Telephone sewage: features of construction and operation

Outdoor sewage

Telephone sewage systems are underground structures constructed with the use of pipes and wells. Facilities are designed for concealed and secure location of low-current or fiber-optic wiring. In this article we will look at what types of communication sewers are used today, and what are the features of their use.

Telephone route in polyethylene pipes

The main types are their design features.

Carrying out repair work before installing the manhole

Sewerage communication, in accordance with the purpose, is divided into two types:

  • Main sewage - This is a complex system consisting of pipes, wells, and other elements intended for laying the trunk cable.

The construction begins at the station wells and goes along the main lines. In the course of the highway, at a certain distance from each other, there are inspection wells and distribution cabinets.

Wells are intended for checking the integrity of cables and for carrying out their urgent replacement or repair. Special distribution equipment is installed in distribution cabinets, from which the main line is divided into secondary distribution lines.

  • Distribution sewage is a pipeline with a smaller cross-sectional diameter than the pipeline used to lay the line. Structures originate from distribution equipment and lead directly to end users.

Important: It is customary to lay only the trunk line in the main pipeline. Accordingly, a smaller cable diameter is laid in the distribution channels. But, if different routes coincide, they can be laid in one pipeline.

In accordance with the design features of communication sewage is divided into:

  • Single-hole modifications in which the pipeline along the entire length is a single channel;
  • Multihole modifications in which blocks from several pipes are applied.

The rules for the construction of telephone sewerage suggest the possibility of using not only concrete and ceramic, but also polyethylene pipes, the price of which is less high.

The choice of pipes is determined in accordance with the geodetic features of the region. Therefore, before carrying out construction work, a project is drawn up in which, along with such parameters as laying depth and diameter, the type of pipes is indicated in accordance with the materials used, as well as the type and number of manholes.

Properly designed and constructed sewage system allows you to perform gasket replacement and installation of wiring with their own hands. You can also regularly carry out measurement and maintenance work on the line without the need to open the road surface or ground.

In addition, a properly designed and constructed structure provides optimum protection for installed wiring from electrochemical corrosion and mechanical damage.

Requirements for construction work

In the photo - an angle-type manhole

The construction of a telephone sewage system is carried out in strict accordance with a number of technical requirements, rules and regulations (see also the article Connecting a washing machine to a sewer system and water supply: 5 simple and independent steps).

The main requirement for the construction of telephone networks is a long operational life of the facilities. Compliance with this requirement is determined by the performance and reliability of structures.

In connection with the advent of fiber-optic networks, sewage systems are built taking into account the possibility of laying both types of networks. In some cases, separate pipelines are built, designed for individual laying of the optical fiber.

During the design and subsequent construction of the sewage system, it is necessary to provide protection against the following factors:

  • penetration of gas or water into pipelines and wells;
  • corrosive processes (electrochemical corrosion);
  • tectonic activity and, as a result, mechanical effects and damage to networks;
  • temperature effects.

In accordance with the construction rules, when laying the underground cable network, the impassable part of the street is selected with a high-quality road surface. It is not recommended to lay a pipeline under the intersections of the carriageway of roads and railways, where a substantial mechanical load is put on the ground.

Features of the construction of viewing devices

In the photo - a hatch (type T) for the majority of modern manholes

Instruction for the design and subsequent construction of communication sewers requires the presence of various types of viewing devices.

Inspection wells may be of the following types:

  • checkpoints - are installed on straight sections of the tracks;
  • angular - installed on the plot of rotation with an angle of more than 15 ?;
  • branching - installed in those areas where the route is divorced into several different directions;
  • station - are installed on the sections of the route supply to telephone exchanges.
The main configuration of reinforced concrete wells

In accordance with the requirements for the construction of telephone sewage, manholes should be located at a distance of no more than 150 m from each other. Such requirements are dictated by considerations of simplicity and efficiency of over-wiring between wells during repair and installation work.

Reinforced concrete can be prefabricated and prefabricated. Today it is allowed to use manholes made from other materials. However, their use should be motivated by the characteristics of the site or the characteristics of the soil into which the network is deepened.

Important: In order to increase the sewage capacity, already operated viewing devices are not reconstructed, but are supplemented by new wells, which are laid in close proximity to old viewing devices.

Requirements for laying channels

In the photo an example of the distribution of wires in different channels

The instruction for laying pipes must meet a number of requirements, among which we note the following points:

  • The inner surface of the pipes used, regardless of the type of materials used, should be smooth.
  • Regardless of the type of pipes used, the finished structure should not have a harmful effect on the wiring.
  • The finished pipeline should be resistant to mechanical loads, temperature changes and groundwater effects.
  • When arranging distribution networks, polyethylene pipes with an internal cross-section of 55-58 mm should be used.
  • In the arrangement of trunk networks, pipes made of concrete or asbestos cement with an internal cross-section diameter of 90-100 mm are used. In some cases, polyethylene analogues with a diameter of at least 63 mm can be used.

Network Laying Features

An example of unprofessional work with network fiber and coax wiring

The channels can be laid cables for all types of communication.

Laying is carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

  • Laying is performed in free communication channels, in which no more than six wires of the same type should be located.
  • The communication channels in which the fiber is routed should not be used to accommodate electrical wiring.
  • If the channel is occupied by electrical cables, then the laying of unarmored optical fibers is allowed only in pre-laid polyethylene pipes PND-32-T.
  • Armored cables are laid on both free and occupied channels without the use of polyethylene pipes.
  • Laying of unarmoured conducting is carried out in collectors of small section.
  • The diameters of the laid communication cables should not exceed 75% of the channel cross-section diameter.

Cable laying methods

In the photo - the use of a manual winch with a steel cable

Cable pulling methods depend on its type and weight.

These parameters must be taken into account when choosing a suitable method and an appropriate tool.

  • Cables with a mass of not more than 1500 kg / km are pulled by hand using a synthetic or steel cable;
  • Cables with a mass of not more than 6000 kg / km are drawn using a manual winch equipped with a steel cable with a diameter of at least 8 mm;
  • Cables with a mass of more than 6000 kg / km are pulled using a machine and a steel rope with a diameter of at least 11.5 mm.


Now you know what a modern telephone line is, how it is built and how it is operated. You can find more useful and informative information by watching the video in this article (read also the article Polypropylene sewer pipes - an innovative solution in the field of plumbing).