What kind of septic tank to choose

Outdoor sewage

In each country house is simply obliged to operate a quality septic tank for draining human waste. The septic tank can be made independently or it can be bought ready, having equipped with it an individual sewage system. Both domestic and imported septic tanks are on sale. Given this diversity, the interest in how to choose a septic tank for the house is not at all idle. Before choosing a septic tank for a dacha we will consider some recommendations which need to be considered at its purchase, and then we will list a number of the most popular and known models.

Tips and tricks for choosing a septic tank

Types of septic tanks

Before buying a septic tank, you must carefully study the terrain plan. In this case, the following factors are necessarily taken into account:

  1. Place of discharge and the possibility of purification of waste.
  2. The possibility of access to the construction of vacuum trucks.
  3. Location of household and domestic facilities.
  4. Natural slope.
  5. Groundwater level.

These five factors will influence not only the choice of the finished septic tank, but also determine the characteristics of manufacturing a system for individual wastewater treatment.

Principle of operation

What else needs to be considered when choosing a septic tank? The principle of its work. As a rule, a septic tank can have 3-4 chambers, each of which plays an important role in the treatment of wastewater. Although the main wastewater treatment is carried out directly in the septic tank, the filtration fields carry out their purification. The life of some septic tanks is only five years. Based on this factor, choose the version of the design that cleans the drains by 98%. At the same time, the discharge of already purified water is carried out.

We count the number of cameras

So, for the right choice of septic tank now consider a few popular models. This will help you choose the option that will best suit your conditions.

Septic tank

Septic Tank

You can find many extremely positive reviews about this septic tank. However, there are those whom he disappointed. This is most often associated with two banal reasons. The first one: the wrong choice of size. This leads to the fact that the septic tank “Tank” does not cope with the load offered to it. For this reason, it will work with permanent failures. Another reason for dissatisfaction is the complete failure to comply with the installation technology. In fact, it can not even be called a lack of a septic tank. We, on the contrary, note the merits of the septic tank "Tank":

  1. High degree of purification.
  2. Ease of maintenance.
  3. Relatively low price.
  4. Autonomous work.
  5. There are no energy costs.

If for any reason this option does not suit you, consider another version of the septic tank.

Septic "Topas"

Topas model

This type of septic tanks is the most popular and sought after among buyers. The simplicity of his work and high reliability attract buyers. Here are its positive aspects:

  • There is no need to additionally buy biological products that will accelerate the decomposition of sewage.
  • Easy to operate.
  • Extremely rarely needs cleaning.
Device layout

In most cases of discontent with septic tank “Topaz”, as in the case with “Tank”, can be caused by violation of technology, as well as non-observance of precautionary measures during its operation, for example, the release of prohibited liquids or objects into the septic tank.

Tip! The choice of a septic tank of a company should be made not only on the basis of price, but also taking into account the volume of daily sewage.

Septic "Yunilos"

Interior equipment Yunilos

One of the simple and easy to maintain is a septic tank "Yunilos". He is fully capable of performing his work without additional pumping. Accordingly, it is not required to call the truck. To do this, if necessary, you can use a bucket and a shovel and independently eliminate the sediment. This procedure is sufficient to perform once a year.

Installed almost invisible

Despite the effectiveness of his work, he has a significant drawback. First, wastewater treatment requires a lot of electricity. Secondly, it has a high enough price!

Septic "Triton"

Septic Triton

If your finances are limited, and building an individual sewage system is simply necessary, then the Triton septic tank will be the ideal option for you. But one should not think that a relatively low price will mean a low quality of work of the sewage treatment plant. The septic tank "Triton" has quite good technical characteristics. Moreover, there is a variant of the mini model.

Features of work with infiltrators

This septic tank has a small size, respectively, it is simple in delivery and installation. And most importantly, the degree of wastewater treatment in this septic tank is almost not inferior to its expensive counterparts.

Septic "Tver"

Model Tver

In fact, this type of septic tank has a positive reputation. In most cases, complaints against it are due to improper operation or installation. In working with him there is one subtlety. It is very sensitive to errors that are allowed during its installation.

