Gutter trays: classification and materials used
Many of us are irritated by puddles and dirt on the roads and around homes. And at the same time, it is nice when, after a heavy downpour, the roads and yards remain dry. Storm sewage is responsible for this beauty, one of the important elements of which is the sewer tray.
Directions of development
In turn, these structures are divided into two main groups.
- The first group includes road and communication products, which are designed to remove moisture from road and railroad tracks.. And also from all sorts of footpaths, sidewalks and park areas. Thanks to their work on the roads, not only there are no puddles, but also the lifespan of the canvas increases significantly.
- The second large group relates to engineering and communications systems.. With their help, moisture is removed from the foundations of buildings and basement structures. The value of these systems is difficult to overestimate, because without them, even the best waterproofing of the foundation would not last long, plus very few people might like the dampness and water in the basements.
What it is and what they are
In general, the design of this type of product is quite simple, it is a square, rectangular or rounded trough. From above, they, as a rule, are equipped with various kinds of protective nets, which play the role of a coarse filter and protect large debris or leaves from falling into the sewer drain.
As a rule, several types of such structures are combined on the territory of a single object. Each of which performs its narrowly directed function. But at the same time, they are all tied into a single system.
So in a private cottage or city courtyard engineering products can be successfully combined to wipe moisture from the foundation and road, to ensure dry access roads and sidewalks.
Product classification
The price, of course, is important, but the first thing you should pay attention to when you decide to equip a stormwater runner is the maximum permissible critical load on the structure.
The material may be different, but if the product is not designed that specific weight, the system will not last long.
- The A-15 is the weakest, up to one and a half tone, park-dacha variant, which is intended exclusively for pedestrian or cycling areas. In private construction, they are stacked in the area of garden paths. In the city, they are equipped with parks, playgrounds or athletics sports facilities.
- B-125 - can already withstand up to 12.5 tons. This type of product is the most popular among private developers. It is used for arranging parking for passenger cars and building garage cooperatives.
- C-250 - the limit of their strength is about 25 tons. Most often they are chosen by the owners of gas stations. They are also quite popular in arranging road junctions between houses in residential areas of large cities.
- D-400 - this type of products can withstand up to 40 tons. They are closer to the road direction, as they can be used to drain moisture from intercity highways or central city streets.
- E-600 - the maximum here is about 60t. Designed for installation on the territory of industrial enterprises and large warehouses.
- F-900 - has the highest strength, up to 90t. It is a specific, highly specialized product. It was developed for military landfills, as well as the dehumidification of runways and access roads at airfields.
What trays are made of
Products of this type must withstand not only a high load, but also temperature drops, plus to have an increased resistance to aggressive environments. Production does not stand still, except for traditional concrete, various kinds of composite materials and plastic are widely used.
Concrete and its derivatives
Concrete trays for storm sewers began to be used from the very time when the concrete itself appeared. The material is considered completely environmentally friendly and can withstand almost any load. It is for this reason that the strongest classes of trays, E and F, are made of concrete.
They are a monolithic casting, which is able to withstand both the bitter cold and the intense heat. The overwhelming majority of products are made with internal reinforcement. Steel or cast-iron gratings are provided on top, plus most of the products are provided with grooves for linear installation.
Important: sewage reinforced concrete trays are made using vibratory casting and vibropressing technology. The price for vibro-molded products is lower, but their quality is worse. Vibro-pressed trays are considered the highest quality and durable.
In this case, the only serious disadvantage is that a lot of weight is considered. Only a professional is able to mount such a construction, and using lifting equipment. Plus, it will need a separate and quite powerful foundation.
A new trend in production was the combination of plastic with concrete, polymer concrete. The performance characteristics of these products are practically not inferior to pure concrete. In addition to the traditional granite chips, cement and sand, there is a polyester or epoxy resin. The working surface is extremely smooth and durable.
Plastic and polymer trays
Polymer-sand products are currently popular. They are made from purified quartz sand and crushed polymer, polymer chips. After mixing, the composition is heated in special ovens. When the polymer crumb is melted, the mixture is poured into molds and placed under the vibropress.
Now almost the most popular are plastic products. Polypropylene or low pressure polyethylene is used for their production. Modern technologies allow to produce material from which trays of classes are cast from A to C inclusive.
The products are light and durable. These trays, of course, are inferior to concrete, but the price and the possibility of mounting with their own hands take their toll.
Important: in the recent past, cast iron and all-metal trays were produced. Now the price of the metal has increased, plus new production technologies have appeared. As a result, the production of metal products became unprofitable and at present only gratings are made of metal.
A few words about the installation
Trays are available in standard lengths. All other parameters, height, width and configuration must be selected depending on the volume of wastewater. For this, the formula is derived:
Q = q20 · F ·?
- Q - means the volume of water itself.
- q20 - Characterizes the rainfall in a particular region, this value can be found in regional SNiP 2.04.03-85.
- F - the area of the object to be dried.
- ? - drainage coefficient, it has a fixed value for different types of coverage. So: asphalt - 0.95; cement screed - 0.85; compacted crushed stone with bitumen - 0.60; rubble, sand, soil - 0.40.
Important: all products are rectangular in shape, with the exception of the so-called telescopic trays. They are intended for the arrangement of waste with a large angle of inclination. Their shape resembles a truncated cone, so that the trays cling sequentially.
The instruction according to which the system is linearly installed is practically the same in terms of technology for all trays. The differences are only in the thickness of the preparatory layer. Plastic, in contrast to reinforced concrete does not require a capital foundation.
Initially, a trench is made, which should be somewhat wider than the tray itself. At the bottom of the pit a dense sand cushion settles in and a layer of reinforced concrete is poured. A line is mounted on the wet concrete, after which the gap between the wall and the ground is also filled with concrete.
Any system is mounted with a slope to the place of discharge. The angle of inclination varies depending on the terrain 10 - 20 mm, for 1 linear meter.
The video in this article shows an example of a storm sewer installation.
Installation of storm drains for sewage is one of the last. If we talk about private construction, it is convenient to equip the system together with the blind area around the house. But if you doubt your abilities, it is better to hire specialists, because in case of an error, the concrete line must be dismantled.