Choose a heating cable for the water supply and install it
Today we will talk about the heating cable, which allows you to protect the water supply in the suburban area from freezing. Especially this device is suitable for our climatic conditions with severe and long winters, which dictate their requirements to different engineering systems.
You will learn how to install a heating cable for a water supply system with your own hands, how to choose it correctly, as well as its types. Oddly enough, but it is often used for pipes with hot water, because too low temperatures can cause them to freeze.
It is believed that such wires are self-regulating. However, in practice they consume the same power in any weather. At the same time, the cable is capable of heating pipes at minus outside the window, and when the temperature is above 0? С.
Heating cable with self-regulation function
Technologists conducted research on all samples of self-regulating wires offered in the markets of our country. As a result, all parameters turned out to be approximately the same for all brands.
Note! The word “self-regulating” used in the title in most cases remains only a word.
The instruction manual for self-regulating wires recommends attaching them to the pipelines themselves, and there is no difference whether they are on the outside or inside of them, since the insulation must protect them from environmental exposure. It is necessary to connect them to electricity on particularly cold days so that the water does not stand in the pipe and break it.
Tip: taking into account the technical indicators, we recommend to use thermal sensors, which will monitor the consumption of electricity consumed. How to connect them is usually indicated in the instructions for use of devices.
In our winter conditions, heating cables for ordinary water supply are an indispensable element, especially when it is not possible to lay them at a depth below the soil freezing. However, the devices carry a certain range of problems.
For example, their service life is not very long, so there may be a problem when it will have to be replaced underground, especially in winter. Nobody, of course, will not do it.
We recommend a more efficient option - laying the heating wire directly in the pipe. With its help, it will be possible to prevent the stream from freezing, and you can constantly use water in the house.
If you observe the elementary savings and turn on the heating cable less often, you can experience more than one winter this way. In addition, you will be able to save significant funds to pay for electricity.
It remains to solve the problem - when should the equipment be turned on? To do this, measure the water temperature in the well and calculate the temperature of the pipe. If the parameters coincide or are almost the same, the pipeline should not be heated. The moment of switching on the device is the lowest water temperature in the well.
You can save money with the help of properly installed self-regulating cable.
Consider the installation of a heating cable for water supply in more detail:
- Choose a wire that has the highest performance on possible on and off.
- Stretch it along the entire pipeline to be heated.
- Measure the temperature of the water in the well or in the well in the most severe frost, now it will be the starting point of all calculations.
- Connect a certain temperature level to the relay control system and set the desired parameter on it. The device should turn on the heating cable when the temperature falls below the starting point by 2-3? С and then disconnect after its approach to the equality of the temperature of the water in the source and the pipe itself.
- Insulate and insulate thoroughly the entire structure.
- Connect to the mains according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Tip: there is no need to use large power, enough household, designed for 220V.
The specified installation option today is considered the most successful and economically correct. So it is possible to extend the life of the heating system and pipes and wires.
Alas, the advertised self-regulating cables do not justify the hopes that consumers place on them. Only the thermostat will help save savings and survive normally even the harshest conditions of the winter period without trouble and loss.
Choose the correct cable
The main indicator by which most consumers choose a wire is its power, which, by the way, also determines the price of a product.
Solution of the issue depends directly on the location of the cable:
- over the water supply system - you can limit yourself to samples with parameters of 17 W / m;
- inside the pipe - power of 10 W / m will be enough.
Not sure how to choose a relay? We recommend to purchase models TSTAB or TR-35M.
Now consider some of the nuances that must be considered when choosing equipment:
- do not use resistive type of wire when heating the pipe from the well to the house. None of the relays will be able to shut down, because in this case the low threshold is +13? С. It will be dangerous to switch off the spring with your own hands, as the pipe may freeze through cold nights;
- when mounting the relay, please note that it should be installed on the opposite side of the pipe from the wire. Only in this case will the readings be as accurate as possible;
- the relay does not need thermal insulation, but to the choice of insulation for plumbing be responsible. It must be waterproof or one that the earth cannot squeeze.
Tip: as a heater for pipes most often we use polyethylene foam.
Control and operation of the heating wire
It remains to solve another question - how to monitor the operation of the heating system of the water supply system? For this there is an LED display.
For example, a light bulb is installed on the relay that glows when the heating system is turned on. When the required temperature indicators are reached, it goes out, which means that the heating is temporarily turned off. This is the perfect control option.
We recommend that you check the operation of the light signal after changing the temperature parameters. Observe for some time to make sure it works.
The use of a heating wire for a water supply system increases its efficiency in the period of severe frosts. Installation of the system can be carried out independently, there is nothing difficult in this, if you have the skills to work with electrical appliances.
It is best when the wire is installed inside the pipeline. The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.