Tool for crimping plastic pipes: the features of choice and


Instructions for the construction of modern sewers involves the use of crimp couplings and other fittings. For effective, simple and at the same time high-quality installation, a special tool is required that can have a uniform impact on the entire surface of the fitting.

In this article, we will look at how to choose a press for crimping plastic pipes, what this tool is and what are the features of its use. But first, consider how necessary such a tool is.

Kinds of a blooming fitting for metal plast

The need to use a special tool

Crimp coupling for cast iron pipes (coupling flange) on the bolted connection

If the ferrule on the steel pipe is mounted by means of a bolted connection, then with a metal-plastic pipeline, everything is somewhat different. When working with metal-plastic, special press tongs are needed, which can be designed to create a tight joint.

The theme of the need for special equipment for working with metal-plastic is not accidental, since this material, despite its lower popularity, in comparison with polypropylene pipes, is still in consistently high demand.

Metal-plastic pipes are characterized by several advantages, including:

  • affordable price;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • smooth inner surface and, as a consequence, consistently high pressure without the possibility of blockages;
  • ease of installation;
  • possibility of assembly of the pipeline with various degree of complexity.

Important: Despite the ease of installation work, you need to remember that the crimping pipe clamp is disposable. That is, if it is once crimped incorrectly, it will be possible to correct the error using a new fitting.

Currently, in addition to the crimping fittings, a threaded joint with a split ring is used on the metal-plastic. To install a threaded connection, an open-ended wrench of the appropriate size and a device for cutting pipes are required.

It would seem that the minimum of the tool that is in every home makes the threaded connection the optimal choice, but this is not quite the case. The fact is that pipelines constructed with the use of a threaded connection are not as strong and durable as pipelines manufactured using compression sleeves for sewer pipes.

If the crimp fittings can be used on pipelines intended for laying in plaster walls or in a concrete screed, the threaded connection is exclusively suitable for outdoor use. But in order for crimping to guarantee a sufficient degree of tightness and reliability, a special correctly selected tool is needed.

Now that we have decided on the need to use special ticks, it's time to consider the features of their use and their main varieties.

Tool application

Modern crimp sleeve for plastic pipes in the cut

Press fittings consist of a body with a fitting, sealing rings, an insulating ring and a crimp sleeve. During installation, the press fitting is put on the end of the pipe and is tightly crimped with pliers.

The result is a reliable and durable connection, which is different:

  • maximum protection against leakage.
  • no need to perform braces and additional maintenance;
  • resistance to long-term working pressure up to 10 Bar;
  • operational resource over 50 years without the need for repair;
  • the possibility of pouring concrete;
  • possibility of the hidden laying;
  • simplicity and efficiency of installation, without the need for soldering and welding.

But once again we note that such a result can only be possible with the use of a properly selected tool.

Press tool selection

In the photo - hand tools with elongated handles.

Proper crimping of a metal-plastic pipe is not so difficult, provided that the crimping tool is correctly selected.

Crimping tools for working with metal-plastic pipes are represented by many modern modifications. For example, on sale you can find expensive hydraulic and electromechanical devices, equipped with a wide range of different clamps.

Electro-hydraulic device with clamped sleeve

The purchase of such devices by a beginner seems to be an unjustified waste of money, since such a tool is intended for professional use. That is why buying an expensive press for repairs in the apartment should not be. Where it is more expedient to limit the acquisition of a hand press.

The hand-held device works at the expense of muscular effort, but at the same time the price of devices is more affordable.

The advantages of hand presses include the following:

  • structural reliability and, consequently, the minimum risk of breakage during operation;
  • accuracy and high quality crimping, not inferior to the result of the use of hydraulic or electromechanical devices;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to use removable liners, so you can work with pipes of smaller diameters than the standard under which the tool is adapted;
  • affordable price.

Going to the store to buy a tool, you need to know exactly the diameter of the cross-section of pipes that will have to be crimped. All crimping devices are designed to work with a specific diameter. However, if the diameter of commercially available crimping pliers is larger than the diameter of the pipes, the problem can be solved by using special inserts.

A tool for performing even pipe cuts

Professional tools can be additionally equipped with monitoring and optimization systems:

  • APC - automatic control system for pressing the fitting (thanks to this system, the press will not be opened until the crimping is completed);
  • APS is a mechanical device that allows you to distribute the force applied in accordance with the size of the fitting;
  • OPS is a mechanical device equipped with stepped clips, increasing the force applied to the handles.

Important: Regardless of the selection criteria, when buying ticks and press fittings, you need to insure against the purchase of a fake. Counterfeit devices not only do not guarantee the proper quality of crimping, but can also be potentially dangerous for the user.

Available tool types

Currently on sale you can find the following categories of the press tool:

  • Manual modification is represented by a wide range of compact tools.. Almost all hand-held devices can be used to work with small-diameter fittings (no more than 26 mm).
The use of hand tools for working with copper pipes

Manual pincers can be completed with replaceable nozzles for work with various diameters. The sleeve in such devices is crimped due to muscular effort, increased by means of long levers.

  • Network modification - a wide range of powerful crimping devices for professional use. As a rule, these are electromechanical devices capable of processing not only metal-plastic pipes, but also steel and copper analogues.
Compact net press

Network devices, inconvenient for frequent transportation from one object to another, but at the same time can be used to crimp fittings with a diameter of up to 108 mm.

The process of pressing through such a tool is fast and of high quality. The device is activated just by pressing a button. Therefore, this category of devices is an ideal solution for the installation of large pipelines with a large number of different taps.

  • Battery modification is a range of mobile devices that are widely used when working in de-energized construction sites.
Electro-hydraulic battery press

The mobile tool provides additional comfort when carrying out installation work under the ceiling and in other equally uncomfortable places. For more accurate crimping, battery devices can be equipped with LED backlighting.


So, now we know that building a water supply system with our own hands is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right tool. For proper crimping of metal or metal pipes with fittings, special press equipment is required. The equipment is a press machine equipped with tongs.

Before starting work, you must make sure that the crimping contour of the device repeats the shape of the fitting and matches its diameter. Pressing will take no more than a few seconds and at the same time will provide high quality results. More useful information you can find by watching the video in this article.