Septic tank inside

Tip! Although some types of septic tank can be installed independently, it is better not to experiment with the “Tver” septic tank. A small violation of technology will lead to failures of his work. This is the rare case when it is best to call a professional who knows all the details of the installation.

Septic "Topol"

Topol model

It should be noted that this septic tank is simple for installation, as well as for further maintenance. He has almost no flaws. And its competitive price allows you to count on it, even if your budget is limited. Without a doubt, your expectations of its purchase will pay off.

Parallel - between famous brands of septic tanks

You have not yet decided on the choice? Then you need to consider each of these septic tanks in comparison with each other. Considering all the disadvantages and dignity accordingly, it will be easier for you to make the right choice.

The difference between Yunilos and Topas. These two septic tanks have an identical work pattern. But if we talk about the material used in their manufacture, Yunilos has more advantages. Moreover, it is considerably modernized by its constructiveness and is improved. This affects the ability to adapt to diverse climatic conditions. So, if you have a dilemma between these two septic tanks, then give your preference to the “Unilos” septic tank.

The difference between "Yunilos" and "Tank." Despite the fact that "Tank" cleans all drains better, it is required to be cleaned more often. On the other hand, it is the “Tank” that is by its design much stronger.

The difference between the septic tank "Tver" and "Yunilos." As for these two septic tanks, "Tver" has a much lower degree of purification. He also needs more constant care for him. If we talk about other technical characteristics, they are approximately the same.

What is better than "Topas" or "Tank"? The difference between them is insignificant. However, the Septic "Topas" has a great advantage compared with its counterpart. This is due to the fact that “Topaz” allows drainage directly into an open ditch, which cannot be said about the “Tank” septic tank, where wastewater is discharged only to the ground.

Useful tips and tricks

So, before you make a purchase decision, you should also pay attention to the technical passport of the septic tank. It should include the following information:

  • Performance.
  • Used material for the manufacture of septic tank.
  • Is it possible to install in case of elevated groundwater.
  • Maximum short-term load.
  • Maximum salvo discharge.
  • The degree of wastewater treatment.
How to properly position the septic tank

Tip! If you have made the right choice, correctly completed the installation, as well as carried out the correct operation, then you will completely avoid problems and unnecessary costs!

When choosing a septic tank, make sure you have a quality certificate. It is important to make sure that this septic tank allows the discharge of effluent into the soil. If there is no such permission, then you will definitely have problems in the sanitary and epidemiological supervision during the commissioning of the house.

The ideal option would be to enter into a contract with a company that supplies you with equipment for installation work. In this case, the entire responsibility falls entirely on the employees of the company. However, with this option, check the warranty service of the installed equipment.

It is also important to find out information about how the septic tank behaves in non-standard conditions. You should be interested in:

  1. Short-term increase in the volume of waste.
  2. Uneven water supply.
  3. Frequency or seasonality of equipment operation.
  4. How much time passes to restore the system after the break.
  5. The operational life of the installation as a whole and its individual components.
  6. The frequency of maintenance of important installation sites.
  7. Do you need additional chemical or biological additives for the full operation of the septic tank?

All these points need to be clarified in advance, because tenants, as a rule, do not live in country houses. It is item number 4 is the most important in the process of choosing a septic tank. Now that all these nuances have been taken into account, you can calculate all the costs that you expect.

The choice is yours!

In this article we looked at the most popular models of septic tanks that are available on the market today. Also saw their advantages and disadvantages in comparison with each other. In the event that your family budget does not pull the purchase of a septic tank, it may be worth considering an alternative option. For example, a septic tank can be made by hand. For this purpose, very different materials are used, for example, brick, concrete, blocks, etc. Having made a septic tank in the country with your own hands, you can seriously save money. But in this case, you should not even think about an automated sewer system.

We also recommend that you learn about the correct location of the septic tank on the site and how you can install a septic tank in the winter.