How to clean the sewers in a private house independently: 3
There is hardly at least one adult person who, to one degree or another, would not encounter a clogging of sewer pipes. Naturally, you can call specialists, but if they are not nearby, and this often happens in country houses or in rural areas, then not many of us know how to clean the sewage system in a private house with our own hands.
Preparatory activities
Immediately, we note that the use of mesh filters, of course, reduces the likelihood of clogging, but these devices do not trap grease and soap solution, which eventually accumulate on the walls of pipes. And sooner or later you will think about how to clean the sewer pipe in a private house.
In fact, cleaning sewage in a private house from the same classes in the apartment are not much different, but small subtleties still exist. On the one hand, there are a few more options for cleaning the system, and on the other hand, some methods should be used more carefully and only as a last resort.
The reasons for blockage can be many, but there are only 3 ways to clean the sewage system at home.
- The easiest is chemical, It involves the use of chemically active substances that corrode the cause of the blockage.
- If chemistry failed, then it is time to mechanically deal with the problem.. Here various cables, spirals or hooks are used.
- Hydrodynamic option is used less frequently, as it requires the use of special equipment and often resort to it last.
First, you should decide what type of blockage you got and starting from this to choose the method of elimination.
- If the blockage is local, then not passing through the drains will be only at one point, for example in the kitchen. If the drains do not pass through the whole house, then the central highway is blocked.
- Before resorting to serious measures, you should disassemble and clean the siphons under the sinks and under the bathroom, in half the cases this is enough.
- If the blockage is local, then fatty plaques or soap bloom can be removed with boiling water. If all this did not help, then the question of how to clean the sewer at home, you need to decide more radically.
Important: if you decide to use boiling water, please note that this can be done only if you have a stainless steel metal sink. Porcelain products or enamel from the sudden temperature drop may burst. It is recommended to pour boiling water directly into the pipe, bypassing the siphon.
Common cleaning methods
As mentioned earlier, there are only 3 general directions, and what specific method is appropriate for eliminating sewer blockages should be solved individually.
Chemistry in the fight against blockages
There are a lot of chemicals designed to eliminate this problem, but when deciding how to clean the sewage system in a private house, certain factors must be taken into account. First of all it should be noted that the products are acidic and alkaline.
Each chemical is accompanied by an instruction that sets out a sequence of actions. But also in it it is underlined for what pipes this chemical is intended. Substances oriented to the plastic system can work poorly on cast-iron pipes or even damage them.
So what is at home to clean the sewer pipe is selected individually. In the trading network, the price of chemicals may be different, but from experience it can be said that they all work approximately equally. The only exception may be products manufactured in artisanal conditions.
If we talk about folk methods, then the easiest is to pour 100-200 g of soda into the pipe and fill it with the same amount of vinegar. As a result, we get an alkaline solution, which in most cases corrodes oily layers. Soon after abundant foam has gone, it is necessary to wash off this agent with plenty of water.
Important: you can not use flammable compounds, as their vapors may explode if released into the drain hole. Plus, mixing acidic alkaline agents is strictly prohibited.
Mechanical Cleansing Options
When there is a cleaning sewage in a private house, the first number is the usual plunger. This rubber cup, attached to the handle, now produces various types of these devices, but they have one principle of operation, they are based on the use of a vacuum hammer.
The instruction here is simple:
- Sink or bathroom is dialed to the level when the bowl of the plunger will be covered with water.
- After that, the drain hole is closed by a plunger and the cleaning is carried out in a reciprocating motion.
- The edges of the bowl for sealing better lubricate with petroleum jelly. Plus, after the last jolt, you need to sharply pull out the instrument, and there should be several such sessions.
A more effective method of mechanical cleaning is the use of sanitary cable. There are many of these devices. The flexible cable on the one hand can be supplied with a hook or a sharp lance. On the opposite side is a knob to rotate the tool.
It is better to work in pairs, one person directs the cable into the pipe, and the second at this time rotates the handle. Due to the constant rotation, the flexible cable easily overcomes all the twists and turns of the system.
Tip: when you feel that the site of localization of the blockage is covered with a cable, turn on the hot water and make another 10 to 20 jolts. So the clog will be eliminated more qualitatively and when removing the sewer cable to clean the pipe, it will be easier to wash it immediately.
Water hammer method
This method is based on the use of a powerful compressor. Under high pressure, water is fed into the flexible hose, which breaks through the blockage. The flexible hose is equipped with a special head on which there are several holes. One hole is directed forward, the rest are around the head and directed back at an angle of 30? in relation to the hose.
This design ensures rapid advancement of the hose through the pipe and thorough cleaning. Do not forget that all the drain holes in the house, while you need to plug, because if the clog is tight, the water can go in the opposite direction and hit the dirty fountain somewhere in the sink. For the same reason, this method should be very carefully applied in high-rise, apartment buildings.
There is a special technique, but in addition to it you can use a compressor for washing cars or some types of washing vacuum cleaners. Even a household submersible pump connected to a garden hose may be suitable for removing minor blockages.
The video in this article shows some subtleties of cleaning.
Do not forget that deciding how to clean the sewer pipe at home, you can combine several methods at once. Although if you once a month fill the cleaning agent with prophylaxis or use soda vinegar to clean it, then it may not be possible to get serious blockages at all.