Modern polypropylene pipes for water supply: selection,
In this article we will talk about what the technical characteristics of polypropylene pipes for water supply and what advantages and disadvantages are peculiar to them. In addition, we consider the features of the installation work and the subsequent operation of polymeric water parts.
The topic of the article is relevant today as never before, since the rejection of traditional metal and metal-plastic components in favor of their polymer counterparts has been noted everywhere.
But it turns out that plumbing polypropylene pipes on the market are represented by a wide range of different categories, which are designed for certain operating conditions. What and how to choose from the range of polypropylene pipes offered in the market?

Main characteristics of the production material

In order to decide on which polypropylene pipes are better for plumbing, consider the main characteristics of the production material.
Polypropylene (hereinafter PP) is produced by polymerization of propylene under the influence of a metal complex catalyst. The conditions in which PP is produced are in many respects similar to the conditions necessary to obtain low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE).
The finished PP is white powder or granules with an average density of up to 0.6 g / cm ?. For the subsequent production of sanitary products, PP is made stabilized, painted or not painted.
Consider the physico-chemical properties of polypropylene:
- Lower density in comparison with HDPE and most plastics, which, incidentally, does not delay PP to demonstrate increased resistance to abrasion and other mechanical stress.
- Increased heat resistance, since most varieties of PP softens only at + 140 ° C, while the melting point is +175 ° C.
- The absence of corrosion deformation and cracking, which significantly extends the service life of products from PP.
- Low sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, subject to the introduction of a number of stabilizers at the production stage.
- Small degree of stretching, which increases with temperature.
- The chemical resistance of the material with the exception of the reaction to the action of strong oxidizing agents, such as concentrated sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide.
Production of PP-pipes

Industrial production of polypropylene pipes is carried out using special equipment - an extruder.
The device is laid granules of the source material with the addition of dyes. Then the material is heated to the melting temperature, after which it is squeezed out with a certain force through special openings that form the profile of the finished product. Next, the finished product is cooled and cut to a length indicated in the process schedule.
Depending on the type of PP-pipes, production technologies may vary significantly. For example, in the manufacture of reinforced products, the polymer mass is extruded from the extruder together with a metal or nylon braid.
The main types of PP-pipes

As a rule, the cost of a polypropylene pipe for water supply depends on the type of product.
Modern PP pipes can be divided into four categories:
- PN 25 - modifications reinforced with aluminum foil, suitable for the organization of heating systems and hot water systems with the temperature of the transported medium no more than + 95 ° C with a nominal pressure of 25.49 kg / cm? (2.5 MPa).
- PN 20 - modifications with a universal nature of operation can be used both for cold and hot water supply with a temperature of the transported medium no more than + 80 ° С with a nominal pressure of 20.4 kg / cm? (2 MPa).
- PN 16 - modifications suitable for the implementation of the schemes of cold and hot water supply with the temperature of the transported medium no more than + 60 ° С with a nominal pressure of 16.32 kg / cm? (1.6 MPa).
- PN 10 - modifications with a small wall thickness suitable for cold water supply or heated floor with a temperature of the transported medium not more than + 45 ° С with a nominal working pressure of 10.2 kg / cm? (1 MPa).
Important: The internal diameter of 25 polypropylene water pipes due to the reinforcing layer is always less than the internal diameter of similar products made without reinforcement. This should be taken into account when choosing pipes for the construction of heating systems, where the intensity of circulation of the heat carrier depends on the flow capacity.

Polypropylene pipes for external plumbing of the PN 25 brand have a reinforcing layer in construction similar to the layer in metal-plastic analogues. But, in the case of polypropylene, the reinforcing layer is shifted to the outer surface of the pipe and at the same time has perforations.
These structural differences greatly simplify installation work using hot soldering.
Important: If you decide to start building your own heating system for the first time and do not know what to choose, use PN 25 and you will not go wrong. Such pipes are the favorite material of domestic plumbers who install them on all types of wiring.

Polypropylene water pipes on the market can have different colors. For example, there are gray, white, green and black modifications.
The color does not indicate any advantages or disadvantages of the product, but is selected only on the basis of aesthetic considerations. However, products painted black, according to the manufacturer, are the most resistant to UV light.
Operational features

Decided to replace the old metal plumbing polymer analog?
This is the right decision, based on the considerations that:
- There are various sizes of polypropylene pipes for water supply on the market, and you can certainly choose the option that best suits your needs.
- Significantly improve the quality of water, as it will not rust and metallic taste.
- The threat of blockages will almost completely disappear, since the inner surface of polypropylene pipes is ideally smooth and does not contribute to the deposition of contaminants on the walls.
- The possibility of self-assembly of the pipeline with the use of a simple to use tool. As a result, it will be possible to save on payment for the services of professional plumbers.
Detailed instructions for installation of PP-pipelines are in the relevant articles on our portal.
- The price of the finished system will be slightly lower than water pipes made of metal or metal-plastic components.
Are there any drawbacks inherent in PP-pipes? If the components for the water supply system are not selected according to GOST, there may be problems with the operational resource of the finished system. If you know how to choose suitable pipes in terms of temperature and pressure, there will be no problems with the water supply resource.
GOST for polypropylene water pipes assumes the resource of finished pipeline systems for 50 years or more. But there is one condition - the pipes must be correctly selected in accordance with the working pressure and temperature of the transported medium.
In the case of overpressure and high temperature in systems built with the use of components intended for cold water, the resource may be reduced to 5-10 years instead of the originally stated period.
Features of the installation

In addition to the need to choose the right diameters of polypropylene pipes for water supply, it is necessary to ensure that these parameters are combined with the parameters of fittings.
Fittings are special connecting elements, usually made of the same material as the pipe. To connect the PP-pipes and fittings together, you need a special soldering iron, the price of which is low.
Installation consists in heating the pipe end and the internal volume of the fitting with a soldering iron. The parts warmed to the required temperature are joined together.
Now that you have a general idea of the advantages of replacing water pipes with polypropylene pipes, you can choose the necessary components and make your home more comfortable.
In order to simplify the selection of the best pipes, we recommend watching the video in this article.