Mixer selection: what to look for first


It is now quite difficult to make the choice of a mixer What is called: "the eyes diverge." Adaptations differ from each other not only in design, functionality, but also in design.

Therefore, they can perform not only their direct duties, but also decorate the interior of the bathroom.

At the moment there are many types of mixers.

Device classification

Classified by specialists fixtures on several grounds. So, based on the pipe layout, allocate mixers vertical and horizontal installation. And taking into account the location of the device, there is a mixer in the wall (wall-mounted) and on-board, which is mounted on the side of the bath or sink.

According to the design of the device are divided into several types.

  1. Valve counterparts have two handles, under which there are crane box. They separately open / close the flow of hot and cold water, as well as regulate their pressure.
  2. Lever, they are pedal, joystick devices are equipped with one handle. With its help, the feed is adjusted and the water is mixed.
  3. Thermostatic devices constantly supply water at a given temperature until the user changes its value on a special scale.
  4. A contactless infrared mixer reacts to heat in the sink zone and turns on the water automatically. Those. you do not need to turn the valve manually.

The materials from which devices are made

  1. The best material for high-quality mixers is brass. It is quite heavy, so a good mixer should not be light.
  2. This material is an alloy of copper and zinc. Therefore, brass faucets are environmentally friendly.
  3. Brass elements and enclosures do not rust. To further increase their corrosion resistance and aesthetics, the mixers are chrome-plated or nickel-plated on the outside.
Premium Brass Device.

Shower heads, handle elements and other external parts of devices are often made from polymers, for example, from ABS plastic. If the mixer belongs to the VIP or Premium class, manufacturers use decorative veneer made of aged bronze, gilding, etc. The mixer made of artificial stone is also popular.

Note! Often cheap models of devices are made of silumin, especially Chinese ones. This alloy of aluminum and silicon is very cheap. However, it is not reliable, and at any time the mixer can flow.

Mixer construction

Now it is worth telling that represent the basic designs of mixers.

Valve accessories

In the photo valve device.
  1. Two-valve classic mixers, despite the fact that they are morally obsolete, are still popular in our country. And this is due not only to their low price.
  2. More modern types of devices often can not harmoniously fit into the interior of the bathroom, built in the style of country, loft, retro, classic.
  3. The basis of the valve devices is the crane-box, it opens and blocks the flow of hot, cold water, and also regulates their pressure.

Note! The weakest point of such devices is a rubber or silicone sealing gasket. It requires frequent replacement, as when it fails, the device begins to flow.

  1. Also, such mixers do not allow to adjust the desired temperature and precisely regulate the pressure, because the valves are rotated by more than 360 °. To do this, make 5/8 full turns of the crane.

More durable and convenient is another kind of similar devices - double-lever mixers. They are equipped with ceramic valves that have a rotating mechanism.

Water is cut off and supplied with its own hands in such mixers with the help of two rounded perfectly ground ceramic plates with holes.

Here you can adjust the temperature quite quickly: the angle of rotation of the handles to the open / closed position is 180 or 90 ° (half or a quarter of a turn), depending on the manufacturer.

Although two-valve devices are obsolete, their price is only slightly less than the lever counterparts.

Pedal analogues

Lever attachment device.

At the moment, the most popular lever models of mixers.

  1. They use a technology in which the pressure and temperature of the water are regulated by moving just one handle at a time up / down and left / right.
  2. The internal mechanism of such devices can be spherical or cartridge. The devices of the first type are now quite rare, while the mixers based on the cartridge are produced by almost all manufacturers.
  3. Such devices are very convenient, because they can be operated with one hand without any effort.. In this case, you have complete control over the temperature and force of the flow of water, and if you need to - you can instantly shut off the jet.
Joystick analog.

One of the types of pedal devices is a high-type joystick mixer. If ordinary lever devices handle horizontally (parallel to the spout and forward), the joystick is in the vertical position (perpendicular to the spout of the mixer).

Note! If there is a need to save water, purchase a lever device with a saving function. This mixer dispenser will help you with this. Such models have two-stage pedal control.

Switching from economy mode to maximum head is accompanied by a slight resistance to the movement of the handle.

Thermostat appliances

Thermostatic device.
  1. The main task of such devices is the supply of water, the temperature of which is set by the user. Moreover, the mechanism of operation of the mixer is such that it does not change, even when the temperature and pressure drops in main pipes.
  2. The instruction notes that such a principle of action significantly increases your safety and comfort when using sanitary fittings.
  3. You can control this mixer with two rotary knobs. The first of them regulates the water pressure, the second - the temperature. The degree of heating of the fluid should be adjusted only once, then you should only change the pressure.
  4. Thanks to this principle of operation of the device, when taking water procedures, you do not risk scalding.

Contactless versions

Contactless device.
  1. Such devices are the newest word in the field of sanitary equipment. They are not controlled manually, the supply and shutdown of water regulate infrared sensors. There is also a mixer with a photocell.
  2. Water begins to flow if you bring your hands to the device, and stops flowing a few seconds after you move away from the device.
  3. Some of these mixers are powered by electricity, others can be powered by built-in batteries.
  4. Such unusual mixers are common in public places - restaurants, cafes, etc., because very economical use of water.

But such a device can be installed at home. At the same time, he will not only save your money, but also decorate the bathroom.

For example, a very original mixer with light. Small bulbs are built into its spout or shower head. They paint streams of water in different colors.


Choosing which mixer is better, evaluate the models in terms of the compatibility in them of comfort of use and reasonable price. Do not forget about the quality of the device, so, the most reliable mixer of brass.

Better to get acquainted with all aspects of the topic will help you video in this article.