How to break through the sewers: get rid of blockages on
Comfortable accommodation in a city apartment or a country cottage directly depends on the functioning of various engineering networks. If the dirty water removal system is clogged, convenience is out of the question. Therefore, the question of how to break through the sewers in a private house or apartment is very relevant.
Consider ways to cope with the problem with their own hands.
Simple methods to eliminate blockages
It is unlikely in your life you have not encountered the problem of blockage of the drain pipes. The most common causes are the ingestion of various foreign objects, detergents and organic residues.
If you do not know how to break through the blockage in the sewage system on your own, you can use the services of specialized firms or private specialists. But the price of their services is often too high.
Therefore, it is advisable to gain determination, to arm ourselves with the necessary means and devices and implement everything on our own, honestly earning the grateful views of the household.
Household methods
With home clogs, you can cope with folk remedies, whose effectiveness has been proven over the years.
Here are three common recipes:
Recipe number 1
- it is necessary to clean the drainage hole of debris and pour 1-2 liters of boiling water there;
- after 15 minutes, clean the pipe with a plunger;
- pour 1 cup of soda into the drain and pour 3 cups of boiling water over it.
This procedure should be repeated several times until complete recovery of the sewage system. Soda, creating an aggressive alkaline environment, will not only remove various deposits, but also relieve the internal space of the pipes from various pathogens.
Recipe number 2
- 0.5 cups of soda and the same amount of vinegar should be filled into the drain hole (without various flavoring and aromatic additives);
- when mixed, these two elements form a large amount of foam that cleans the pipe;
- After 2-3 hours, the system should be washed with boiling water.
This recipe allows you to get rid of various deposits that cover the walls of sewer pipes.
Recipe number 3
- mix 0.5 cups of soda and salt and pour them into the sewer hole;
- pour boiling water there and do not allow water to re-enter for 8-10 hours.
Tip! Sewage blockage is easier to prevent than to eliminate the consequences. To prevent the formation of various deposits, it is recommended to pour boiling water into the sewage pipes from time to time, which dissolves fat and soap growths.
If you do not trust the people's advice, you can use special mixtures designed to clean sewer pipes. They are widely represented in the departments for the sale of household chemicals in all modern supermarkets.
The effectiveness of a drug is about the same, the main thing is to strictly follow the rules indicated on the package. Before you break through the sewer pipe, carefully read them.
One of the most effective and simple ways to eliminate blockages is a plunger. This device helps very well when a stopper is formed in the siphon connecting the sink or toilet bowl to the drain pipe.
The strong pressure created by the rubber part of the tool moves the debris inside the pipe, destroying the blockage. Sometimes particles of debris come out through the drain hole, which facilitates the process of their removal.
The cleaning instructions are simple, however, it requires strict adherence to all points:
- if the bathtub or sink is equipped with an overflow hole, it should be carefully closed with improvised means to ensure the tightness of the sewer system;
- the rubber part of the plunger must be placed directly above the drain and pressed tightly against the surface of the sink;
- Keep water covering the lower part of the rubber nozzle;
- then it is necessary to make progressive movements up and down, pumping pressure inside the system;
- then sharply tear the plunger from the hole;
- perhaps the procedure should be repeated several times.
Tip! A more modern device replacing the plunger is available. It resembles a pump and allows you to create a higher pressure, which increases the efficiency of the procedure.
Cable clearing
All of the above methods are effective when the blockage is located near the drain hole. If a plug is formed deep in the pipeline, specialized equipment is required for removal.
The easiest option is a flexible metal cable. It is made of metal wire, twisted into a flexible, elastic and durable spring. One end is equipped with a handle, making it possible to rotate the cable, and on the other end, various nozzles are worn that can break the blockage.
Preparation for work
Before using the sanitary cable, it is necessary to:
- conduct a visual inspection revealing weak points that could lead to a spring breakage;
- check the reliability of mounting the handle;
- install and fasten the nozzle;
- lubricate all moving parts of the cable and handles.
Cleaning procedure
The whole process of getting rid of blockages should be as follows:
- After removing the siphon from the sink, the cable should be directed to the sewer pipe. The direction of movement is in the direction of the flow of fluid to the central drain.
- By rotating the cable with the handle, stretch it as far as possible into the system.. The design features of this tool allow you to easily overcome all the bends of the pipeline. Remember that you only need to rotate clockwise. Otherwise, the spring can unwind and break.
Tip! Using a cable, do not exert excessive efforts, which can lead to breakage of sewage pipes, especially made of plastic.
- Having reached a blockage, it is necessary to increase the applied efforts, trying to break the cork and push the garbage further. You can also use a hook with which a foreign object is pulled out.
- After getting rid of the plug, flush the system with plenty of hot water.
- The funnel formed in the sink during the discharge of water indicates the proper functioning of the sewer system.
The methods described above can get rid of minor blockages. In case of serious problems, it is necessary to turn to professionals who have serious professional equipment at their disposal (see also the article Air vent for sewage is a reliable remedy for various troubles).
You can learn more about this in the video in this article.