Pvc sewage and its features: we understand thoroughly


With the development of technology, many more recently traditional materials have gradually become a thing of the past. An example of this are cast iron sewers, which have recently been actively replaced by PVC or polyvinyl chloride systems.

Next, we take a closer look at the features of such sewers, their advantages and disadvantages.

PVC sewer riser

PVC sewer features

Since the first time polyvinyl chloride has been tested as a material for sewer systems, more than thirty years have passed. True, the first experience was not very successful, with the result that more than one year was spent on improving the technology.

When the technology of manufacturing PVC elements was finally developed, the testing process began. As it turned out, with careful operation, the durability of products can reach 300 years. Of course, cast iron pipes are far from such indicators.


In addition to durability, polyvinyl chloride pipes have a number of other significant advantages over cast iron, which also influenced their wide distribution. Among them are the following points:

Low price The walls of such pipes are much thinner than cast-iron pipes, as a result of which less material is consumed during their production. In addition, PVC itself is cheaper than cast iron.
Low weight Due to this, the elements of the pipeline is not difficult to transport and easy to install the system with their own hands.
UV Resistance The pipeline may be exposed to direct sunlight.
Repairability In case of failure of one of the elements of the pipeline, it is not difficult to replace.


Of course, PVC highways are not without some drawbacks. The most significant of them are as follows:

Instability to low temperatures At negative temperatures, the product becomes very fragile. Therefore, the main lines of external systems must be insulated.
Low heat resistance Prolonged exposure to temperatures in excess of 75 degrees Celsius can lead to the destruction of individual sections of the pipeline.
Instability to organic solvents Some sewage cleaners corrode the walls of the system. Therefore, before using them, you should read the information contained in the instructions on the package.
The smooth surface of the inner walls Due to this, the probability of sewage clogging is significantly reduced.

Note! The working medium of the PVC pipe is a non-aggressive liquid. For removal of acids, petroleum products and other chemically aggressive liquids use PVC-U pipes.

On a photo - pipes for the external sewerage


There are two main classifications of PVC pipes:

  • According to the location of the system;
  • According to the parameters of the working environment.

Next, take a closer look at them.

Location classification

By location, products are divided into:

  • Outdoor - designed for the construction of sewage systems with large flow areas. In the manufacture of such products used more durable and hard plastic than for internal.
  • Internal - designed to perform the system of drainage from the room. Such products include risers, sanitary PVC pipes for sewage, etc.
Corrugated PVC pipes

Classification by working environment parameters

Depending on the operating conditions, PVC pipes are:

  • Pressure - used in systems where the movement of fluid under a certain pressure. Depending on the type of performance, the pressure can be from 10 atmospheres and above.
  • Pressureless - as it is not difficult to guess, are used in sewer systems, where the movement of drains will be realized by gravity at a speed of no more than 8 m / s.
  • Corrugated - used in the systems of power and low-current fluid motion. Their main feature is a high degree of flexibility.

In addition, it should be noted that PVC pipes for sewage according to GOST 51613 2000 are:

  • Without socket;
  • With socket for sealing ring;
  • With a socket for adhesive bonding.
The product with a bell under the rubber seal

Selection features


Before you buy materials for sewage devices, you should consider the technical characteristics of PVC pipes for sewage:

  • Sizes of PVC pipes for sewage - internal and external diameter.
  • S (series) - means the internal pressure that can withstand the product. The smaller the S value, the greater the pressure that the pipe can withstand.
  • MOR is the maximum pressure in megapascals that a pipe can withstand.
  • SDR - the ratio of the wall thickness of the product and its diameter. The smaller this value, the stronger the product.
  • SN is a ring stiffness parameter that indicates the ability of a product to withstand mechanical loads. The higher the SN value, the stronger the product.

Note! PVC pipes and fittings for sewage come in two colors. Orange is for outdoor systems, and gray for internal systems.

Orange style for PVC sewage

What to look for when choosing

When choosing products, the most important thing is that they correspond to GOST for PVC pipes for sewage, which provides for:

  • Quality assessment by passing certain tests;
  • Availability of standard marking;
  • Proper transportation and packaging of products.

Note! Acquire materials for the sewer system should be such that they have a certain margin of safety. This will ensure their durability.

Of course, it is extremely important that the technical characteristics correspond to the conditions in which they will be used and other tasks assigned to them. For example, self-extinguishing pipes are used for laying cables.

Elements for domestic sewage

Tip! For risers, pipes with a diameter of 110 mm should be used, and the wiring can be made with a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm.

Considering all these moments, it is not difficult to choose the right elements of PVC sewage.


PVC sewage systems have practically forced iron and other metal counterparts out of the market. This is due to the fact that their appearance has greatly simplified the process of sewage installation, and also made the system more durable and reliable.

Of course, PVC sewage has some disadvantages, but they are not so serious as to eliminate its merits.

From the video in this article, you can get more information on this topic.