How to do the installation of polypropylene pipes do it


In this article we will talk about how to do the installation of polypropylene pipes with your own hands using an affordable tool. The relevance of assembling plumbing and heating systems using polymer products is not accidental, since these materials, in comparison with metal products, guarantee a number of operational advantages.

Example of installation of autonomous heating system


Among them we note:

  • low cost of installation of polypropylene pipes 1mp in the case of work by professionals;
  • ease of installation due to the ease of machining pipes;
  • wide range of fittings and, as a result, the possibility of assembling systems with different configurations;
  • lower weight of polymer structures in comparison with metal systems and, as a result, less load on the walls;
  • polypropylene strength and, as a result, the durability of the operational resource;
  • perfectly smooth inner pipe surface, which eliminates the likelihood of accumulation of heavy suspensions dissolved in the transported water and the formation of blockages.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of the advantages of using polypropylene pipes, but the above is enough to make the right choice. After we have considered the merits of products made from polymeric materials, we will determine how the installation of the polypropylene pipeline is performed.

Features of external and hidden communications laying

Hidden laying of the polypropylene pipeline

Long since the instruction of laying water and heating systems assumed an external arrangement of pipes. This method of installation work is characterized by ease of implementation, and in addition, there is constant access to communications, which allows for routine inspection for tightness of the joints.

On the other hand, the external arrangement of communications has one major drawback - the whole system is visible and, as a rule, it does not fit into the design of modern interiors. With the advent of polymer plumbing and heating systems assembled on welded joints, the need for an external arrangement of communications has disappeared.

Solder joints do not flow for several decades and can perfectly withstand external mechanical loads. That is why in the repair of an apartment or a country house, you can use a hidden installation of polypropylene pipes.

In addition, the hidden gasket is commonly used in the construction of systems "warm floor". In this case, the heating system, assembled from plastic pipes, is laid directly into the concrete floor screed.

Material selection

Cross-section of reinforced PP pipes

Before you install the pipes made of polypropylene with your own hands, you need to decide which materials are suitable for the installation of heating systems, and which materials are suitable for assembling ordinary plumbing.

The fact is that polypropylene is not a universal solution and pipe modifications are presented on the market, designed for hot water, for cold water, for water transported under high pressure, etc. Therefore, when designing the future system, you need to decide option that will best meet the operating conditions.

To find out which pipes are designed for what, the marking on their surface allows. Consider the main types of marking, according to which you can make one or another choice.

Polypropylene pipes on the market today can be divided into three main categories:

  • PN 25 is a foiled modification intended for the arrangement of central heating and water supply systems with a temperature of the transported medium up to + 95 ° C with a nominal pressure of 2.5 MPa (25.49 kg 1 cm?).
  • PN 20 is a thick-walled modification without foiling, intended for the installation of water pipelines with a water temperature of not more than + 80 ° C with a nominal pressure of up to 2 MPa (20.4 kg per cm?);
  • PN 16 - universal products equally suitable for hot and cold water supply at nominal pressure in the system up to 1.6 MPa (16.32 kg per 1 cm?) (Such pipes are extremely rare);
  • PN 10 is a thin-walled version designed for cold water supply with a Veda temperature of not more than + 45 ° С with a nominal operating pressure of 1 MPa (10.2 kg per cm?).

Important: PP pipes can be completely white or painted in gray or green. In this case, the color does not indicate a greater or lesser strength and adaptability of the product to the temperature of the transported medium. Therefore, we pay attention to the color solely for aesthetic reasons - will it fit into the interior or not.

Fitting selection

PP fittings and valves

Despite the fact that the installation of polypropylene pipes without welding is possible, the best quality and durable are still soldered joints. For assembly of systems on solder joints, in addition to special tools, special fittings are required.

Structurally, these components are similar to the analogues used in the assembly of metal pipelines, but there are several significant differences. First of all, we need fittings that are made of polypropylene. In addition, the part where the polymer pipe is inserted must be made without a thread with smooth walls.

To connect the system to devices with an internal metal thread, propylene fittings are purchased for pipes, one side of which is intended for welding, whereas the other part must have a connecting element with an external thread.

In specialized stores a wide range of fittings is presented, with which installation and soldering of polypropylene pipes with their own hands will be carried out successfully.

After we decided on the selection of materials and on the two main schemes for assembling plumbing and heating systems, it remains to talk about what the installation technology of polypropylene pipes is.

Installation work using a handheld soldering iron

In the photo - the use of a soldering iron

Interested in ensuring that the water supply in the house worked properly for half a century or more? In this case, you need a special tool for the installation of polypropylene pipes.

Important: A handheld soldering iron for soldering connections is inexpensive and can be purchased if you need to arrange a pipeline throughout the house. In the extreme case, if you are waiting for a small installation work, which you can do quickly, the tool can be rented.

Instructions for soldering the following:

  • select the nozzle corresponding to the diameter of the pipes and fittings and install it on the heating element of the soldering iron;
  • special pruner cut the end of the pipe at 90 degrees;
  • soldered surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a lint free cloth moistened with a degreaser;
  • turn on the soldering iron and through the thermostat expose the working temperature of 260 degrees;
The consequences of the fact that the pipe during installation was inserted into the fitting not all the way
  • after the required temperature has been set, we insert the pipe into the nozzle on the left until it stops, and on the right we put on the fitting
  • count up to 10-15 and remove the alloyed components;
  • immediately insert the preheated pipe into the melted fitting until it stops and hold it in this position for 2-3 minutes;
  • after complete cooling of the polypropylene compound can be used as intended.


Now you know how to assemble a polypropylene pipe with your own hands. You can apply this information in practice, for example, when replacing an old water supply or heating system in an apartment or a country house. More useful information you can find by watching the video in this article.