Septic tank without pumping yourself: installation
In a private house, designed for year-round living, just need a properly organized sewage system. The cesspool is a relic of the past, complicating the lives of those who decided to move from apartment buildings to their own homes outside the city. Many are afraid of the installation of septic tanks, which will have to be cleaned from one to several times a year. In this article we will describe how to make a septic tank without pumping, and also demonstrate the schemes.
Principles of organization

Septic tank for a private house without pumping is a structure placed in the ground. It consists of:
- Two or three containers connected by a pipe.
- Air vents for each tank.
- Dense tight covers for all capacities.
- Connecting pipe for containers.
Through the sewer pipe into the first tank with a concrete bottom, waste from sewage flows. Over time, the masses entered are settled; dense sediment sinks to the bottom of the first tank.
Heavy sediments accumulate at the bottom; they are gradually processed both by anaerobic bacteria present in the septic tank itself and artificially introduced with the help of special preparations. Outside, anaerobic bacteria are introduced into the first container through the sewer system.
In addition, the waste gradually decomposes and releases gas, which escapes through the vents provided. Since these processes occur slowly, a noticeable "flavor" will not appear on the site.
Over time, when the first chamber is filled with distilled water to the connecting capacity of the pipe, the liquid flows into the second chamber. If it is finite, it does not have a solid bottom. If the last tank is the third one, then the second one also has a concrete bottom, where a dense layer sinks. From this chamber, water flows into the next. The open bottom edge of the last chamber rests on the prepared cushion of rubble and sand, which allows the separated liquid to gradually go into the ground.
Due to the fact that anaerobic bacteria recycle most of the solid waste, and water goes into the soil using the last chamber, autonomous sewage without pumping of this kind can function without additional purification for up to 15–20 years.
Tip! The main point is to prevent solid, inorganic waste from entering the septic tank.
Variants of the organization

Septic tanks for private homes should be built from strong materials that can last more than 10 or 20 years, withstanding the pressure and effects of both incoming water and soil, especially during freezing periods.
One involves the construction of a hygienic waste-free recycling facility with its own resources using reinforced concrete with wooden formwork.

The second involves the use of ready-made concrete products forms, the so-called concrete rings.

The third method involves the construction of a septic tank of brick with cement mortar.

Fourth - the use of plastic containers of sufficient volume.
However, brick and plastic septic tanks do not provide the necessary duration of the sewage treatment plant for a period of more than 10-20 years.
Preparation for the construction

Initially, you need to choose a place on the site for the organization of sewage treatment plants. The location of the septic tank greatly affects the condition of the site as a whole. If, for example, the final container is placed directly above the aquifer, above which there is a well, it will completely spoil the quality of the water produced. Improper location can also affect the condition of the soil in the area. In addition, a septic tank that is close to home can contribute to erosion and subsequent deformation of the foundation of the house.
Accepted standards: 1 m from outbuildings and at least 5 - from residential. It is advisable to equip an autonomous sewer in such a little-used place of the site, which is far enough away from a residential building, and at the same time, the surface of the required five meters is not occupied by anything.
Tip! When choosing a place, you should try to divert all possible water in the area away from the septic tank. That is, no drains, artificial ponds or plantations that require abundant watering.
Equally important is the determination of the required volume of the septic tank. There are certain standards by which a suitable size of biological sewage is calculated without pumping. For example, the daily water consumption per person is 200 liters. That is, a family of 4 people needs two cameras, each of 3 by 3 meters. Calculate the volume needed on the basis of the possible three-day permanent use of water supply and sewage.
Tip! The larger the family, the greater must be the volume of the septic tank. This means that the design should consist of three tanks. In addition, we must not forget about the guests - that is, add a certain 20% of extra space for excess sewage to a certain size.
Site installation

Step number 1. After determining a suitable place on the site, it is necessary to prepare a pit for the number of tanks that is necessary. This can be done either personally, if the volumes are small, or with the help of the ordered equipment when organizing a large sewer. If the construction of a septic tank is planned using concrete products, their thickness should be taken into account when preparing the pit.

Step number 2. After excavation work, carry out a sewer pipe from the house, through which the drains will flow directly into the first tank. For reasons of safety and convenience for the pipe, prepare a trench with a depth of at least one meter with compulsory cushion and rubble, sand and waterproofing material to prevent the ingress of polluted water into the surrounding soil.
Tip! The main thing is that the distance from the inlet of the drain pipe in the septic tank to the bottom of the first tank is not less than 1.5 m. This will prevent the sewers from overflowing quickly.

