How to clean the sink: simple ways to solve a difficult
In this article we will discuss how to clean the sink and why water does not leave the sink. The topic of the article is of considerable interest, since clogging of the drain can occur both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Moreover, not a single wash is insured against clogging, and therefore it is necessary to know and be able to put into practice methods of prevention and problem solving.
Causes of blockage
Despite the fact that in the process of using sinks and sinks, a special mesh is used, sooner or later, we are faced with the fact that water does not leave the sink.
The cause of blockage of sewage flow lies in the formation of an obstacle that in one degree or another interferes with the passage of fluid. Among the main signs of a blockage can be noted the stagnation of water and the fact that the sink smells of sewage.
It is possible to find out and eliminate the cause of the blockage by calling a professional plumber. But, since the price of the services of specialists is high, you can do this work yourself.
Most often, the reduction in throughput of a sink is caused by mechanical blockage.
- First, during the operation of the washing, day after day, small particles of pollution penetrate through the slots of the barrier grid, which accumulate on the walls of the drain pipe. The situation becomes much more complicated if there is no filtering mesh, as is often the case in washstands. As a result, in the process of shaving or other daily procedures, larger impurities get into the drain, which in a short time form a dense sticky lump that clogs the exit from the siphon.
- Secondly, mechanical clogging can be caused by operational wear of pipes and related elements.. This problem is uncharacteristic for modern polymer sewer systems, but it is often found in cast iron drains. Cast iron pipelines tend to reduce the internal diameter due to the lack of smoothness of the internal surface of the walls. As a result, all these irregularities accumulate fat, this layer gradually increases and prevents the passage of fluid.
- Thirdly, blockages can be triggered by initially incorrect installation of the drain.. To solve this problem, a drainage system is needed.
- . For example, a way out of the current situation may be the replacement of insufficiently wide pipes with pipes with a large diameter.
Now that we know which causes contribute to a decrease in the flow capacity of the drain, we will try to identify the problem and find a way to fix it.
Ways to eliminate blockage
If the water does not leave the sink, it is too late to think about the prevention of blockages and you should immediately begin to eliminate them.
The ways to fix the problem differ according to their likely location:
- Siphon deposits - this problem is most easily resolved. Consider what is the instruction of cleaning a modern plastic siphon.
First of all, open the cabinet under the sink and see there is a cylindrical design attached to the drain. In the side of the cylinder there is an outlet, from which the corrugated hose leaves. This cylinder is a siphon.
For cleaning we need a bucket, rubber gloves, as the work is dirty, an old toothbrush and maybe some kind of detergent.
We put a bucket under the siphon, put on gloves and carefully unscrew the lower part of the cylinder. Be prepared that water will rush out of the siphon, this is normal.
We wait until the water is completely drained, then carefully clean the pollution from the untwisted cup. Next, dismantle the upper part of the siphon and clean up all the pollution. We clean and assemble the cleaned device, and at the same time, we don’t forget to install sealing bands on the original places.
After the siphon is assembled and installed in its original position, turn on the water and make sure that it runs freely. In addition, we carefully examine all the connections that have been disassembled and re-assembled for the presence of leaks.
If there are no leaks, and the water is not delayed, the cleaning is successfully completed. If the stench from under the sink has not disappeared and the water is standing, then the problem is somewhat more complicated.
- Clogged pipes are a problem that will have to be dealt with if cleaning the siphon did not produce the expected result. The instruction for the cleaning works is as follows: we dismantle the siphon and disconnect the corrugated hose from the drain, and then proceed to pierce the cork. Do not know how to break through the sink? There are two ways - cleaning with the use of chemistry and mechanical method.
- The use of chemicals is simple - poured the product into the pipe in the required volume, waited a specified time and washed with clean water. But, this way, unfortunately, is not able to break through serious pollution, formed over time.
- A more effective method is the use of sanitary cable.
The end of the cable is pushed into the drain, then the rotational movement of the cable is pushed into the pipe for the entire length. Most likely, the traffic jam will be eliminated already at the first pass, but for completeness of the result it is better to make several passes and be sure that the sewage system will not be blocked again.
After the mechanical cleaning has been successfully completed, you can pour a chemical agent like “Mole” into the pipes, which will corrode and dissolve the remaining dirt that has not been removed with a cable. At the end of the cleaning works, the system is fully collected and washed with a large amount of water.
Important. If the blockage occurred in the old riser, assembled from cast-iron pipes, cleaning is unprofitable, since the deposits will soon again have an effect. The most effective solution in this case is the complete replacement of the cast-iron components of the sewer system with modern pipes made of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride.
Prevention of blockage
In order at the last moment not to look for an answer to the question of how to clean the sink with available means, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures.
If the elimination of the problem takes a lot of time, and also requires the acquisition of special tools and tools, then preventive measures will take much less of your time and will not require financial investments.
- To start, once a week, work to boil water in a saucepan of up to 10 liters and pour this boiling water into the sink. Hot water can melt most fats and remove surface deposits inside pipes.
Important: Do not be afraid that such a small amount of hot water will damage plastic parts of the drain.
- Once a month you can pour half a liter of Mole into the drain and then rinse with 10 liters of clean water. Such a precautionary measure will allow for a long time to forget about the problem of blockages.
- Another effective method is to pour soda into the drain. Then a glass of vinegar is poured into this hole. It remains to wait until foam appears from the drain, after which the drain can be washed with clean water.
- Check the throughput of the mesh in the sink. If the gaps in the grid are too large, you can purchase a similar product, but with a smaller cell size.
We solve the problem of washing noise
The question of why the sound of the sea is heard in the sink is relevant not only in relation to the dwelling of marine mollusks. A regular kitchen sink can also be a source of noise.
Open the tap in the kitchen. I want to know why the sink is noisy?
In this case, it is time to think about the proper selection of spout and sound insulation of the sink.
- First, take a look at the sink below, if there is no noise-absorbing rubber sticker on the metal surface, it must be cut out from scrap materials and fastened. In extreme cases, the entire inside of the metal shell can be covered with a thin layer of foam and there will be no extraneous sounds at all.
- Second, try changing the sink spout. Sometimes a change in the place where the jet falls allows reducing the noise level by tens of decibels.
So, now we know how to clean the sink from pollution and how to make it less noisy. If you have any questions, you can find comprehensive answers by viewing the video in this article.