Installing the grease trap yourself


The problem of the formation of blockages in the kitchen sink was probably encountered by many users, but at the same time rarely did anyone think about trying to get rid of this phenomenon forever. It turns out that it is not difficult to do this - just install a simple technical device called a grease trap under the sink.

Such a device, like a filter, will trap fat deposits, which are always present in the drains and are the main cause of the formation of stasis. At the same time, the installation of a grease trap from a technical point of view is not difficult and can be done independently.

Principle of operation and design

This is how the device works.

The basis of the operation of such a filter is the principle of separating the liquid that gets into it after washing dishes into water and grease. The simplest designs of grease traps are a plastic container, the inner space of which is divided by partitions into a number of interconnecting compartments, each of which performs a specific function.

Tip! After installing the grease cleaner, the grease will no longer fall into the sewer pipes located behind it and will not have to be cleaned.

After the receiving compartment, the dirty water enters the pre-treatment chamber, where the so-called sedimentation takes place - the sedimentation of heavy suspended solids on the bottom (under the action of its own weight). In the next compartment, separated from the pre-treatment chamber by a special separation plate, the actual separation of the dirty wastewater into water and grease, which accumulates in the upper part of the chamber, forms a film layer of a certain thickness. Thus, above the second partition, the water rises in the form already cleared of fat, after which it flows directly into the sewer drain.

Grease trap SG-100 kitchen

Most of the known models of household grease traps have approximately the same device and consist of the following parts:

  • plastic container with working compartments and partitions;
  • inlet to connect to the sink;
  • outlet pipe connected to the sewer drain;
  • removable lid (to remove grease and protect against unpleasant odors).

If necessary, long-term operation of the device with an increase in the time intervals between cleanings, special bio-additives are used that are necessary for splitting the accumulated fat.

Device mounting


In the process of installation it is worth adhering to the following instructions:

  1. First of all, it is very important to choose the right place for the separator. At the same time, the main attention should be paid to the fact that this place has a fairly flat surface and provides ease of access to the device (most often it is installed directly under the sink).
  2. To connect the filter device to the sink, its inlet is connected to a drain pipe; and at the point of connection it is necessary to install a rubber gasket included in the separator kit.
  3. In the same way, the outlet pipe of the grease catcher is connected to the drain sewer; and a special gasket is also used here.
  4. At the final stage of work, the device is filled with water, which allows us to empirically test the tightness of all the compounds formed.

Device maintenance


The maintenance of the devices of the class we are considering boils down to the following typical operations:

  • periodic cleaning of the inlet and outlet nozzles from large particles of dirt;
  • cleaning the walls of the housing and the bottom of the grease trap from particles of large debris;
  • preventive maintenance, which consists in thorough cleaning of the entire system (flushing it with hot water);
  • systematic removal of accumulated fat from the grease traps.

Once again, we note that for the effective operation of the device in question, we need to constantly monitor the thickness of the fatty film that has accumulated in the sump and remove it in time. Depending on the separator model you choose, the excess of the accumulated fat is determined either visually (in the simplest samples of the products), or the user is warned about this by the built-in electronics giving an audible signal, provided for in more complex and expensive models.

The main rule of service in the case of direct (visual) control of waste, is that all the activities listed in the above list are performed in a timely manner. In case of violation of these instructions, the formation of severe blockages in the drain system and the appearance in the kitchen of not very pleasant smells is possible. With proper and timely care of the filter device, it will serve you well for many years.
