Forced sewage: the main types and features of their use

Outdoor sewage

In this article, we will talk about what are solo-lifts and forced sewers. We will also consider what are the features of the operation of these devices.

Household pumping station

Important: The name Sololift, which has become a household name, is the name of a model line of sewage pumps of the Danish company Grundfos. However, the name is so popular that everyone calls sololift pumps with a grinder, starting with consultants in specialized stores and ending with ordinary customers.

Total information

It is no secret that the standard location of the sewer riser in a typical apartment does not allow to place the kitchen or bathroom where it is convenient for residents. However, there is a solution to this seemingly intractable problem - this is a system of forced sewage (find out here how the internal sewage is done with your own hands in a private house).

The principle of operation of the device

This system is characterized by two main advantages:

  • the possibility of organizing the discharge of wastewater without the need for redevelopment of the apartment;
  • possibility of installation and subsequent use of plumbing fixtures in the basement of a private house, where there is no possibility to divert sewage by gravity.

The conclusion from the above can be made the following: this system is sometimes irreplaceable, as it allows to solve many difficulties that arise when arranging an apartment or house. So, we will consider how the sewer of compulsory action works.

Features of operation

Outfit of a country house with SFA pumps

Sololift is a sanitary pump for forced sewage, equipped with a grinder. The principle of operation of the device consists in careful grinding of the pumped out drains with their subsequent supply to the ordinary sewage system.

Among the advantages of the equipment are the following points:

  • Compact dimensions and, as a result, the possibility of installation in most convenient places, for example behind the toilet, in the kitchen sink, etc .;
  • Drainage of waste through plastic pipes of small diameter not exceeding 40 mm, which can be easily placed next to heating pipes and other utilities;
  • Possibility of connection, both to the ordinary sewerage, and to a septic tank;
  • High power with relatively small dimensions and small diameter of pipes (possibility of horizontal transportation at a distance of up to 100 meters and vertical feed at a height of up to 7 meters);
  • Simple installation instructions;
  • Ease of operation and maintenance;
  • Reasonable price, in comparison with the cost of redevelopment of the apartment to connect to the ordinary sewer.

Important: Choosing a kitchen pump forced sewage, pay attention to the maximum allowable temperature of the pumped liquid. Most of the units on the market can work with liquids heated to +40? С.

Grundfos products

After the device is installed and connected to the source of wastewater and sewage it is ready for operation.

The device operates in an automated mode. For the automation of the process meets the float installed in the tank into which waste is fed. When the volume of liquid in the tank exceeds a predetermined value, the pump is turned on and the liquid is transported smoothly until its content in the tank again reaches the required parameters.

When choosing a unit for domestic use in a private house, it is important to make sure that the equipment of the device includes a carbon filter that will prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.

Important: A modern sewage system does not imply the need for regular maintenance. To complete the operation of the device, it is sufficient to periodically clean and flush the tank.

Types of pumps on the market

On the photo - placement of the kitchen modification of the pump under the sink

Today, in specialized stores you can purchase the following range of forced sewage systems:

  • Modifications for pumping hot liquids (up to 90 degrees) without a grinder installed. The device is mainly used to work with clean hot water from baths, sinks in bathrooms and washing machines.

This type is characterized by compact dimensions due to the absence of a massive chopper. The device can be hidden under the sink, behind the decorative casing of the bath or it can be hung on the wall.

  • Modifications for pumping hot liquids (up to 95 degrees) with a grinder installed. Devices of this type can be installed after dishwashers and after kitchen sinks.

Small solid inclusions will be effectively ground without compromising the integrity of the unit. Kitchen appliances are somewhat larger than units that do not have a shredder, but can also be installed in most places if necessary.

  • Modifications for pumping cold liquids with a grinder installed. These devices work with drains with medium and large solid inclusions.

Aggregates of this type are called fecal pumps, since they are most often connected to the toilet and placed under the tank.

  • Modifications for pumping cold liquids without a grinder installed are connected to the drain of the shower stall or to the washbasin sink, where the liquid outlet temperature rarely exceeds +40? С.


In the photo sololift, designed for three sources

Now we will find out how to install a grinder pump for forced sewage.

  • The unit, depending on the configuration, can be equipped with various fasteners that need to be fixed so that later to hang or put the device on them.
  • After the unit is fixed with fasteners, we bring pipes from sources with our own hands. As a rule, the device is equipped with flexible hoses, if there are none, you will have to purchase additional pipes of the required diameter.
  • The supplied hoses have stock fittings with rubber gaskets, so you only need to screw these fittings and install a metal hose clamp.
  • The pipe at the outlet from the device is connected in the same way, that is, a plastic fitting with a rubber seal is wound.
  • After that, the unit is connected to the network and can be used for its intended purpose.


Now you know how the forced sewage system is installed and operated in the apartment. You can find more useful information by watching the video in this article (also find out how the rain sewage system is designed).