Storm sewage: purpose and methods of manufacture
When creating a sewage system in the country or a private plot, it is necessary to take into account a lot of different factors and especially to pay attention to rainwater drainage. However, for this it is necessary to make certain calculations not only for the position of the entire pipeline, but also for the landscape. That is why almost always storm sewers are made according to SNIP.
Purpose and possible disadvantages
First we need to say that such systems have a lot of different configurations and can be used to solve certain problems in certain areas of the site. However, it should be remembered that the direct drainage is carried out in a common highway or well, even if an open-type storm sewer is used.
Note that this sewer system is designed to divert rainwater from certain areas of the site.
This contributes to uniform irrigation, prevents the appearance of puddles and reduces the likelihood of blurring the base of buildings or paths.
- If the storm sewers are made with their own hands, they usually try to divert the flow of water and melting snow from the main buildings or pedestrian paths. At the same time, the ground areas are left without such protection, and most often the flows are shipped directly to them.
- With intensive rains, such a system performs its functions perfectly in areas with a great depth, preventing them from flooding.. This is especially important when there are basements with windows or underground garages. There, the storm sewer system is operated at full capacity and requires special attention.
Tip! Before installing such a sewer system, it is necessary to create a detailed design of the entire site with points of operation, inlet and waste water tank.
Difficulties and disadvantages in the operation
- First of all, it should be noted that the pipes for storm sewers can not be removed in a septic tank, which consists of one tank. This device cannot quickly recycle a large amount of fluid. Therefore, the discharge is done either in the second compartment with already purified water, or it is necessary to create a separate water-absorbing well.
- If during installation plastic pipe systems are used in places with heavy traffic, then they must be additionally protected from vertical loads, and this will increase consumption. At the same time, the filter cartridges for storm sewers used in such products also have a high cost and require periodic replacement.
- The operation of such a sewer usually requires periodic user participation. The pipes not only need cleaning, but also constantly need to keep the sump lattices clean so that they do not clog.
- It is also worth noting that if closed systems are used, then a sand trap for storm sewers needs to be installed, which also needs some maintenance.
Tip! Considering all such difficulties, many craftsmen recommend making open systems. However, they occupy a place in the territory and spoil the appearance.
When starting to work, it is necessary to have a ready-made project on which all highways and entry points will be marked. The fact is that the installation of storm sewers is a very important process, on which the appearance of the site will depend. Therefore, professional masters recommend to seek help from experts who understand this area and can make all the necessary measurements on the spot.
Land works
First of all, it is necessary to say that the storm sewage system is not designed for use in the cold season, which means that it is not necessary to create deep trenches.
- The height from the bottom of the channel to the surface of the ground should be such that all devices of a closed system with a small powder on top fit into it. If it is planned to install open stormwater, it is done so that the upper edge of the equipment corresponds to the ground level.
- It is also necessary to remember that the installation manual assumes that all water inlets will be located at the lowest points of the site. Therefore, if there are irregularities and hills, it will have to make landscape planning.
Tip! When performing this work it is very important to understand how water will behave during rain. Therefore, professional masters recommend that you first observe this phenomenon and on the basis of this already make a conclusion.
This process can be called the simplest, since it does not require much physical effort, particular accuracy or a long time to carry out all operations.
That is why the price of such work is relatively low and fully compensates for all material costs.
- First, all pipe systems are installed in the trench, in accordance with the design. It is very important to properly observe their inclination.
- Next, they are fixed with sand or earth. Some masters in such cases recommend the use of concrete, because it needs a little, and thanks to him you can get increased strength of the product.
- At the next stage, a sand tank, filtration system and storm sewer grate are installed. This is done in accordance with the selected model of all devices and the project. After that, the installation can be considered complete.
Tip! Professional craftsmen recommend at first to fully equip the territory through which such sewage will pass and only after that proceed to work. Finishing debugging for can be made after the end of installation.
After reading the video in this article, you can learn in detail about such sewer systems and their methods of manufacture. Also, taking into account the text above, it should be concluded that this work does not contain complex operations and may well be done independently.
However, it must be remembered that the storm sewer in a private house should be done only on a special project, which is designed specifically for this site. Otherwise, the system may be ineffective or lead to waste of material.