Independent replacement of the cartridge in the mixer


First of all, it should be noted that replacement of the cartridge in the mixer in the shower or in the kitchen is possible only if it is there, as the single-lever (joystick) model can also have valves in the form of a ball with holes.

In order to make sure of this or that answer, it will be enough for you to unscrew the joystick handle and you will be able to see what is under the bottom. Below we will tell you how the plumbing cartridge works, what they are all about, and in addition we will show you the video in this article.

Model with cartridge

Mixer repair

Plumbing cartridges

Capacity scheme

In order to understand how to repair the mixer cartridge, it is necessary to understand how it works at all, that is, how the water is adjusted in it.

In the upper figure, you can see its working principle:

  • in the body of the device there is a plate with holes, which is connected to the stem;
  • when turning it in one or the other direction, the hot or cold water inlet closes or opens.

But the intensity of the pressure of a hot or cold flow is regulated by the displacement of the same plate back and forth - it covers the third hole, from which already mixed water flows into the spout.

This plate is located inside the device, which is not disassembled (not intended for disassembly, but, of course, you can disassemble), therefore, repairing a ceramic cartridge-mixer with your own hands is almost impossible - you can simply replace it with a new one.

The only thing that can be replaced on this device is rubber gaskets on three holes, but in order to change them, you need to find new ones, and it’s quite difficult to do, sometimes even impossible. But this is hardly a problem, since the price of a new cartridge is 5-10 times less than the cost of the mixer itself, so the acquisition of a new device is not something impracticable.


There are, of course, so-called collapsible cartridges, but this is no easier for anyone - anyway, if such a device fails, you will not find any spare parts for it anywhere, so again we return to the need to replace it as a whole, as the instructions require. .

You should also say a few words about its size, since changing the cartridge in the shower mixer, bath, sink or sink can only be done with an appropriate device.

So, in different cranes, its dimensions can be 28 mm, 35 mm or 46 mm, which is usually displayed on the case, for example, D28, D35 or D46. As a rule, its body is made of plastic, and the inner insert can be either plastic or ceramic.

Recommendation. If you need to replace the cartridge in the mixer with your own hands, and the printed parameters on its case are erased, then you should take the device with you to the store to determine its size visually.


Remove the lever
  • So, we proceed to the repair of the mixer, which in this case will be to replace the cartridge, although this, in fact, is its main problem, and everything else is more related to mechanical damage, but they happen very rarely.
  • First of all, we need to remove the adjustment knob (joystick) and for this we need to unscrew the screw that is under the lever. This screw is closed with a red-blue decorative cap, which you need to pry with a knife, screwdriver or any other sharp object, and removing it to unscrew the screw - for this it is enough to make three turns counterclockwise.
  • Now shoot the joystick, but it can not go - if the valve leaks through the top, then a scurf of salts and alkalis contained in water can form on the rod and lever.
  • In this case, you have to pull the handle up, while swinging her left to right, and she should be shot anyway. Just do not try to hook the lever with any objects - you will scratch the plating of the handle and body itself, so it’s best to do without it.
  • After we removed the handle, we will need to unscrew the decorative nut of the mixer, which is like a dome and do it best with your hands, without a key, so as not to scratch the lining.
  • If you still can not unscrew with your hands, you still have to resort to using a gas key, just under his sponge will need to put some pads of napkins, or at least paper.
Turn off the locknut. A photo
  • We continue to consider how to replace the cartridge in the mixer and now we need to unscrew the lock nut, which holds all the insides in the case. For this, it is most convenient to use an adjustable or small (first number) gas switch - it is turned counter-clockwise. If at the same time the housing of the mixer starts to rotate, then it can usually be held by hand, but if it does not work out, then it will be necessary to tighten its fastening from below.
Self repair cartridge mixer
  • After we unscrew the locknut, take out the cartridge - it is pulled out very easily and we replace it with a new one.. When you insert a new cartridge, scroll it to the left to the right so that it hits the slots - the device will be positioned in place when you cannot rotate it in different directions.
  • Now the whole process needs to be repeated in the reverse order - we tighten the lock nut. (be careful not to pinch), then a decorative nut, put the handle on and press it to the rod with a screw - we carry out a test.

Attention. When repairing the mixer, be sure to overlap not only cold but also hot water. Hot water does not need to overlap only in those cases when you use a flow heater.


You have now learned how to change the cartridge in the mixer and, perhaps, were convinced that this is not difficult to do. But be careful not to damage the chrome finish of the case. Successes!