How to clean the clog in the toilet yourself
Perhaps every civilized person at least once in his life will have to face the question of how to clean the clog in the toilet, and the solution to this problem will need to be carried out independently. And this is true, because calling a plumber is equal to calling an ambulance, and waiting for several hours or even a whole day is simply not the case.
And sometimes it is even impossible, especially if the apartment has elderly people or small children who cannot go to the toilet in another place. But the blockage may not always be in the toilet, so you need to first determine its location, what we will help you with now, and also the video in this article is waiting for you.

Reasons and elimination
How to determine the location of the blockage

If you find that the water does not go down the drain, the very first way to clean the toilet from clogging is to use a plunger, which is in every house with an internal bathroom. If the reason lies precisely in the neck or the release of the device, then after a few wiggles you can break through the channel, and the water will begin, as before, to go down the riser.
But if this does not happen, then you need to visit the neighbors below, and, they do not have to be just under you - the most important thing is that they use the same sewer riser. If they have everything in order, then the problem is located above them.
That is, in the segment of the vertical pipeline between you and them. In the event that the water also does not come down, then on the question of how to clean the toilet from clogging, they need to take similar actions - use a plunger and go down below.

In the event that such a problem is observed on all floors, then the question of how to clear the blockage in the toilet should be largely taken up by representatives of public utilities or residential housing, but sometimes it happens that it is simply impossible to wait.
For such cases in the basement there are revisions, and the test begins with the farthest of them - opening the revision and not finding water there, it is closed back and move to a more near hole.
In cases where the cause of the blockage is not found even in the basement, you need to wait for the plumber or the brigade on duty. Although this is unlikely, the problem may lie in the nearest inspection hatches, where you should not descend arbitrarily — you can even be fined for it.
Recommendation. If you do not live on the top floor, then in case of sewage obstruction on the riser, you need to immediately notify your neighbors from above, so that they do not use a drain for this time.
Cleaning work

- Now let's see how to clean the toilet from a blockage with your own hands, if the neighbors have everything in order and the water does not come off just from you, in any case, your apartment is lower in the problem area. The plunger, of course, will not help here, therefore, a sanitary steel or plastic cable is used to eliminate the blockage of the sewage system. Only its end should be rolled in order not to scratch the pipe, as required by the instructions, since later this will be a platform for delaying feces and small debris.
- In this case, it will be enough for a cable of 3-5m, which you lower into the neck and, rotating it with the handle on its axis, push it deeper and deeper.. But if it is possible to remove a corrugated hose or a plastic corner from the outlet, you can immediately get into the riser fitting - this is much more convenient. Of course, such an operation is best done together - one person directs the cable, and the other twists it - so the lambs on the cable are not formed, because it is possible to maintain it in tension.

- In addition, it is possible to clean the riser through a revision, which should be on each floor, even if the metal pipes were replaced with plastic, although in the latter case the owner himself decides whether to install an audit (its price is similar to the usual tee of the same diameter). In these situations, it is much easier to use the cable to clean the sewage system than through the toilet or through the corner fitting, since here the approach will be much more convenient.
Note. You can find exactly the same revision in the basement, if there is a need for it, only it will look a little different (there, as a rule, metal pipes) - it will look like a pad on the flange tightened with bolts on the side of the pipe. Only the plumbing cable here is likely to need a longer one - 10 or even 15m.

If such a problem occurred in the private sector, then you can perform all the actions described above, only here you have free access to the revision well, as in the photo above. In cases where the septic tank is located further than 10m from the house, or a tapping into the general sewage system is carried out there at a remote distance, such security measures (in the form of an auditing well) should always be taken.
To avoid frequent blockages, both in the private sector and in a high-rise building, chemical, liquid or powder sewage cleaners should be used.
That is, you do not need to pour them directly into the toilet - as a rule, prevention begins from the most extreme point (most often, this is a kitchen sink). Thus, at the same time all pipes, both horizontal and vertical, are cleaned.
Now you know how to clean the blockage in the toilet and further along the sewage pipes, but nevertheless you should avoid throwing even small solid garbage in the form of food waste or hygiene items into the toilet - as a rule, such accumulations create congestion. Also, be careful when hand washing - water poured from a bowl can be with any accessory of linen, which you simply did not notice.