameter, mm Weight, kg Length mm
50 0.075 115
110 0.33 185

The procedure for mounting this element does not differ from the process of connecting all the other parts. The main thing is to choose the right installation site.

The main purpose of the audit is to monitor the state of the sewer system and, if necessary, clean it. Therefore, it is important to provide convenient access to the node, because sometimes large and bulky devices are used to flush pipes.

It is possible to install these elements both on horizontal and vertical pipes. It is only necessary to achieve the necessary degree of tightness of all joints.

Revision with a diameter of 50 mm

We list the main advantages of polypropylene revision:

  • able to withstand high temperature sewage (up to + 95 degrees Celsius);
  • It has a smooth internal space that allows you to avoid blockages during the passage of wastewater;
  • does not require staining or the use of other anti-corrosion measures;
  • has a long service life of more than 50 years;
  • maintains big loadings and does not collapse under the influence of low temperatures of air;
  • tolerates exposure to various chemicals.

Note! Installing revisions is not a whim, but a necessity. Savings on the acquisition and installation of these parts in the sewer system can lead to its complete inoperability in the future, which will require considerable costs to remedy the situation.

Features of the installation of revisions

Technological requirements

The instructions for the design and installation of sewer systems (SNiP 2.04.01-85) require the installation of this shaped element in the following cases:

  • with each turn of the waste pipe at an angle of 45 degrees or more;
  • at the base of each vertical pipe;
  • when connecting two sewer pipes into one;
  • on a straight pipe with a diameter of up to 100 mm - every 15 meters, more than 100 mm - every 30 meters;
  • on a trap mounted at the end of the sewer system of a private house.

Remember that when a pipeline is hidden, access to the audit should be equipped with a manhole with a hatch of at least 30x40 cm.

External sewer inspection

As for the internal sewage system, the requirements here are as follows:

  • central risers on the first and last floor in the absence of additional branches;
  • central risers with tees - on each floor;
  • on pipes to which 3 or more sanitary devices are connected - at the beginning of the section;
  • cornering - if a pipe section cannot be cleaned through another hole.

Assembly process

Installing a revision in the sewer system does not cause difficulties:

  • clean the bell and smooth end of the pipe from dust and debris;
  • check whether there is a rubber sealing ring installed there, which is necessary to ensure the tightness of the system;
  • lubricate the smooth end of the pipe with sealant and insert it into the socket of the revision up to the stop;
To install, simply insert the smooth end into the socket
  • mark on the pipe the place where the cut of the socket will be located;
  • pull the pipe back about 1 centimeter apart.
Pull pipe slightly out of socket

Installation is complete.


Having understood what a sewer revision is and why it is needed, you will have no doubts about the need to install this element in the system. In more detail about installation of sewer systems it is possible to learn from video in this article.