Connecting the shower to the sewer


Would you like to take a contrast shower in the morning or do a hydromassage after a hard day's work? Consider purchasing and installing a shower stall. No matter what model of shower you buy - installation, as well as connecting the sewage system to the shower cabin and to the water supply system, you can do it yourself.

To avoid mistakes, carefully read our article and follow all the recommendations. The quality of the shower cabin connection to communications depends on the quality of the model installation in the bathroom. It makes sense to first consider the process of mounting the shower and learn all the important points.

Installation work

Installation work

The installation of the shower booth will have to spend some physical strength, but the installation process is not difficult.

Tip! When choosing the place to install the shower, please note that metal structures connected to the electrical grid must be grounded. The room must have a good ventilation system.

Connecting communications

Before installation, examine the features of the shower stall model you purchased. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer, and only then proceed to the installation. Pre-assembly design will give you the opportunity to see the actual size of the shower and understand how to connect the booth to the communications.

Installation of the pallet and connection to the sewer

Installation of the pallet and connection to the sewer

So that the water from the shower stall without delay goes into the sewer system, you need to properly attach the drain pipe. Work strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Remove the apron fragments.
  2. Raise the back of the shower tray.
  3. Place a hose on the shower drain knee at the bottom of the pan.
  4. Attach the other end of the hose to the drain hole of the tub floor.
  5. Insert the end of the fiber-reinforced hose into the side nipple of the elbow.
  6. Install the pan to the place prepared under the shower stall.

Tip! The bottom of the booth should be set strictly horizontally. To comply with this rule, you must use long levels. The position of the pallet can be leveled by adjusting the supports. Lock nuts are used to fix their position.

For high-quality installation of a shower cabin and close fit of the structural elements of the bathroom ceiling should be smooth, and the junction angle of the two walls equal to 90 degrees.

When connecting the shower to the sewer, use flexible hoses longer than necessary. If you need to move the booth, you do not have to connect a new hose. In order for water to enter the common sewage system quickly, the pipe must have a slight slope. When the shower structure is located far from the sewage drain, it is advisable to install a waste pump with solenoid valves. With a high position of the cabin stall above the sewers, the water drains quickly.

Tip! To connect the shower to the sewage system, purchase the best quality plumbing pipes with special connections that fit the size of the outlets of the cabin. Treat all joints with special sealants.

Before proceeding with the assembly of the cabin structure, make a control drain. It is much easier to eliminate sewage connection errors before the installation of the booth is completed.

Water connection

Piping connection

When the pallet is firmly installed and connected to the sewer pipe, you can continue to build the structure further. The entire internal water supply system has already been assembled in the design you purchased, and you need to make a general connection of the shower stall to the water supply system. To better understand this issue, watch the following video.:

Prepare compression fittings, connecting hoses, adapter, fum-tape and sealant. Prior to installation of the booth, arrange water supply to the place of installation and install ball valves. Experts also recommend installing filters.

Tip! In constructions with a hydromassage function, water is supplied by means of a pump booth located under the tray. Water supply pipes must be brought to the level of the pallet.

With low pressure in the pipeline will have to install a tank equipped with a pump. To connect the booth of an improved design with additional functions, the water supply should have a pressure of at least 15 bar. Plastic pipes or flexible hoses with a length of 1.5 meters are used for the connection.

Shower communication system

Connection diagram of the booth to the water supply:

  • Shut off the risers and open the hot and cold water supply to reduce the pressure in the pipeline.
  • Install compression fittings on pipes. If necessary, use a connecting adapter. It ideally connects pipes of different sections and makes it possible to choose the optimal angle of rotation. All connections should be lubricated with a special agent.
  • Connect a flexible hose or plastic pipe to the hot and cold water supply pipes.
  • In the scheme enclosed in the manufacturer's instructions, the pipe connection is clearly indicated. Connect the hoses connected to the pipeline to the inlets on the rear wall of the cabin.

Tip! Apply a fum-tape to ensure the density of the connections.

Water supply

Now, having checked the connections made by yourself, you can continue to install the shower stall further. To check the water supply, open the screwed taps. Inspect joints for tightness. They must remain dry. If not, use a sealant or replace the seal in the joints.

All work is finished and the time has come to take the first shower in the new cabin. How did you install the shower stall? Tell us about your experience in self-assembly and connecting the shower stall to communications in your comments to the article.


Watch the video about installing a shower cabin without the involvement of professionals: