Galvanized pipes for heating: features of pipes, system
Steel pipes, known for a long time, and now have not lost their popularity in construction, as they can withstand increased loads and resist external influences well, with the exception, perhaps, of corrosion. To avoid the destruction of the heating pipes as a result of rust, iron is covered with a layer of zinc. The material below is devoted to the specifics of designing heating networks made of galvanized pipes.

Features of steel pipes
Conventional ferrous metal pipes have been used in the construction of various buildings and structures for a very long time. Their popularity is due to the ability to withstand increased loads, as well as not to collapse under the influence of negative external factors.
A considerable influence on the popularity has the price. Carbon steel pipes, having high technical characteristics, are quite affordable.
The considered materials are simply created for the design of heating networks:
- on them it is possible to transport the heat carrier heated to a temperature above + 100 degrees Celsius;
- when the liquid freezes in the cold season (for example, in the event of a boiler accident), it is possible to produce heating of the pipelines with an open flame.

But not to mention the significant shortcomings:
- The process of designing a heating network of steel pipes is quite laborious, requires special skills and the use of sophisticated equipment.
- Steel pipes are difficult to give the desired geometric shape, especially when you need to bend them in several places at different angles.
- Metal conducts heat well, so when installing a heating network (especially with open areas), steel pipes should be carefully protected with heat insulating shells, glass wool or mineral fiber.
- Metal products are highly susceptible to corrosion, so their average service life does not exceed 10-15 years.
As already mentioned, it is the last factor that limits the use of the described materials for the design of pipelines.
To cope with the problem in two ways:
- Use polymer parts. There are pipes of various types of plastic, many of which are successfully used in the design of heating systems for houses and apartments. However, they are not able to withstand more internal pressure and a very high temperature of the coolant.

Another disadvantage of plastic pipes is a small strength, especially to the impact.
- Cover the steel pipe with a protective layer of zinc. In this case, corrosion can be avoided, but only if water is used as a heat transfer fluid. Antifreeze, being chemically active, will reduce all the advantages of galvanizing to zero.
However, the heating system of galvanized pipes is more reliable, so it makes sense to stop on the description of these parts in more detail.
Galvanizing the pipe helps to reliably protect it from the appearance of foci of corrosion and prolong the service life by several years.
Note! Not only steel products cover with a protective zinc layer. It can be cast iron pipes, as well as other products intended for the transport of liquids.
Instructions for the manufacture of galvanized pipes provides two basic methods of applying a protective layer:
- Hot. The finished steel part is immersed in a container filled with liquid zinc at a temperature of + 450 degrees Celsius.

- Diffusion. In this case, zinc does not just create a protective layer. Thanks to a special technology, the atoms of the two materials mutually penetrate into each other, forming a strong coating resistant to oxidation.
For diffusion treatment, powdered zinc is used rather than liquid. The pipes are placed in special containers, where special reactions take place, which give the pipe not only mechanical, but also electrochemical strength.
Note! Diffusion coating is applied only to the steel pipe, as other materials are not able to interact with zinc.

Independent design of the heating system
In the manufacture of the climate network of galvanized steel pipes, you can use two types of connections:
- electric or gas-welded;
- using threaded fittings.
It should be noted that both the first and second methods require the master to have certain building skills. If you doubt your abilities, it is better to entrust the installation procedure to experienced plumbers.
The process of manufacturing a heating method of welding consists of the following steps:
- Vertical main risers (supply and return flow) are mounted, and then horizontal wiring is made from them to each central heating radiator.
Tip! If you are upgrading an old heating system, it is advisable to carry out the installation of pipes according to the old scheme, carrying out their sequential replacement. Such engineering networks are very carefully designed and tested, therefore making major changes unnecessarily is not necessary.

- Gas welding is performed using a special solder with a thickness of 0.8 to 1.2 mm. If electric welding is used, it is necessary to use electrodes with a calcium fluoride or rutile coating with a diameter of up to 3 mm. Otherwise, a tight connection will not be achieved.
- Galvanized pipes, unlike conventional steel, are overlapped. To do this, one of the parts is slightly flared.
When welding pipes with a protective coating, the quality of the seam should be given increased attention. The joint should not have sags, chips, cracks and other defects.
With the same care it is necessary to make holes for pipes and fittings. You can use a drill, a milling machine or cut a hole with a press.

If you have the initial skills of working with a welding machine and decide to mount galvanized pipes yourself, during the operations you should follow the following tips:
- the seam must be started from the center of the part, starting from the floor and gradually moving upwards;
- the electrode should be positioned strictly perpendicular to the surface of the product (otherwise it will be impossible to make a high-quality joint);
- if welding is performed on a vertical surface, the electrode should be positioned at an angle, guiding it from top to bottom;
- Spot welding technology can be used to achieve the best quality.
Note! Galvanized pipe welding is almost never used. Under the influence of high temperature, the protective layer completely evaporates, as a result of which the joints will corrode, and you will lose all the benefits from the use of expensive galvanizing. It is better to dwell on the technology of connection, involving the use of threaded fittings.

For installation of the heating system by the twisting method, you need to stock up with the necessary number of fittings: elbows, adapters, valves and so on.

Tools of various diameters are also required for threading. You can use dies, but it is better to buy a screw die: this device allows you to cut better, avoiding distortions.
In addition, will be necessary:
- grinder for cutting steel pipes into segments of the desired length;
- a file with which the chamfer is removed;
- vices that will help securely hold the workpiece in the process of working with them;
- gas wrenches for twisting fittings and pipes (preferably dynamometric - they will not damage the thread of the fitting, dispensing force).
The cutting process usually does not cause difficulties even for a novice master, but here you need to take into account several features:
- when measuring the pipes, remember to take into account the distance that the pipe enters the fitting when twisting;

- when installing, pay attention to the fact that placing the pipe too close to the wall will not make it possible to cut the thread (this requires at least 8-10 cm of free space).
Assembly - the lesson is not particularly time consuming.
Here beginners only make two common mistakes:
- The distortion of products along the longitudinal axis. If it is not accurate to combine the pipe and fittings, you can break the thread. Because of this, it will be impossible to achieve the desired tightness, and damaged parts will have to be replaced with new ones.
- Tightening the fitting or stop valve too tight. It often happens when screwing the taps, when the master wants to tighten the nut a little more, so that the handle of the crane moves more freely. Most often this leads to breakage.
To cope with the situation will complete disassembly and winding additional layers of polymer tape or tow.
Docking with radiators
Another important stage of installation is the connection of pipes with radiators. To do this, use a special type of fittings - sgony.
The operation is performed as follows:
- sgon is screwed onto the pipe until the distance between its cut and the inlet of the battery reaches 5 mm;
- tow is wound on the radiator inlet (along the thread);

- the thread is screwed onto the threads until the force is noticeable, but not excessive;
- joints can be painted to prevent corrosion.
Galvanized pipes are rarely used to construct heating networks. They can be replaced by other parts that are cheaper and easier to mount into a ready climate network. You can learn more about this from the video below.