Brick chimney pipe: we understand the technology of
Despite technological advances, no stove, boiler or fireplace can do without a chimney, where coal, wood or gas are used as fuel. Yes, they have become complicated in their design, which allows them not to be afraid of corrosion, condensate and resist soot deposits. This article will talk about how to make a conventional brick chimney pipe, which is familiar to all from early childhood.
A construction boom in cottage construction has literally encompassed the entire country, and at the same time, interest in fireplaces and stoves has revived again. Many try to reproduce heating devices in houses according to the old canons, although today it is rather difficult to do this.

Alas, not so often today you can find someone who can make brick chimneys. Therefore, we will now talk about how to make such a chimney in your own house, the price of which does not hit the family budget.

Before starting any business, you need to know in general terms about what we have to deal with. In our case, what elements should be the pipe for a brick kiln. At once it should be said that it is not quite right to assume that it is enough just to fold a rectangular tube.
Nozzle pipe | The design is located at the very beginning and is installed directly on the furnace. It can be equipped with a latch, consists of 5-6 rows. |
Neck fluff | Broadening is made so that the cross section of the main channel of the chimney does not change. |
Cutting | Laid out with their own hands in several rows. It allows you to expand the outer part of the pipe. |
Riser | It is formed in the attic and is usually a straight part of the chimney, which approaches the roof. |
Otter | Expansion on the pipe on all sides from 100 mm. So you can protect the attic space from rain and snow that can penetrate through the cracks. If it is not done, the moisture will gradually destroy the roof supporting structures. |
Tube neck | Located above the otter and is a flat area. |
Chimney top | Expanded exterior masonry. To protect the inside of the chimney, you can install a metal cap or vane. You can significantly increase the traction in the pipe, if properly selected. |
Tip: laying brick pipe is carried out in such a way that over its entire length the inner diameter is the same.

Masonry process
After we learned the main parts of our future design, it’s time to start the main part of the work. Prepare for it all the necessary tools and materials.
Today we will disassemble the standard version of the chimney, although there are enough other options. But, in this case, it is suitable not only for the stove, but also for the fireplace. If you install inside a metal pipe made of a special alloy, it is easy to turn into a chimney for a boiler that uses gas for work.

Tip: otter and fluff can be put differently, it will depend on the angle of the roof slope and the location of the chimney relative to the latter.
Do not forget that the thickness of the seams in the laying directly affects the size of the channel.

Start laying with a grab pipe, strictly observing brick dressing. It should not reach overlap of approximately 5-6 rows. (See also the article The pipe for the stove: features.)
Form the cutting and riser
Perform the neck of the cutting (cutting).
The instructions below will tell you how to do it correctly:
- Use to create a smoke channel 5 bricks, its internal size will be 270x140 mm, outer 450x590 mm, thanks to the inserts of halves and quarters of bricks.
Tip: insert brick plates into the channel to keep its overall dimensions.
- The third row of masonry should be 650x510 mm. It should also have inside the brick plates, their thickness is about 60 mm. If you look from the inside, you will notice that the cutting began to acquire the necessary shape.
- The size of the next row - 710x570 mm, inside it, insert bricks up to 100 mm thick.
- Lay out the 5th and 6th rows with a brick, without forgetting to strictly comply with the dressing.
Tip: if necessary, you can do the cutting above, laying another row under the underlying laying.
Make a hole in the roof so that you can bring the riser out. Take him through the roof. The rest of the work is carried out directly on the roof.
Here, the laying of the riser should be continued, carefully observing the dressing of bricks. It should be made above the roof by 1-2 brick rows.

You will need to lay out nine rows, with each subsequent in outer diameter should be a quarter more than the previous one.
Do not forget during work on compliance with the internal dimensions of the smoke channel, i.e. pick up the brick plates so that it does not taper or expand.
- After laying the first two rows, you will have a front ledge, at the edges the size will not change.
- In the 3rd pull out the bricks, increasing the width of the otter, smoothly turning the front ledge on the sides of the structure.
- In the 4th row, increase the length of the side lugs.
- The 5th and 6th rows should eventually close the gap between the roof and the chimney by increasing the length of the side projections.
- 7th row - the completion of the laying of the side projections.
- The 8th and 9th row - laying the fourth protrusion. Do not forget about bandaging the brickwork and correctly select the brick plates for the smoke channel.

Laying neck and tip
The 10th row is designed to form the neck of the chimney. Its size is in direct proportion to its height.
Tip: do not forget to comply with all the requirements and standards for the device height of the pipe above the roof, as this directly affects the performance of the fireplace and stove.
Make the tip, after the formation of the neck. The work is no different from the laying of fuzzy, so much of the work for you will not be. After that, pick up and install a cap or flygark on it.

Removal of exhaust gases from stoves, fireplaces or boilers is an important step in providing home heat. In this case, you should be guided by the requirements and regulations to ensure safe interaction with the heating device. (See also the article Sewage in the cottage: features.)
This article has reviewed the standard brick chimney, which can be found today in many private cottages. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.