Step number 3. After preparing the pit, it is necessary to level the walls for the subsequent installation of a septic tank. If the septic tank is a plastic container, they are placed in a pit on a concreted bottom. Leave enough space around the plastic container for pouring concrete to prevent deformation of the chambers during the winter period.
The last plastic container should be placed only on a cushion of rubble and sand, and the bottom of it should be removed. Often, the ideal solution for plastic containers is to place several eurocubs in a single large excavation with a concreted bottom, which are located in a special metal frame. This eliminates the need to reinforce the mixture being poured around plastic containers.

Step 4. The construction of a brick septic tank is made using clinker building material:
- First you need to prepare a cushion of rubble and sand, pour the bottom of the chambers for the processing of solid waste with concrete solution and reinforce it.
- On the prepared site around the perimeter lay the walls of brick in the form of a rectangle. Such a septic tank requires the use of cement mortar not only to connect building elements together, but also to decorate the walls of the future septic tank from all sides.
- In the last chamber the bottom is not concreted; in addition, there must be a minimum of cement mortar between the bricks. This helps better penetration of filtered water into the soil.

Step number 5. When building concrete walls of sewage treatment plant, it is necessary to reinforce them. Self-pouring concrete pits for tanks is as follows:
- The bottom surface of the trenches is leveled for all tanks - two or three.
- Formwork is prepared for each of them. If the septic tank will consist of two chambers, then in the second formwork it is built only for walls. If there are three, then the last camera is planned without a bottom. For the construction of formwork, you can use a variety of old boards, fastened with nails.
- A cushion of rubble and sand is placed on the bottom of each chamber. In the last chamber, the pillow layer should be significantly increased. This will contribute to better filtration of the distilled water entering the ground.
- Concrete solution must be prepared from high-quality cement of the best brands. It will have to withstand the long-term effects of both sewage and soil.
- At the bottom of tanks that are not intended to divert recycled water, a small layer of concrete is poured, into which the reinforcing mesh is immersed. After that, the rest of the concrete solution is poured. The reinforcement for the walls along the circular perimeter of the prepared trench is placed in a mixture that is not yet frozen.
- When pouring walls, it is necessary to divide the work into several stages. The maximum height of the layer of concrete walls, poured at the same time should not be more than 40-50 cm. Each layer should be laid with stones and install reinforcement for the next. In order not to lose time, experts recommend to fill the walls of all containers alternately - this will allow the concrete solution to “grab” for a day before the next iteration.
- If possible, it is necessary to adjust the machine to the construction site with a ready-made concrete solution. If this is not possible, you need to prepare a capacious metal container for mixing concrete solution.
- Upon reaching the level of the connecting hole between two or three chambers, as well as ventilation holes, they also need to install formwork, prepare a cushion of rubble and sand, and reinforce the concrete solution to be poured.
- After finishing the concrete with all dug holes, it is necessary to leave it open for at least two weeks for the final drying.

Step number 6. The construction of sewage treatment plants using ready-made concrete rings as follows:
- A cushion of crushed stone and sand is prepared in the prepared pits. At the bottom of all chambers, except the last one, a layer of concrete with reinforcement is poured.
- After drying for several days, concrete rings are installed on the concrete bottom, which are connected to the bottom and to each other with a concrete solution.
- On the place in the finished chambers holes are made for both the connecting pipes and the vent ducts. There are placed pipe sections. The connecting pipe is a section of a concrete pipe or a PVC pipe of large diameter. For ventilation fit PVC pipes of small diameter. Joints between connecting and ventilating pipes get off with concrete solution.

Step number 7. After finishing the chambers, it is necessary to hermetically close the cover on the finished chambers for sewage. If lids are already provided in plastic containers, then for brick or concrete septic tanks the lid can be made in two versions:
- a hatch of the required diameter, tightly planted on the last concrete ring, flush with the ground surface;
- steel sheets may fit tightly on the leveled edges of the septic tank walls.
Tip! It is desirable to provide ventilation pipes leaving the concrete-bottom chambers with wider ones in order to carry out the cleaning of solid waste by specialized services. They can also be poured into a facility for processing biological waste.
We recommend to read:
- how to make an autonomous sewer in a private house;
- How to get rid of condensate on the cold water pipe.