Touch mixer: the latest philosophy of comfort


Sensory contactless mixers are one of the examples of the implementation of technologies that were incredible yesterday in the most ordinary, but at the same time, closest to each area of ​​life activity: in everyday life.

In our hearts we remain children, and any hint of a fairy tale leads us to a genuine delight. And when a fairy tale becomes a reality, only doubt does not allow happiness to fill this long-awaited moment. Do not believe - just read on.

Touch sink mixer will allow you to experience a new level of comfort.

Smart plumbing with contactless control

Features of the crane with electronic automatic module

Reasonable minimalism as a trend of new style.

What is a mixer with a touch sensor, and how is it arranged? With all its manufacturability, this is quite a simple, intuitive device with a logical principle of operation.

Speaking from the user's point of view, the touch mixer is a sanitary device that does not have the usual controls, such as valves, switching levers and others.

Switching on and off occurs automatically due to the reaction to movement in the sensitivity zone of the device, which is located between the spout of the faucet and the bowl of the sink and is regulated by the user.

Simply put your hands.

In addition, the capabilities of intelligent control electronics allow you to program the settings for the temperature of the water, which will be set up without your participation immediately after switching on the device. Advanced models allow you to set several temperature regimes, and you just have to select the desired value from the settings you have set.

The photo shows how the indicator on the front panel shows the temperature of the water.

The developers took into account the possibility of changing the temperature also in real time: a small lever on the body or keys on the screen allow you to add the level of hot or cold water to the stream directly during the operation of the mixer. Moreover, such intervention does not knock down the previously set values ​​and modes that are stored in the device memory.

Possible adjustment in real time.

Finally, the device is equipped with a screen with a clear and simple interface, which even a child can understand. Some models are equipped with a remote control.

Simple and intuitive interface makes operation of the mixer doubly enjoyable.

Note! The software and capabilities of the tincture of contactless cranes are constantly evolving, and the developers of advanced companies will delight us with new products constantly.

Device and principle of operation

New technologies have long ceased to be a luxury.

At first glance it may seem that the touchscreen faucet for the washbasin is a very complex and inaccessible device. However, it is not.

The touch mixer consists of several main functional parts:

  1. Plumbing part. It includes all hydraulics, namely, valves and fittings, mixing channels and pipes for connecting water pipes. In this regard, the device has no fundamental structural differences from the known solutions used in this field;
Hydraulics does not have any fundamental differences.
  1. Control mechanisms. As with any automation, the product is equipped with tools that execute commands from an electronic control unit or operator. Special electric servos drive the mechanical parts of the shut-off and control valves and affect the nature of the pressure and the ratio of cold and hot flows in the common jet;
Electric actuator for valves.
  1. Electronic control unit. It includes memory modules, processors and other microelectronics, which, based on the installed programs, manages the system. The result of the activity of the block are the control signals that arrive at the terminals of the servo drives and thus affect the mechanics of the mixer;
The electronic part is located inside the power supply.
  1. Operator communication unit. It is an infrared sensor, touch screen, key system, remote control or other organs. Signals from this block take precedence over the program modes, but the programs themselves do not change without the user's desire.
IR sensor - the main element of communication with the user.

As you can see, there are no principal innovations or discoveries in the theory of automatic control, and, like all ingenious, the touchscreen faucet is designed as simply and clearly as possible. Such simplicity increases the reliability of the product and makes it affordable to the general consumer.


The most progressive models are able to understand even gestures.

If you are not yet completely fascinated by "smart" plumbing, then let's talk about its benefits.

There are many of them, and they are indisputable:

  • After your hands leave the washbasin area, the water automatically closes. This allows you to achieve very significant savings, especially when installing such devices in public places, where there are cases of forgetfulness of some customers;
  • Touch kitchen faucet avoids the constant contact of dirty hands with the mixer. Also, you do not need to turn on the water at a constant flow, it will pour itself when you want;
  • In schools, train stations, shopping and entertainment centers, in public toilets, faucet valves become a breeding ground for bacteria and dangerous miasms. Sensor technology solves this problem completely;
  • Due to the lack of physical contact, the mechanic lasts longer. In public places, vandalism or accidental damage is minimized;
  • Finally, using such plumbing is just nice. Believe the word, the feeling of some magic is always present.

Another indisputable advantage that I would like to say separately is the reasonable price of products. Today you can purchase a contactless crane for 5 - 10 thousand rubles, which is not at all expensive for such equipment.

The shower can also be equipped with a sensor.

Note! It should be understood that in some cases it is more expedient to install a traditional hand-operated mixer. For example, a faucet for filling a bath does not need electronic program control, it is not always necessary in the kitchen either.


Installation of the device is not difficult.

Everyone who imagines the process of installing any other faucet is able to install a touch mixer with his own hands. The installation instructions may have some minor differences and nuances associated with the installation of the control unit, if it is rendered as a separate module.

Many models have the ability to connect to the network.

Otherwise, the work includes all the same steps: installing the case on the sink and fixing it with a bracket and nut, connecting flexible hoses to the mixer and water pipes.

The device is connected as well as the usual tap.

Note! Some models have a separate mixing unit, from which one flexible hose goes to the tap, and the unit itself is located under the sink. In this case, you will need to fix the unit on the wall with dowels and anchor screws.


Touch washbasin mixer - it is convenient, modern, economical and affordable. As you can see, the device has a lot of positive qualities and features. So that you do not doubt our words, we invite you to watch the video in this article and see everything with your own eyes.