How to clean sewer pipe with soda and vinegar and other
Probably every owner of an apartment or private house has repeatedly encountered the situation when water drainage pipes were clogged. In some cases, it is not necessary to call the team of plumbers, because very often simple boiling water or cleaning the sewage with soda and vinegar helps here.
However, even such simple methods contain nuances, which are very desirable to know in order to achieve a positive effect.

In this article, we will examine in detail how to clean the sewage system with soda and vinegar, consider what you need and learn about the possible technology options.

But first, let's touch on one important point.
Possible simplest cleaning options
Consider all the preliminary methods in the table below.
Way | The essence and instruction implementation |
1. Disassembling the siphon. | This is the most primitive thing to do. Siphon is a zigzag nozzle under the sink or drain hole of the bath. As a rule, if it collects too much dirt, hair and various debris, then the water passage through it is blocked. Therefore, disassemble the device and check - it is possible that cleaning of sewer pipes with soda does not need it at all. Simply shake the dirt out of the container and reassemble the siphon. Disassembly and assembly here is simple - the lower nozzle is unscrewed from the top one, and assembled by twisting. |
2. Cleaning the plunger. | This is also a very simple method and simple work, which will help if some light garbage stuck somewhere in the pipe. A plunger due to the formation of a thrust, the pressure inside the pipe is supposed to “move” the problem piece from its place. Everything is done like this: the plunger is pressed against the hole and then abruptly taken away. The operation is repeated several times. If the pipe has not been cleaned, it means that there is no sense to try further and it is necessary to proceed to more serious methods. |

Please note that during the reassembly of the old siphon, it may well give a leak. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the sealing rubber bands have cracked. You can solve the problem by using silicone - just treat them to the connection line and do not operate the siphon for a day.
Well, now consider how to clean the sewer soda and vinegar. (See also the article Air valve for sewage: features.)
Use of soda as a cleaning agent
Before you begin to review the methods, it is worth highlighting two important nuances.
- Handle vinegar and soda (especially caustic) with the utmost care, because these are still unsafe substances to the skin and eyes.. Use rubber gloves and goggles while working - caution never hurts.

- If, before applying soda, you tried to process the drain with any chemical from the store, then do not rush to mix these substances. Because there is a risk of an unpredictable chemical reaction. Wash the problem area first with water as thoroughly as possible, and then apply soda or vinegar.
Let's return to cleaning the sewage with your own hands.
First way
To do the work you need to stock up on this:
- Standard baking or caustic soda. The second option is more caustic and aggressive alkali and should be used as carefully as possible.

- Regular apple or distilled vinegar. It is not very important what kind of vinegar will be used, because the direct purpose of the liquid is only to cause the desired chemical reaction, and the main “stripping” will be performed by soda.
- Enough hot water.
Pay attention that warm water is not suitable for such a process - all you need is boiling water or moisture close to its temperature. The fact is that with warm water it will be problematic to wash off the foam that will arise from the interaction of soda and vinegar.
- Rag for clogging the drain hole.
As you can see, the price of the right ingredients and items is purely symbolic, which means that literally everyone will be able to use the technology.
Now the actual cleaning instruction itself:
- You need to fill the maximum amount of dry soda in the drain hole. Usually about half of the standard pack of substance leaves.
- Take half a glass of acetic acid, it is desirable to warm it. This can be done in the microwave. Pour the acid into the hole.
- We are waiting for a couple of seconds and if we see that the substances begin to "foam", then we quickly plug the drain with a rag. At the same time, it is necessary to plug the hole as tightly as possible so that the rag does not come out under the influence of acid and powder. If this happens, the mixture will come out, which means there will be no reaction and, accordingly, “cleaning” inside the pipe.

- After half an hour, we remove the cloth, wash the main line with boiling water and, if necessary, repeat all the work anew.
That is, it turns out that the garbage seems to dissolve under the influence of such a chemical reaction, and then the whole mass is elementarily washed off.
Now we will consider how to clean the sewage with caustic soda and ordinary salt.
Second way
This technology implies the presence of such substances and objects:
- Approximately 300 grams of caustic substance.
- A bundle of salt.
- Boiling water.
The scheme of work is as follows:
- Fall asleep soda in the hole in the bath or sink.
- Do the same with salt.
- Fill the top with boiling water.
After the operations, we leave the premises for about half an hour. At the same time, it is important to ensure that nothing flows into this sewer opening during the specified time.
After half an hour we flush the highway - the garbage should be dissolved successfully. And if such methods did not help, then you will have to call the plumber.

This concludes the review of ways to remove debris from the drain with the help of such simple scrap materials.
Let's summarize the article.
As you can see, a solution based on soda is quite possible to clear the blockage in the sewer pipe. We have provided you with instructions, we hope that you will be able to effectively put them into practice. If the information did not seem to be enough, then watch the thematic video in this article.