How to insulate a water pipe in the ground and in the walls
During the construction of a country house, many have to deal with the very urgent question of how to insulate a water pipe under the ground. And most of the developers want to do it with minimal cost.
But the savings on thermal insulation may in the winter period result in high costs to eliminate the breakthrough if the road or some of its sections are laid above the ground freezing point. Let's find out what materials are currently used for insulation, how they are laid, and also see a video demonstration in this article.
Insulation of hidden pipelines
Note. In this case, different methods and materials can be used, since it is possible to insulate the water pipe under the ground not only with any polymer, but also with various heaters, air gaps, filling of expanded clay layer and so on. We consider only the most popular materials that are used most often.
In recent years, the most common insulation for water pipes in the ground is polystyrene foam, but it can be of two types - ordinary and extruded. So, the usual material is a foamed mass, which is obtained from suspension polystyrene - in practice it looks like granules fused together.
Insulation from it turns out quite tough and durable, which is very convenient for hidden laying of highways of communications.
But the extruded polystyrene foam does not already consist of granules - it is a dense foam mass with closed cells. This structure factor allows it to be used for laying pipelines in soils with high humidity, and it is considered one of the best insulants, although its price is also, of course, higher than that of other insulators.
It is very similar to polystyrene foam, only it has larger granules and it does not have such a high density. For example, for foams the limit is 25kg / m2, while extrusion can be 35-45kg / m2.
However, it does not allow water to pass through, and foam shells are widely used, although the instruction does not recommend using it for large external loads, especially in stony soils (stones can cause the layer to be forced).
Polyurethane foam insulation is a mass of polyurethane-based plastic, filled with gas, it can be rigid or elastic (foam rubber). This material for insulating pipes under the ground is also used very often. And not only in industry, but also in civil engineering.
Glass wool is used for warming water pipes for a long time - it is not afraid of damp and has a very low thermal conductivity. Along with it, basalt wool (stone wool) can be used, which, in fact, has the same qualities, only in appearance it is not yellow, but gray.
Due to their low density, both of these varieties are used with an additional insulating layer, for example, with foil, but at home, and sometimes even at production facilities, such a layer is made of ordinary roofing material and fixed with wire.
Note. There is also slag, which is made on the basis of the melt of blast furnace slags. But this material is undesirable to use in damp conditions, since there are particles of iron, which are susceptible to corrosion.
Polyethylene foam is able to protect the communications of water supply and heating at temperatures up to -70? C, therefore, it is used not only for underground installation, but also to insulate pipes in the walls that border the street. Such a shell is made in the form of a soft pipe with a technical seam, which is opened during installation and then glued again.
However, such insulation should not be clamped with wire or in any other way; therefore, during underground installation, such communications are laid in channels protecting the pipeline from ground pressure.
Comparison of mineral wool and foam
Note. We will now compare two quite popular inexpensive materials - mineral wool and foam plastic, and since you can insulate water pipes in the ground with your own hands with any of them, you can choose the best insulator after analysis.
- Mineral wool in its composition contains a toxic substance, phenol, therefore, insulated water pipes for laying in the ground can be mounted only with the use of protective equipment - glasses, gloves, respirator. Foam layer does not represent any danger to the environment and human health, therefore, working with it does not cause contraindications.
- Cotton wool, being a soft material, is subject to deformation and slipping from pipes, both under the influence of external loads and its own weight and in places of compression of the material cold bridges appear. The foam shell is not subject to such squeezing and slipping, therefore, with its installation less worries and it is more stable in operation.
- Minvat is not a moisture-resistant material, and it absorbs moisture, which is very undesirable for steel pipelines, therefore, it is necessarily protected from above with some waterproof layer. The foam does not absorb water and does not deform in wet soils.
In conclusion, one recommendation for those who are looking for, what and how to warm the water pipe above the ground. Any of the above materials will suit you, but with surface mounting there is one undoubted advantage - the ability to use soft insulators (mineral wool, polyethylene foam) without a hard protective shell. Successes!