How to perform the deepening of the well with a plastic pipe

Outdoor sewage

The importance of the well at the summer cottage is difficult to overestimate, because this is access to clean water, independent of any services. The only drawback of this water supply is only the need for periodic maintenance and repair of the structure, however, it can often be done on its own. In this article we will look at how to deepen the well with a plastic pipe, and what may be needed if it is drained.

In the photo - the deepening of the well with a plastic pipe

General information

Often, a dimple is the only way to “return” water to a well. However, before proceeding with this procedure, it is necessary to make sure that drying is not seasonal.

The fact is that the following factors can affect the water level in a mine:

  • Dry weather;
  • Frost;
  • Natural fluctuations in the soil;
  • Arrangement nearby drinking wells or well with a large displacement.

Therefore, before deepening the well with a pipe, you need to wait a month. If during this time the water did not appear in it, then most likely it will not appear there without external intervention.

Dried well

Dredging mine

It should immediately be said that the process of deepening is rather complicated, therefore, before starting work, you must make sure that the well meets the following requirements:

  • Depth is at least 10 rings.;
  • Mine is flat;
  • Rings have no offset more than 4 cm;
  • The water in the source is potable;
  • The construction is in good technical condition..

If it turned out that the well does not meet the above requirements, it is advisable to build a new water source. How this is done, we will consider below.

If the structure is in order, it is necessary to perform preliminary work:

  • Determine the depth of flow of groundwater;
  • Calculate the flow of water per day;
  • Make sure the soil is able to hold the rings of the structure without shrinkage.

Tip! It is best to carry out work to deepen the mine in October-November, since the groundwater level during this period is the lowest.

Large diameter plastic pipes for a well with stiffeners

Work order

To perform this operation, you need a plastic pipe. Its diameter should be somewhat less than the internal diameter of the mine, so that it runs freely in it. It must be said that the concrete pipe for the well is not suitable in this case, since it has a lot of weight, as a result of which it is hard to work with, besides, it is more difficult to make holes in it.

Further instruction is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare a plastic pipe, namely, make about 50 small holes in it and tighten the inner walls with a stainless steel mesh. The result is a filter.
  • Then, with the help of a choke, one should drill a well and lower a plastic filter into it.
  • As the well deepens, the filter needs to be advanced into it. It must be installed in such a way that dirty water does not enter through the upper opening.
  • The operation is performed until a large amount of water begins to arrive. Thus, another well from a plastic pipe of a smaller diameter is digging inside the concrete shaft.

Tip! For pumping water while drilling, you can use a pump. If the water arrives slowly, then you can do without it, by selecting the contents of the well as a sludge.

Abyssinian well

Alternative to deepening

If for some reason the mine is not deepened, for example, the construction is in poor technical condition, then the quickest and most affordable way to organize autonomous water supply is to make an Abyssinian well with plastic pipes with a diameter of one and a half inches or even an inch.

For the device of this design, first of all, it is necessary to make a needle filter by performing the following steps:

  • The first step is to insert a stainless steel mesh into the pipe.
  • Then the grid must be fixed by melting.
  • At the end of the work, the pipe must be perforated by making a gap in it with a hacksaw.
Abyssinian well device diagram

After the filter is ready, you can proceed to the device well:

  • At the location of the future well it is necessary to dig a hole of about one cubic meter.
  • Then in the center of the pit is drilled. To do this, you can use a garden auger with collapsible bars, which will increase its depth.
  • Upon reaching the aquifer, a plastic pipe with a filter attached to it is lowered into the well.
  • Then the pump-driven hand pump is connected, or the nozzle of the electric pump is lowered, after which dirty water is pumped out.
  • After that, a certain amount of soil is poured into the pit, which is carefully compacted.
  • Further, concrete is poured around the pipe, which helps to prevent the ingress of waste into the well.

When the structure is ready, it can be connected to the house water system. Now the Abyssinian well of plastic pipes is ready.

Immediately it should be noted that such a source of water can be performed only if the depth of the groundwater does not exceed 8-10 meters, which is its main drawback. But the price of such a well will be significantly lower than the traditional options made using concrete rings. (See also the article Drainpipe: features.)


If water has disappeared in the well, in most cases it can be “returned” independently by deepening the shaft with a plastic pipe. True, the work must be done very carefully, so as not to damage the existing mine. As an alternative to this repair, you can consider the device of the Abyssinian well.

From the video in this article, you can get more information on this topic.