Some tips on how to close the sewer pipes in the toilet


Start a major overhaul in the apartment? In this case, you probably have to think about how to close the sewer riser in the toilet. And this is not surprising, since there is little what a design project assumes the presence of such a decorative element as water and sanitary pipes.

If not so long ago sewage pipes were installed in the toilet by painting, today there are an order of magnitude more such methods.

In the photo, an uncovered riser is not the most pleasant view.

Features of the location of pipes and the need for their termination

It is no secret that in a standard apartment with a separate bathroom, the main part of the pipes is located in the toilet. And to this you can add valves and counters. In the end, it turns out that the toilet looks like the interior of the engine room in a submarine and the toilet bowl here seems to be superfluous (see also the article Where does the smell of sewage in the toilet come from and how to eliminate it).

Since plumbing and sewage communications cause certain inconveniences, they must be hidden during repairs. Consider the basic methods of sealing pipes.

Full Wall False Wall Construction

You can begin to install false walls

If the question is relevant than to close the sewer pipe in the toilet, you can go a simple way and build a false wall. As a building material you can use gypsum boards or wall panels.

Not so long ago, this method of finishing communications was unpopular, and there were good reasons for this. For example, a wall erected from plasterboard takes up an already limited space in a small toilet, and therefore the toilet would have to be pushed forward.

Just imagine, the length of the room rarely exceeds 1.5m, whereas the false wall, regardless of the number of hidden pipes, will extend no less than 50 cm. As a result, there is no more than 1 meter in length, and therefore between the toilet and the front door of the place does not remain.

However, there is an effective solution to the problem of cramped toilets - this is a hanging toilet. Using such plumbing, it will be possible to hide the pipes, the metal frame on which the toilet will be fixed, and even the cistern behind the false wall. As a result, there will be enough space in the toilet and there will be no pipes visible.

In the photo hanging toilet in combination with a false wall

Among the main advantages of installing false walls, when using a suspended toilet, we note the following:

  • the ability to install their own hands;
  • relatively low price of the finished result;
  • the possibility of arranging the hatch for emergency access to plumbing or sanitary pipes;
  • the possibility of subsequent painting the walls or pasting wallpaper;
  • excellent view of the finished fence.

Important: The construction of plasterboard is the best choice to cover the new pipes, which subsequently do not have to be repaired. If you decide to exploit old cast iron pipes, it is not recommended to use a plasterboard wall, since such a fence is not suitable for multiple assembly and disassembly.

Installation of angular square box

On the photo frame for the assembly of the corner box

If you are planning, then how to seal the sewer pipe in the toilet, you can use a square corner box. This method is optimal if the toilet is small and all communications are concentrated in one corner.

The advantages of the solution include the following:

  • location in the corner, and not across the wall as in the previous case and, as a result, space saving;
  • the possibility of making boxes of various materials;
  • reasonable price due to the small amount of used building materials;
  • ease of assembly with your own hands;
  • the ability to manufacture a full-sized hatch, both for access to the counters and for the repair of pipes.

The box is made as follows:

  • a frame in the form of an open book is assembled from an aluminum corner;
  • frame mounted in the corner;
  • one of the walls of the frame is sheathed by one or another material (drywall, laminated plywood, OSB board, etc.);
  • the piano loop is fastened to the corner of the frame;
  • a sash is hung on the loop from the same material that was used to trim the other side of the frame.
  • A locking mechanism, such as bolts or small locks, is mounted on the door above, in the middle and in the center.

Installation of angular (oblique) false wall

The photo oblique false wall

If the toilet is cramped, the pipes are located along the side wall, and there is no possibility to purchase a wall-mounted toilet, an angular (oblique) false wall can be used. The best material for the assembly of such structures is drywall. However, along with drywall, you can use plywood or chipboard.

Just as in the previous cases, it is possible to make a viewing hatch. But due to the structural features of the wall, this hatch will be small.

The main feature of this false wall is the location. Manufactured wall adjoins two walls at acute angles. As a result, a lot of free space remains in the toilet and the toilet can only be moved slightly to the side.

Installation of a multilevel box

In the photo - a multi-level box

The choice of a multi-level box is justified in the event that the location of the pipes in the toilet is difficult. Thus, where the pipes are thicker (as a rule, the lower part of the wall) the box will move more from the wall. Again, where there are pipes with a smaller diameter (usually on top), the box from the wall moves less.

Important: The obvious advantage of this solution is the possibility of arranging a small shelf in the lower part of the wall where the width of the box will vary.

Selection of materials

Once we have decided on the configuration of the pipe cover, we will try to choose the appropriate materials:

  • Drywall - convenient in terms of installation solution, the price of which is low. A significant drawback is the low hydrophobicity that needs to be taken into account, since condensate appears from time to time on the surface of pipes.
  • Plywood - great material, but only if the plywood is laminated on both sides.
  • Oriented chipboard OSB - good choice for installation work. But before using the slab, it is advisable to paint at least two layers of waterproof paint.
  • Shutters - high-tech solution, using which you can refuse to install a separate hatch.


So, we learned what the instructions for the improvement of the toilet in the apartment. If you have any questions, you can find the answers to them by watching the video in this article (find out also how the sewage calculation is performed).