How to clean sewer pipes: a review of technology and useful


When a sewer system is clogged by an inexperienced person in this case, the question often arises as to how to act in such a situation. In most cases, the plumber is called, but it is expensive, and besides, the master often has to wait a long time. Why spend money and waste time - after all, cleaning the pipes is a fairly easy thing that you can do on your own.

In this article we will deal with all the basic and affordable methods of cleaning, the effectiveness of which is time tested. The peculiarity is that all the methods published below do not imply any significant costs.

Cleaning the drain hole

So, the review of "home" technologies to eliminate sewage blockages.

We clean sewers by ourselves

It is worth noting one important thing - as illustrative examples will be considered methods that effectively help in the case when the sewage system is clogged somewhere near the point of discharge and, of course, not very much.

If serious traffic jams are somewhere far in the riser or, for example, there are clay blockages (this happens when the pipes are laid in the ground and there is a crack in them), then it is unlikely that you can avoid calling the team of plumbers.

An example of a very serious blockage

Therefore, try to objectively assess the situation and take up your own hands only to clean up those blockages that are within your apartment.

With soda and vinegar

This method is very simple to implement, and the point here is that soda when interacting with vinegar or boiling water, triggers an alkaline chemical reaction inside the pipe. And it turns out that the alkali, as it were, eats away fats, hair and small organic garbage - in most cases the congestion consists of all this.

Instructions for cleaning soda and boiling water are as follows:

  1. 1 liter of boiling water is poured into the drain hole of the bath or sink and left for 15 minutes.
  2. After 15 minutes, you need to take a plunger and in an up and down motion try to “break through” the blockage by the air pressure that this tool creates..
Principle of operation of the plunger
  1. If nothing happens, then pour a glass of ordinary soda into the hole and pour boiling water over it.. In this case, the water should be three times more than soda. This is necessary in order for the soda to be, as it were, under load and due to this it “crept” to the jam as close as possible.
Boiling water in the sink

Well, then you should wait about 20 minutes and again apply the plunger. In theory, if the blockage is light, then it should be removed.

Tip: if you see that the situation has improved, but not to the end, then try using vinegar instead of boiling water - the alkaline reaction will be an order of magnitude stronger. Only when using vinegar it should not be heated. And besides, after such a solution is poured, the hole must be closed with a cork, because the composition will foam and without a cork it will simply come out.

Scheme cleaning soda and vinegar

In general, it turns out that soda and vinegar is the simplest pipe cleaner you can think of.

Now let's talk about the use of chemistry.

With the help of chemicals

The most popular industrial substance is called "Mole". If you have not heard about it, then believe me - it is much better than many imported counterparts, and this despite the fact that it is cheaper. So it makes no sense to overpay for a foreign brand.

Sewage cleaning with the help of Mole is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Between 50 and 150 milligrams of substance are poured into the drain hole.
Pouring fluid into the drain hole
  1. After that, the Mole is left inside the line for at least a couple of hours (the specific time is usually indicated on the label - it depends on the composition and on the number of certain components in the liquid).
  2. After the specified time, the substance is thoroughly washed with running water.

In principle, if the blockage consisted of organic substances or rust, then after interacting with chemistry, it should dissolve.

Please note that “Mole” is produced by different manufacturers, which means that the application instructions for each individual plant may differ slightly. Remember this and be sure to read the rules of application on the purchased product, so as not to be bothered with the tool in vain.

It looks like

And now let's consider the simplest mechanical pipe cleaner that should be used if soda, vinegar and Mole did not help.

Cable clearing

The cable is a product of steel, which is twisted into a spiral along the entire length. This structure allows you to rotate the cable around the axis any number of times without breaking and deforming the metal.

It looks like plumbing cable

It works like this:

  1. The end of the cable runs into the drain hole.
  2. The rod moves inside the pipe until it is “rested” at the site of the blockage.
Run the cable into the sewer
  1. After that, the cable starts to rotate vigorously. In theory, he should twist inside the structure of the "cork", as if to hook it and "move" it. After that, the blockage will gradually begin to collapse due to the fact that the metal will move "back and forth."

By the way, there is a portable pipe cleaning machine on the market with which it is much easier to rotate a cable.

Photo machines for cleaning sewage

So, we have reviewed the main technologies of self-cleaning sewage, let's evaluate their effectiveness in the comparative table below.

Method Name: Features:
  1. Cleaning soda and vinegar.
The method is convenient, first of all, because its price is very low. And besides, these substances are "in the arsenal" of any hostess, and therefore do not need to spend time searching for and acquiring them. Among the shortcomings, we can single out a not very high probability of a successful outcome of the case with a more or less serious blockage.
  1. Work with chemicals.
It turns out that such substances corrode blockages better than soda and acetic acid. That is, the chances of success are very high. However, when working with chemistry, there is a high risk of injury to the skin and even the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is possible to apply the method, but you should act very carefully.
  1. Clearing the rope.
The technology effectively works in case of the formation of quite serious congestion, and their distance from the drain hole in the apartment can exceed several meters. The disadvantage is that some skills are required to work with a cable and that is why work may not work right away.

This review is over.


As you can see, cleaning the pipes of the sewage system is really not very difficult, and it is quite possible to “turn” everything independently and at no significant cost. We have provided you with methods and advice - we hope that you will be able to successfully put them into practice. If the information did not seem to be enough, then we recommend watching the video in this article.